CRank: 5Score: 34910

not beating it was more about keeping their share. Sony had weight at the time, all they worry about now is sony making a better console than they do. Sony isn't what it was back in its day, which is why making a better console is their top priority. They can't lose out to others in their most successful sector

1354d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

don't know if everyone is either too young to remember or they only read certain parts. If you remember the 80's and 90's anything sony made was a great quality product. They were giants Microsofts fear was if they ever made the move from electronics into a more computer-based product they would start cutting into their market share. Ms plan was to get as many PC's into people's homes as they already had that but PC was mostly used for work. So they went into gaming as th...

1354d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

All alright, let's get real here's a quick review. Ps5 has some games, haptic feedback, and New UI that sets it apart from series X. I'm not mentioning anything that the other has its own version of.

XsX. Has quick resume everything else the same.

I would not give the UI an actual point given it takes sony forever to make any changes to the UI where MS is constantly making changes to its UI therefore it doesn't feel new since it always b...

1361d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey look a simile that's incorrect in comparison let me fix it for you. Your Toyota would be more powerful than a Ferrari if it had a better engine, to make more power you need to burn more fuel and airflow. obviously you could mod your car but your Toyota engine is only made to handle so much. The comparison here should be Teraflops= MPH. meaning Ferrari console can go x amount mph vs Toyota console can go x amount mph. Sure we can't base what car is better based on MPH but if you wa...

1626d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously PS. But 3-0 is a bit misleading score for the sakes of a Fair argument the score is 1-0 for Sony side. Did anyone expect a new console from a new maker to beat out PS2 back then? the 360/ps3 era was a tie or no point for either side. MS dominated with a landslide majority of that era only thins ps3 had going was free online MP. Sony didn't catch up till the end of the Generation but by that point everyone knew new consoles were coming so it was dumb to buy a new 360 when you kne...

1841d ago 2 agree29 disagreeView comment

Dumb click bait article. Why it’s a small market and nobody has made a AAA game worth spending the money for it. Let xbox focus on getting games for their console , unless you just want vr to have a glorified screen strapped to your face. Article should be VR needs AAA games. Lets hope ps vr doesn’t end up like the vita

1869d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol wut? Once this deal is done they get a new business partner = more money for ms. They keep away amazon and google, they get to see what sony is cooking up. Also if both consoles run on azure servers wouldn’t that make crossplay even easier?

1882d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

That’s totally fine so long as the option is to have games on either pc and console. You like pc i like consoles. Some people like sport cars some like trucks. At the end of the day M$ gets money from console and people buying a pc since their software is on almost majority of them. Even if you don’t buy games directly from them they got you on the hook.

1893d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dumb article sounds like Sony will be charging premium for ps5 in an attempt to up Xbox most powerful console slogan. or who knows maybe they get greedy and add a VR included to the price tag

1905d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

unless Sony decides to cash in on the market and make an expensive console like the ps3 with not much of a difference between Xbox. they don't have much to worry about, Xbox really wants to keep the most powerful console thing going. so I got a feeling their console might be more expensive but will have more bells and whistles. once again nothing to worry we all remember the ps3 days the cheap gamer rejoiced the free online multiplayer. Xbox can only gain traction if they finally start ge...

1905d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

people are still trying to match the Witcher 3 as the best game of this gen and they will continue for a while.

1905d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i love how he gave the win to ps5 on CPU even though there's no info for Xbox. yet the ram and controller where there's no info for ps5 its a tie or unknown. lol, what?

1931d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I guess people can be pumped about the news but im sure we all expected better hardware. So it’s hard to be pumped majority of people will be impressed when both consoles are fully revealed along with a price tag. First impression are always hard to forget who ever can deliver better performance and cost less will be the leading platform.

1985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can't hold people back simply because others have a poor connection or data caps. also, it's not like Microsoft is forcing this on everyone. to those saying imagine servers going down or your internet, theres this company named comcast that when they have an outage all their services go down internet,tv,phone and home. yet they have close 22 million subcribers not to mention their competitors usually have the same issues. so what are we really crying about?

2136d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

right, but the pro was supposed to be top tier console. this thing by the sounds of it is supposed to be a cheaper intro console , although who knows what they will price at being a new product.

2136d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

next thing you say Google and Amazon are reacting to Ms servers

2165d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I've played assassins creed odyssey via googles project stream on an old MacBook Pro. it surprisingly ran great but it's a single player game, i can't imagine anyone playing MP games. but I can't knock it for working while not everyone has great connection we can't blame them for they aren't isp providers. those with great connection will benefit from this if the bussiness model is great for the consumer.

2165d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

say that to apple they used to be in last place.

2165d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yeat everyone else had a concept smartphone way before Apple. Same with the ipod there were mp3 players. Just how xbox live came out first but ps+ Has caught up. When it comes to tech it isn’t who did it first its who does it best.

2170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They aren’t but they are part of Microsoft if its gonna make Microsoft money will allow it. Sorta how their games run on it look at titanfall 1 vs 2 severs. I love how fan boys forget that Microsoft is a parent company unlike sony who has become playstation. We seem to forget one is a software company and the other is a entertainment company.

2170d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment