
CRank: 5Score: 43730

Microsofts E3 was mediocore at best. Alot of games but mostly multiplatform and what about the sad fact that their was no mention of the Xbox 360 theyre seriously dropping it just like they did the original Xbox? No heavy hitters no HUGE new ips a 7 out of 10 at best.

3759d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its the big special announcement thats never been done before that Microsoft annouced earlier, remember you heard it here first.

3769d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Jack Trettons annoucing that he now works for Microsoft. Sorry to burst your bubble guys.

3769d ago 1 agree26 disagreeView comment

Yet alot of things seem to be missing rain on the windshields for one, splashes from walking through puddles, car deformation is terrible the list goes on and on. GTA does alot of things better and that was on last gen consoles.

3771d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To give GTA some credit though, with the game having the largest launch in history for a game then all thise ppl trying to log in at once problems are guarenteed with any company.

3781d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow still milking the Halo train I see. It would be nice if MS would actually take the time to create groundbreaking new ips but sadly Halo fans eat this stuff up regardless of how many times its been rehashed.

3783d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

One thing i noticed that didnt look too great especially from a next gen title is the damage models on the cars while driving. They dont seem to hold a candle against the damage models from GTA and thats on PS3, 360.

3784d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This definitely stomps all over the "PS4 has no games" argument sinec theirs more better games on the PS4.

3784d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Too bad the game itself is terrible.

3791d ago 31 agree49 disagreeView comment

Not sure how this game is going to turn out but the trailers look like it could be a decent RPG.

3792d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bundi I think you may be a bit behind on the times Playstation Plus is now considered way ahead of Xbox Live in terms of the better service almost unanimously I might add it is now Microsoft playing catch up launching their Xbox One without many features and services the 360 had so much so that several patches and fixes later they're still not into snuff.

3813d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

An 80 overall on Metacritic is an excellent score unlike the 60s MOST Xbone exclusives garner.

3821d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sorry to hurt you feelings but Killzone currently sits at 73 on Metacritic which is a fairly decent score. The only point you have is knack yet you seem to fail to realize that Ryse, zoo tycoon and now this silly Kinect game are all in the 60s on metacritic not to mention the utter garbage MS has for indie titles while Sony kills it in that department. Dead Rising another Xbone eclusive also had average reviews. As of right now Microsoft is just throwing shit at the wall and seeing if it stic...

3821d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

WOW!!! Microsoft is pumping out those triple A exclusives!!!

3821d ago 25 agree8 disagreeView comment

This reminds me of how MS was saying the cloud would make the Xbox One quadrupal in power. Well we all saw how that turned out.

3822d ago 15 agree12 disagreeView comment

300 for the Xbone 3 games 2 controllers and the play and charge kit.

3823d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

Lol at the fanboys on here, reading the article most of the updates are fixes to problems that the PS4 doesnt have the other ones are features the PS4 had at launch LMFAO!! You guys commending MS for fixing problems it shouldnt of had in the first place are sad. Btw yes I have an Xbone bought it used for cheap. Gamertag is MatriXcian.

3823d ago 27 agree39 disagreeView comment

Might as well throw mine in there mgw8984

3824d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really love all your hypotheticals but the fact is that is all they are, you can hypothesize all you want but the facts remain Sony is dominating Microsoft by a huge margin, has the lower price point, the better hardware and a much better first party lineup not to mention the most talented first party studios in the world. Developers have stated over and over again that it is impossible for the Xbone to catch up graphically to the PS4 this is simple fact, DX12 will have no bearing on the bo...

3824d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Judging by last gen and the beginning of this gen Microsoft doesnt have a chance. Last gen MS had a year head start year and a half in some places a much lower pricepoint and the better multiplats yet the PS3 still crushed the 360 and in the end sold more. Now here we are the playstation is cheaper much more powerful and is nearly doubling the One in sales not to mention the multiplats look alot better on the PS4 and Sonys got more games than Microsoft does the final outcome is obvious. Id li...

3824d ago 16 agree10 disagreeView comment