
CRank: 5Score: 43730

Judging by last generation and now the start of this one Microsoft doesnt have a chance. The fact is last gen MS had a year head start and a much lower price point yet when PS3 released it sold more year for year than the Xbox 360 so much so that the PS3 eventually overtook the 360 in worldwide sales. This gen the PS4 was released a week earlier has stronger hardware and is a lower price point and is currently stomping the Xbone in sales. So judging by history and the incredible position Son...

3738d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yet Sony still sits comfortably ahead with nearly 7 million sold while Microsoft is still behind the Wii U in total sales. Titanfall really doesnt seem to be the "system seller" it was touted as. A small bump in sales yes but as big as portrayed a huge hell no!

3741d ago 12 agree10 disagreeView comment

WOW, your fanboyism is definitely showing. You seem to have left out several games on the Playstation side to try and prove a point but in doing so just proved your idiocy. What about warframe, DCUO, or Blacklight Retribution ? Or how about dont starve, Outlast or Final Fantasy speaking of that you forgot to mention Resogun a release game that was free for plus members that smashed everything the Xbone had to offer at the time? Im sure youll come back with but but those are Im the pc as well ...

3742d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOW, your fanboyism is definitely showing. You seem to have left out several games on the Playstation side to try and prove a point but in doing so just proved your idiocy. What about warframe, DCUO, or Blacklight Retribution ? Or how about dont starve, Outlast or Final Fantasy speaking of that you forgot to mention Resogun a release game that was free for plus members that smashed everything the Xbone had to offer at the time? Im sure youll come back with but but those are on the pc as well ...

3742d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lmfao to the fanboys saying Playstation 4 has no games. Looks to me like the Xbone has no games

3742d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

No I dont think the AI should be some skilled opponent but I do think they should be much smarter then they are. Your seriously telling me you should be able to stand in front of them without them even noticing you and when they do notice you they cant even provide a small challenge even though theirs six of them? Or lets look at the Titan AI which is a big part of the game and should be good right? well thats garbage as well even though your supposed to depend on them for support. Maybe the ...

3742d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To say theirs no lag in Titanfall is also bullshit and as someone this dropped more than 40 hrs in the game I would know. "The cloud" is either crap or completely fictitious and is being used as a marketing scheme.

3743d ago 13 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sorry but if the "cloud" is powering those garbage bots in Titanfall then it needs to be completely scrapped. Theirs better ai in the gta series. The cloud is bullshit its as simple as that.

3743d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

No, just smart.

3743d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Maybe you should go back to school and learn to read. Im certain the exact wording was "nearly doubles" you seem to have missed that part.

3745d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yet worldwide the PS4 nearly doubles the Xbone in sales 3.9 millions Xbones sold worldwide to the PS4s 6.2 million sold. It seems folks that the PS4 is killing it.

3745d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well since ive had PS Plus for almost 3 years now and have had those games all time so many that ive had to make room for more by deleting old ones than that is one hell of a rental service.

3756d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the car scenes the game looks worse than GTA5 in many places and doesnt seem to hold a candle to the PS4 version of Assassins Creed so in my opinion there is no excuse for the major downgrade.

3756d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well i for one am dissapointed with the downgrade. Some of the car scenes look worse than GTA5 and from what Ive seen of the game Assassins Creed looks better on the PS4 and AC is HUGE.

3756d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They mean more like Playstation Plus. Sonys just been kicking their ass this new generation same as last generation.

3757d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

I live in the US but I gotta say PS Plus has got to be one of the smartest purchasing decisions ive ever made.

3803d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looks like a ps2 game. Im not impressed.

3806d ago 5 agree24 disagreeView comment

Awesome game im hooked and now i cant seem to drag my girlfriend away from the damn thing so i can play. Takes some getting used to but ive survived for 20 days and am still going strong.

3817d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Holy shit !! The fact that they havent even released in Japan yet has got to sting for Microsoft. Japan is hands down Sony territory and will only increase the lead.

3818d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Played today and received 1 billion from a complete stranger. Now im completely uniterested in playing, the grind for money was most of the fun. Now i have so much itll be hard to even spend it.

3832d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment