CRank: 5Score: 41540

Broken is broken. If it IS broken. Fix it.

4649d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed man. I hope they fix this game for good soon.

4650d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they should offer a recall or some sort of compensation to PS3 players who bought the game new. Because of the ongoing issues with this game, I refuse to buy it for my PS3. I'll either buy it on Xbox or continue to watch commentaries while I buy other games with my money, that work. I don't care about it being so technical or open world and all this and that. If it costs $60 like the other games and you paid for it then it should work regardless of what type of game it is.

4650d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess the cry babies have won now. So DICE nerfing weapons and making them irrelevant between each other is more important than fixing PS3 controller input lag, issues with VOIP and the dumb flashlights in daylight huh? Good job DICE. This game is gonna turn into a mess soon. Nerf field 3.

4650d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

With all the PS3 exclusives out should we really care about this? Naaaaaah

4650d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Killzone 3 was NOT a disappointment.

4651d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

Freaking cry babies. Go play tick tack toe or something. Then it's the circles are quicker to draw than the Xs so nerf the Os cause they are OP.

4651d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The stereo headset is worth very penny of $49 or the original $99 price

4655d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Add more maps with weather effects and MORE COLOR. Brown and grey is so 2008. Now how about also paying more attention to the INPUT LAG from the controller on PS3. Has this been swept under the rug DICE?

4656d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Welcome to battlefield? Lol I been playing battlefield since BF2. This type of thing DICE is doing is only because of the COD players who are crying. When were weapons nerfed in BF2, 2142, BF modern combat, BFBC1-2? No not to this magnitude. Wamp wamp nerf this nerf that. This is too strong that is not strong enough. If anything you got your games mixed up. This is the COD crowd that complains about stuff like this. They should complain about COD because there have been balance issues ever si...

4657d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not surprised at all

4657d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow people can't stop whining and complaining here we go again. They are going to keep tweaking this game and it's going to end up completely stale with no variety. Then people will complain there is no difference or all the weapons feel the same. Just play the game.

If ANYTHING needs nerfing it's the god awful PS3 input lag.

4658d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If anything they suckers for buying elite in the first place. Wamp wamp

4658d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hip hop is what's dead. This garbage called rap is still here. Too bad real hip hop is pretty much only underground nowadays. There's a serious difference between rap and hip hop.

4659d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

We need more devs like him.

4659d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

He wants that. We want better stories and better gameplay too. Carmack your tech demo, RAGE, was yet another example why story and gameplay are more important than graphics and frames per second. That game had one of the most horrible endings this gen. Most will remember RAGE as that... Not technical accomplishments.

4659d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

INPUT lag on PS3 fix that too!

4659d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Couldnt agree with you more bro. The input lag is killing me. It pisses me off when I'm trying to crouch or go prone and I get no response. Then uh oh I get shot. Or how about when you're trying to spawn in and the game won't let you. Keep jamming the button and nothing happens. Try swapping to the knife to kill someone and my guy won't knife then the dude turns around and shoots me because I was too slow. Sometime turning your gun left and right feels like you have dumb bells...

4661d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

INPUT LAG. Fix that too.

4662d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't believe people are just now seeing this lol. This started last year. The years of, "PS3 has no games" has been over. Now it's the Xbox that doesn't have any games and Microsoft doesn't even seem to care for some reason. Microsoft wake up and make some games. No not halo, gears of forza. I prefer my PS3 now. Only bought one Xbox game all year that's saying something.

4662d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment