CRank: 5Score: 13840

look at the comments there is 91, but most of it doesnt have anything to do with the article, its just saying HI guys and ranom shiit.

but yeah.

this guy i feel bad.

5811d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

not really the best time to say that especially wen VGCRAP numbers "SUPPOSEDLY" 360 outsold the ps3.

but if its true i understand since they did get a price-cut.

but i like the way sony talk shiit, its sounds like they are not, but they give u hints

5811d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

its funny how it seem his is being nice, but he is really making fun of MS with the whole xbox thing.

its like he is saying that the 360 wont live past this generation.

5811d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

"sony had their day last month(which was well deserved with metal gear)just let xbox have theirs aswell.

sony didnt have metal gear through this whole year and some month last year.

this isnt world wide if it waqs ps3 will dominate 360.

ps3 just beggining.

5812d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

tell that to the media 360 fan and micro who keep wanting to steal all of are games.

and how long have 360 been out 3 years now
good game
it only has
dead rising
halo 3 ( even 360 fans were dissappointed)
and dats it

ps3 2 years
Ratchet and clank
resistance ( even my die hard 360 fan friends like it more then halo )
metal gears

5812d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

shhh just leave them alone

360 fans are in denial now a days.

its ok keep telling ur self that like wat u guys did with the

"ps3 is only a blueray player, it has no games"

or the

"it will never outsell the 360 world wide, especially america"

imean ayy wat ever make u sleep at night

5812d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

thats not even sexy she is just standing there in the same position.


ehh wat ever pleases u then u do ur thing.

5812d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah thats why ps3 will win this console war sinse good always beat the bad.

ps3 is the peace maker with helping cure desease while the 360 is like the chaos maker.

5812d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

who give a shiit, there been other army that pick ps3 over 360 and this one space program replace there supercomputer with 4-5 ps3s.

and beside ps3 brings peace by helping cure desease.

360 cant do that

5812d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

why would he be bitter, he knows that the ps3 will be in the top in world wide month sales

5812d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

why da big jump of 360.

imean wtf.

is this fake or something imean, there wasnt anything big release or maybe because it is mico homeplace

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wat its a good game. ps3 owners is not like 360 fans who only wants 360 exclusive to make Sony loose all of its fan and then go bankrupt.

no sure

and yeah sony did say they some rpg to announce

5812d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

most likly yes imean it is EA.

and remember Bioware said they have a game for sony.( i wonder if they canceled it most likly)

if not i still got my very un-use 360, which i wish i dont have to because it might rrod on me.

5812d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just want to c the big announcement from SE. lets hope they can make it up for the FF13 thing.

and bioshock 2 is ofcourse ps3 to, imean most likly

5812d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i will take a joystiq over a 360 fansite anyday.

and if the it becomes multi which i hope (thefirst one was ko but short, i finished it in like 20 hour) i will buy it for my ps3 or maybe 360 because i feel bad there is no games for it beside halo and LO

5812d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

ps3 has to many games for them to announce in there conference.

it will probably take micro conference alone to announce and show 75% of there full libary.

sony was the best and always the best in e3.

and look at the xbots going crazy for ff13. i remember wen they were all like.

"forget ff13 we got LO FF series is getting old" or "forget FF13 we got all of these rpg"

i for one dont care because i ...

5816d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony always winning just like how they one e3 and now they one america.

microsoft fails wen compared to sony.

and u kno wats funny sony has 3 system to work on, while microsoft got 1 .

and micro is still losing.

xbots u guys were so happy yesterday, but looks like i was rite and sony came back

5819d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude never, this highly-placed source is probably a 360 fan who is fat and is a loser that trying to start something.

if it was then yeasterday they would have announce it

5820d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment
5820d ago

mostl likly it would handle MGS4 becuae, they can handle 360 dumb down version of ff13 and thats a rpg.

but it will never happen sinse, kojima and i think ryan said so many time that is a ps3 exclusive. while ff13 was never always told it was a exclusive, they even said they might make ff13 multi to get money.

and plus, look all the stuff. the apple, the ps3 and psp and all sort of sony's stuff. and the jokes of the 360

neva happen

5820d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment