
CRank: 5Score: 56100

Nier 2 was amazing, but I hate how they took the money the money and ran leaving the fans with barely any post-launch support other than a throw away DLC.

2469d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I was expecting the HDR patch on this update too, which is totally BS because the PC had HDR in the beta! Come'on Bungie.

2469d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Destiny's "story" is just your typical generic scifi nonesense. Perhaps Bungie will cook up an overview for PC gamers but in truth, after the campaign, nobody cares.

2473d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So long as the games are good and its not streaming garbage, I'm in.

2475d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Everyone must use Bungie's mobile app because basic clan roster functions isn't working. Which means no way to see who is in your clan, no way to see if they're online, and no way to communicate with them. Everything must be done through a mobile app.

2476d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm playing on the PS4 Pro, and its very, very good. If there's such a thing as silky smooth 30 FPS in 40K, then this is it. However, the console still suffers from one crippling problem and it's this. 100 member clan, 63 persons online but you can't talk to any of them unless use an extremely clunky mobile app. Even then, you can't even group with your clan members unless you add them to your friend list first. LMAO, so horrible and clunky I have no idea how console gamer...

2477d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

I made huge mistake by pouring $100 into the PS4 version like a blind fanboy only to find out that PC version is vastly superior in ways beyond the technical aspect. Everyone knows about the 60 FPS and KB+Mouse. But the Destiny 2's biggest feature on the PC is the rumored zone chat.

This alone crushes the console version because it eliminates the issue of having 300K players online but you are forever alone because your friends are not online. If its anything like The D...

2487d ago 12 agree29 disagreeView comment

The most impressive thing about the PC beta over the PS4 is the 60 FPS. The difference in gameplay quality is like night and day. Its as if the PS4's Guardians are running through mud while the PC Guardians are gracefully bouncing around carefree and unencumbered. The entire game just flow and move so naturally without artificial stuttering.

2489d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

PC gaming owns the online space. Thats the irony of it, despite the sale numbers console games just can't boast this kind of numbers. Even at their height CoD and Destiny can barely break 400K and Destiny is online only. Yet these so called AAA games are crushed by an indie PC shooter. Not even Overwatch can match this LOL.

2493d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Casuals will cry but perma death is great.

2505d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Vega in a console? You mean the same architecture that requires an outrageous 750 watts power supply to run Vega 64 on the PC? Hell no. Vega TDP is so out dated it knocked the GPU industry back 5 years in terms of power efficiency. The console don't need this.

2507d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Their support for this game is utter shit though. PS Pro version can't keep a steady 60 fps and could use more tweaking but is instead abandoned aside from a fluff DLC. Don't even get me started on the PC version. Compared to Horizon for example, they took the money and run.

2515d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow, NICE.

2524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep searching for a reason why this is called Destiny 2 in the beta and found none. The most insulting thing about Destiny 2 is that it will offer less content than Destiny, without solving any of the game's biggest issues. The server tick rate still sucks, the game is still 30 FPS garbage, and the open world is still barren AF. That big "wow" moment never came.

2527d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment


2528d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The idiotic excuse that is full of contradiction. Most TVs don't support HDR yet it didn't stop the consoles from pushing this feature. Long story short, any TV that is 4K and HDR capable can easily handle 60 FPS. The fault is with the pathetically weak console that must resort to using fake resolutions to achieve 4K. If the console truly are 4K capable then everyone on both the Xbox and Sony side would be enjoying 1080p 60 FPS by now.

2528d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is Elite Dangerous biggest problem. There are more content and systems than No Man Sky but it is still devoid of real gameplay. For those seeking thrills and excitement, the vast majority of your time in combat will spent in hisec vulturing kills from security NPCs and that is brain dead and boring AF.

2528d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony had a few clunkers this gen but there were also some really generation defining exclusives. Bloodborne, Nioh and Horizon is and Uncharted 4 just to name a few.

On the MS side nothing even come close to this line up. Maybe for the next Xbox but I think they're done this gen.

2536d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

More 4K bullshit hype from the MS fanboys at DF. The PC has been doing this for nearly a decade yet PC games don't require epic install size and 4K to experience said textures. This is just another ploy for MS to dupe gullible console gamers into their "true 4K" lies when it's not true 4K and can't run games at 60 FPS 1080P.

That's the irony of the situation that the Digital Foundry fanboys isn't pointing out, 4K assets for games that isn't...

2541d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment


2541d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment