CRank: 5Score: 41540

Agreed. And to add to that people forget every year there are people buying ANOTHER Xbox because theirs RROD'd people just seem to forget that. Of course their sales go up when most typical Xbox owners have owned more than 2 this gen.

4629d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes... you are defending M$. anyone who watched the VGA's knows Microsoft was lacking seriously. When best xbox game came up it was almost a joke. there were hardly any xbox games the whole year of 2011 and you know it. saying 'the xbox has no games' is a figure of speech. And whoa... don't come on here calling anyone stupid. RELEVANT games is what's in question. can you name 5 xbox exclusives that have came out within the last 1-2 years that YOU bought? Not "console&...

4630d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

finally someone wakes up and gets the crust out of their eyes. Yes the 360 has NO games. This is something xbox fanboys was yelling at PS3 fanboys back in 2007-2008. I'd hate to have been a xbox only gamer all this time. What have they been playing for the past 2 years? multiplats, that's pretty much it. Microsoft needs to come with more games. We need competition. More competitions equals better games. Sony may get a lot of hate but they did recapture their hardcore audience buy givi...

4630d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

I just want to be able to walk AND shoot at the same time.

4630d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope to God we can walk AND shoot this time.

4630d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good lord Sony 13hrs? With all that time can we get a new XMB or something? I'm just saying. Isn't it about time?

4631d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

glad I left an expired credit card on there. Microsoft wouldn't let me remove my cc info back then so I didn't bother using an active cc with them anymore.

4633d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ummm first of all I didn't buy COD Elite for either system. Why should I care about Elite when Battlefield/Battlelog offers just as much, to a certain extent, for free with a map pack and new weapons? COD Black Ops, Halo 4 and Killzone 3 had features included on the disc. Some with their own websites for tracking your stats and your friends.

No matter what you say it is unfair to PS3/PC players to recieve anything later for a service they paid for; the same price you paid...

4636d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a PS3 player but have an Xbox. PS3 fans should have known better than buying elite for PS3. You're bound to get the short end of the stick every time when it comes to COD. I mean come on their signture color is.... GREEN. Who else signature is green? Xbox. When have you even seen a PS3 logo on a COD ad? Heard of activision even showing PS3 gameplay? Xbox gets DLC first every year. it's clear what system they side with. Only reason COD is not a 360 exclusive is because of sales...

4637d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just want the input lag fixed.

4641d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The sad thing is Sony like Microsoft and Apple could implement some of these things in their current hardware via software update. How many times has Microsoft changes their dashboard? Like 4 or so? PS3 has yet to change theirs yet. I think the XMB needs a major overhaul and yes it should and could be done with a simple system update.

4641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see lots of comments here. The truth of the matter is COD isn't for children yet children are the majority that plays it. Some say the game stores shouldn't sell the game to children. Some say if a 40 year old woman comes in to buy the game then she should be questioned about who the game is for, the age of the kid and if the kid is too young then don't sell it. Unfortunately it's not that simple. Game stores are in the business to make money. They care less if the child is ...

4642d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It IS the devs fault. Plain and simple. The PS3 has proven game after game it is capable of way better looking games. The only thing that has limitations are the devs.

4643d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh really? How about Infinity Ward and their OP commando, noob tubes, akimbo model '87s, laser beam famas, OP one man army perk, assassin perk? Etc. I'd take the MP40 and the famas/ak 74u any day of the week over all that.

4645d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

These days Treyarch CODs are BETTER than Infinity Ward CODs.

4645d ago 22 agree9 disagreeView comment

INPUT LAG FIX IT NOW. Put up or shut up DICE. That should have been top priority.

4647d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes it's the PS3 version. YouTube it. Several have posted this issue yet dice choses to nerf guns and attachments. Side step?

4647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fix the input lag then we can talk dice.

4648d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

And hopefully there will be a GOTY patched edition with this DLC. Then I'll buy the game.

4648d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree it should be on the next Playstation as a launch title. Don't make uncharted as milked as Halo

4649d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment