
CRank: 5Score: 2720

holy shit. I just found the most amazing MW3 video ever. Any of you think you can do better than this?

4667d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

i just tried playing the game like in video without the HUD. it does look stunning. HUD takes away a lot of the realism and immersion.

BUT. its really tough to play without any hud at all. Playing this way u dont know who is on your team, who isnt, what checkpoints are taken, what arent, etc .etc...

4667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4668d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and why would they need to negotiate with blizzard for that again?

Dota does not belong to blizzard.

4668d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

uhh.. could be half life 2, EPISODE 3.

4668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

back to karkand isnt on sale. yawn.

4668d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

gaming on a console are you? lol.

Look at pc version. then delete your comment, throw out your console, and buy a PC.

4669d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

lmfao best shooter of the year for call of duty?

yeah ok. VGAs = will never watch again. They made it a popularity contest rather than nominating the real winners. And not just the FPS category.


4669d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

problem with kinect is not technology. Its microsofts approach.

Why the stupid insistence of kinect only control? Kinect should be an addon to work WITH a controller.

I dont even own a 360 and i think it would be awesome if you could game with a controller and move around at the same time in a room (and have kinect track it).

Motion senser + controller = win.

4670d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

except for the fact that your reason is console fanboy drivel.

Do some research before you talk, otherwise people will call you out on it. Stalker sold well on PC, and money was not the problem for GSC. The company was allegedly involved in tax fraud and the owner supposedly wants to shut it down for "personal reasons".

Not to mention the fact that the devs were payed peanuts even by local standards. So their development costs were likely much lower...

4670d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

what other purpose could it serve rofl... of course its to get money. The whole point of consoles is to have a locked down system so MS and SONY could capitalize on it.

Oh you are a ps3 fanboy i forgot. I own it too, but at least i dont worship the pos.

4670d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

proprietary SD cards to rip off consumers. yay.

4671d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

They are "only semiaccurate" because they post info from their inside sources. These "rumors" dont always turn out to be right, but a lot of times they are right on the money.

Sometimes known tech sites like anand, LR, etc, have inside info like this too, but they are afraid to post it because it could damage their credibility if it came up wrong. Bottom line is, you cant get info like this anywhere else, and while there is no guarantee that any of the inf...

4673d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You seem to miss one crucial point. DICE relies on feedback from GAMERS to figure out what balance changes need to be made.

If they didnt, the game wouldnt have balance issues and wouldnt need patches in the first place. They look at the general complaints and then address them by making changes. That is why they couldnt release a 100% balanced game from the get-go.

Your original post is idiotic for that reason. I expressed my opinion on what is OP. If im the...

4673d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is your opinion, and it is worthless to me.

Im not "just mad" at what kills me. I sit in mobile AA and own noobs all day long. Its OP, as is Air (especially choppers).

Regular players can notice exploits in a game without having their own self interest in mind. If that sounds like too complex an idea for you, then take your own advice and dont post.

4674d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

yesterday i shot a jet in midair with a tank, got 100 points for a "vehicle disabled" and watched it fly away.

Also shooting a heli with a regular RPG doesnt kill it?

Stingers and javelin are useless? They should take those items out if they are going to nerf them to the point no1 uses them.

Air is OP and so is mobile AA. I sometimes wonder if any of DICE employees bothered to play the game.

40-5 chopper pilot. Luls...

4674d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

This website is 10x more likely to be right than some of the misinformation that has been posted recently about this topic. This isnt some delusional guy yapping about ARM cpus in the next xbox or some other nonsense like that. These are people that understand the industry, and the technology behind it.

take a look through their forums. Nerds and geeks, but they know their stuff. And this guy broke several stories early about all kinds of hardware.

4674d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really liked your article Highlander... But I think you are preaching to the wrong audience. A lot of these people are not capable of independent thought or even considering a point of view that does not agree with their own.

I agree with you on some of the things you said, but the truth is that most games are released in that state today. That is the reason I decided to wait before purchasing BF3 (and got it for 30$ straight from EA 1 month after release).


4676d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

cod skills are applicable when playing bf3. quick reflexes are good for any FPS.

BUT. mariahelfutura is right to call you out on your lies. 50 plus kills and 20 deaths? Doesnt sound like you played the game... Tickets and time given doesnt usually allow for such scores.

4677d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reading your comments guys... wow. A lot of you are pretty delusional. Lets get something right in the open. does NOT think xbox won the year. How could it with so little games released? The reasons given are pretty bogus. They still claim xbox 360 victory, and that is for only 1 reason.

To infuriate you fools and make you go and read the article. Hits generate ad revenue, and that is all they need. There is no console war, and there is no v...

4677d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment