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25 Companies go Blu-ray so far in 2008: reader comment from Aaron_Moore
Posted on: February 12, 2008, 8:19 AM PST
Story: Best Buy kicks HD DVD while it's down
It's not just Netflix and Best Buy. It's happening all over the world and with other companies in the US as well.

02-12-08 Hi-Fi Klubben (large Scandinavian retailer) goes Blu-ray exclusive.
02-11-08 Tripictures (Spain) goes Blu-ray exclusive.
02-11-08 Best Buy recommends Blu-ray

6070d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Is the extra content suppose to come out? If its 3-6 months away i dont even think its worth it. If the DLC is coming soon after then i can imagine the attraction to this deal. After the main story and playing around with the free-roaming of this game it is something that gets old after a few months.

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is gonna be epic. The way i envision the small squad battles that ultimately help shape the winning teams victory seem amazing. I hope the battle fields are huge and i hope that they include different...whats the word i want to use...when you have different roles for each person. Like heavy gunner, sniper, healer dude, etc. etc. I cant wait for this game. I'm looking for a game to get me off COD4 and while good UT3 is not it.

PSN Clark_Kent prestige #6 or 7 which ever one is th...

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is other than the people on this site who will know about this? People will still relate GTAIV to Playstation unless the Ads only say XBOX or Jump in or something and Sony dont have any commercial which i really doubt. I'm waiting to see the first commercials for this game.

6074d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seems like a great website....i just doubt i'll visit it as much as this one but when i read everything here it is a place i'll check out every now and then.

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved Mr Grimm looks so much like ghost rider...also thumper for some reason with the pink caddylac. I hated Axel and spectre....what are your thoughts.

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That Sony has a longevity plan that requires future thinking when developing a console. They thought DVD will be limited in the near future..lets put games on blu-ray...HDMI will become increasing standard...lets put one on every console. If you can get the most out of a machine in the first 2 years then your right it would get obsolete quickly but if you manage to make a system that can remain relevant and powerful in years 5-6 thats an amazing accomplishment. Imagine when the ps2 came out. ...

6074d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

is AKI and THQ to make games the the incredible No Mercy and Wrestlemania 2000 i believe it was. Whatever the games on N64 was those was the best. The counters the finishers everything was perfect. Get them back in the ring and things will be much much better.

6074d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There was a way Sony or someone could put out a demo or a real-time video of ps3 using most of its power just to see what its capable of. The only thing i notice is that exclusive games makes the most out of each individual console so they are the ones that will set the bar and Sony's first and second party studios are doing incredible work. The only multiplatform game that really shines on both is COD4. These next few months are gonna be very exciting.

6074d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

been able to get into Star Wars...i really tired to watch 4, 5, then 6 then start with 1, 2, then 3 but i couldnt get past 6. A friend tried to explain it to me but FOR ME it is just extremely boring and not my style. This story does seem to make for a great game though and i have to admit i am looking forward to trying out Vader in the new Soul Calibur game.

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats what i mean my playstation has been so great to me i dont see how i can trade her in or even think about getting another one. 360 is like an beautiful gold digger no matter how bad she treats you, you still end up coming back...i'm on #4. Only my real life woman can get me off the game...she's actually a little jealous of my ps3.

6075d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would trade your woman in for a smaller, sexier, version of herself? Have some loyalty to the fatty we all bought long ago lol...i know she's huge and you prolly made her fatter by upgrading her HDD but have some respect and not drool at the next sexiest thing that walks by. I named my fatty ps3 Esmeralda and she has been so good to me. Everytime i press her buttons she turns on now does it really get any better than that?

6075d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

on when this award show is Square would win alot of these awards because the stories in Final Fantasy games are usually pretty amazing. So whoever writes those should be rewarded. I also liked the story pace of Uncharted and Heavenly Sword and i cant for "Would you kindly" story of Bioshock but the graphics of these games really helps with the stories so maybe it could be a team award.

6076d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You finish the game and we'll know everything that we need to as we play...K Thanks

I wanna say dont rush it but hurry up...Does that make sense?

6076d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Still interested in this title? My roommate has it on 360 and i couldn't get into it...maybe i'll give it another go eventually. I think this game missed its window of opportunity a long time ago.

6076d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

this guy admitted that games should be started on PS3 simply because it makes games better on both systems. After the demo honestly i wouldnt put this game no where near my ps3 or xbox. I have an idea for a lead character big friggin muscles and a mohawk...other dork...thats awesome /sarcasm The main guy sucks so i dont want the game.

6076d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have ben lobbying for this game to make a comeback for years...i cant wait til this bad boy comes out. The strategies
you can come up with in multiplayer is gonna be insane. Come on THQ get this game ready

6076d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually played through it yesterday...lets just say i deleted it right after...its terrible. Character models look...ancient to say the least. Please no one waste your time.

6077d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sure does know when to jump "in" the bandwagon....

6077d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because its almost impossible to create a multiplatform game that can rival an exclusive in the graphics department. I just hope that its a good game because i've missed Lara.

6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment