
CRank: 5Score: 31070

Red Faction 3...

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Revolver Ocelot isn't a cool character since i got the disagrees and i was only half joking.

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Delays are a necessary evil...i think developers shouldn't even give release dates until very very far along into development. You never know what may happen that may get you of schedule. Take your time Free Radical but just know releasing this game next to heavy hitters isn't a wise one.

5983d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is probably the coolest character ever created to me anyway. I remember that first fight with him running around that box of a room and his bullets bouncing off walls and hearing him reload when he was outta bullets. He's an awesome dude and should get his own game where you only use a six shooter.

5983d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

This game will be massive. Everything about this game is epic. I can definitely see where all the money is being spent everything supposedly has its own A.I. even little flies around the lights lol. This game is goona be great.

5983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I havent heard much about that game lately so hopefully it'll get on my radar. But i have been asking and wanting this game i think it'll be Red Faction 3 from Volition. New Geo-mod engine that'll put frostbite to shame lol. So thats my vote.

5983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

See doesn't have the hand/eye coordination to be really good at games and she still looks down a the controller when i do try to teach her. So far she loves Heavenly Sword, Rachet, Uncharted. She absolutely hates Madden because when it comes out she know i lock myself away for at least 3 weeks to get my game right. Anything with a decent story may captivate your woman and she can sit down and enjoy it with you. Uncharted hooked her from the very beginning.

5983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was the best in Crazy Taxi...nothing like KFC lol.

5983d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Devil May Cry is getting a demo tomorrow and it comes out like 2 weeks later. So why would a demo of this game make you think that the game wont ship til 2009 or later......I guess Capt Choas

5990d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lower the price. I mean we read reports that the development of a ps3 is under or around $400. So a $100 loss on each system is acceptable if you can flood the market with ps3 with blu-ray being standard in each one. When people are short sighted they rarely excel in business. Sony is so successful because the have a very long-term vision and this loss early in the consoles life will benefit them greatly in the very near future.

So i say Sony do what you can to put a ps3 in eve...

5990d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

on creating something for this game is using a sackboy as a football and making some kind of crane type thing with a boot on the end to see how far I kick the sackboy through the user made goal posts lol. There will be field goal distance competitions all over the world. This idea is copyrighted by King2008 psn Clark_Kent

5991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whats up with the title picture? Is that how people think of Sony...a company that is known to deliver quality products that I know most people grew up on if they had a decent income....If that is Sony someone please show me a picture of Microsoft!!!

5995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FTW...he got a little crazy whackin off at a drive-in but his movies was the stuff of legends growing up. Francis stole his bike...that fat bastard.

5995d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

funny stuff torch. The first on PSN would be great. Those are some of the greatest boss battles ever. The best is of course the hour long sniper fight against THE END...epic stuff Kojima epic indeed.

5995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How people can disagree with some stuff. If you read my above comment there is nothing to disagree with. Did I not buy one for my daughter so we can talk and see eachother? Do i not turn it on during after parties so drunk people can laugh at themselves with special effects and in HD? Do i not check this website and others with the browser that even the psp has lol. Some people...

PSN Clark_Kent prestige #5 lvl 32

5995d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was a great read and makes alot of things that were fuzzy quite clear. The story is amazing. Although I never watched any of the star wars movies from what i've been told it reminds me of that how as the story progresses it actually showed why you did what in the first couple of does that even make sense. Its bad when you can confuse yourself. Anyhoo great great read cant wait to really "FINISH THE FIGHT" lol....dear lord protect me bubbles hahaha

5995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I use my ps3 to play games watch blu-ray and standard dvd's i also check this website and my myspace, facebook, and youtube with my ps3 and it works well. I save all my photos and put all videos on the hard-drive. With the PS EYE I often have after parties where drunk people get to see themselves on tv. I bought one for my daughter for christmas who lives in san diego and I live in Chicago so we talk to eachother everyday through the camera. I know you can do that on xbox as well. Just mentio...

5995d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because i would like a secret version myself. I wonder why so many studios cloud their project in mystery and with holding the info. Do they think other company's will steal their ideas? Do they think to much info to soon will make us buyers less hype and anticipate the game less? I say as soon as we do something right or finalize anything just let us know. I mean not 2 years from completion but keep us in the loop nah'mean

5995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can honestly never have enough of them. I'm a big fan of the genre and while the slow, strategic pace of CoD4 or the choatic pace of UT3 might not appeal to every gamer there will be something for everyone on the ps3.

And people say Sony dont give you a choice pfft 8-)

5995d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

but not all so i dont know if anybody said this but i see people talking about other characters that they would want in the game but this being a game with weapons i didnt see anyone mention Nariko w/ a Ivy body make-over lol. Nariko would kick so much a$$ in this game just get together with the Ninja Theory people and make it happen. I've never liked Star Wars but i'm assuming Vader is the way to go.

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment