CRank: 5Score: 13840

i kno seriously why make us wait. wen they are gonna finish the game and release in japan

dumb@ss square making us wait, for the gimped up 360 version. imean they been working on the ff13 for like wat 3 years now.

so how long would it take for us ps3 owners to wait for the 360 version.

dats just stupid.

did square forget who actually helped them be were they are at. and who bought all of there games.

5914d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wtf, why would it.
ohh yeah becuase the ff13 thing.

ur such a dumbass, 360 version is not cming to japan, while both ff13 and versus will.

plus i bet u ff13 will sell more ps3 and it will sell more on the ps3

5914d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

it will be funny if the japan didnt kno about ff13 360 not coming to japan.
just imagine wen they find out.hahaha

but still i dont care for ff13 thats much

thats all

5914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

japan didnt get the news that ff13 its not coming to the 360.

but i guess they must kno.

wonder wats up

5914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

am i the only one who doesnt care for this multi thing.
imean i will still buy it if i have extra money
but versus was for me day 1
imean look at this
they say its like kingdomhearts plus, is rated M

5914d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

why lose hope bro
im not really tripping about it
yeah sure final fantasy 13 is not exclusive anymore.
but we still got versus which i think its better from the beggining

trust me sony will announce something good tommorow.

sqquare is not like capcom. watch tommorow.
im hoping they are.

but im bot impress with micro, sure the got ff13, but trust me it will sellmore ps3 and sell more on the ps3. they didnt announce anything,...

5914d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

why is the blood color orange.

5915d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

pog is always exited for e3 and always doing this. i remember he said last year
" they will announce mgs4 will come to 360 at e3 mark my words"

but look wat happen.

we dont have to worry about anything. yeah u got star ocean and last remnat, but we got finalfantasy 13 and versus, and lastremnat to.

u xbots should woory wat micro might announce. dont get ur hopes to high

5915d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

1st. ive seen many ps3 owners admit they like this game u dumb @ss

2. no one here is envying this game beside me. look at the report, there is some ps3 fans in there. look at the first comment.

5915d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

thats was a stupid list.
why put bioware line up or mist walker line up or all mmo.
u cant do that and how do they kno that bioware line up will be 360 exclusive.

they should put real games like sequals or romour new games or something, but not the line up thing

5915d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

most of been a nitendo fan . because that whole list was mostly made up of wii games.

but it sux, they didnt even add any ps3 game except socom.

but i guess everybody has there own intrest

5915d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah its a goty because is a 360 game.

u 360 fanboy.
gears is not gonna be goty because, this time they actually have competetion.

5917d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

because they are using final fantasy versus which is a ps3 exclusive, some ideas for kingdom heart 3.

why do 360 fans and media always want to take ps3 games away. how come they wont get there own game.

5917d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

eh notin new, sony always dominates e3 so wat makes u think they will not dominate this year.

they will show lots of stuff, new games, new features which will be free, psp stuff, and many more. and i hope a price cut. my cousin wants a ps3

but to be serious, im kinda excited for microsoft to, imean my 360 gets the less play and ive got only 3 games and one of them because i stole it.

5918d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

u kno who needs to stfu
those people from miscrosoft, fuk wat there name.
well the asian guy and the white guy.
i hate them.
they talk like there console is the best and the most perfected one this gen

5918d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

this game has hella action, the only time there wasnt action was wen
u have to spy on that guy to get to big mama, but the boss battle and the motorcycle made up for it

5919d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

mgs4 is one big master piece.
imean wat bad stuff can u say about it

oh it has bad glass breaking.
that still makes me laugh. can u belive that

5919d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

why would sony need to, they are still winning. this price cut for 360 wont make a difference. just like the last one.

they have a strong lineup and they have lots of cool features wich are free.

and nxt year they have hella exclusive already,
finalfantasy 13 and versus
lastremnat multi
god of war 3
mostlikly team ico game
the 2 secret game.
and many more.

hella 360fans ...

5919d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

forreal ur a loser, u think, they think that there console is better then the rest, because they dont want a price drop. maybe because they are beating there rival, imean micro didnt do it last year. and sony is catching up, they were alot more behind last year

and 360 already did a price drop this year and they got outsold by the ps3.

Psn is lacking- are u fukin kidding me it has mostly everythingthe live has and its free.
Ps3's exclusive games are lacking- u...

5919d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

good or bad news

agree for yes and disagree for no.

cmon 360 fans, let me c ur opinion

5920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment