
CRank: 5Score: 11390

Gaming Journalism: Trying to be relevant when there is nothing to write about.

3315d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Doubt there is going to be an enhanced version. The other two games were not even close to finished on release. I bet we get patches on PC though.

3323d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

While I do think their marketing was bogus, I preordered because of the 48 dollar steam deal and the fact this is my favorite game series. It's insane all these so-called fans don't want to play the actual game lol. Not fans in my book.

That being said this is the usual deal with open world games: I'm not touching it for two months so they can patch it up.

Skyrim has to be the buggies game in existence, as Nexus is STILL patching numerous errors i...

3323d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Right guy right. What a load of bullshite lol. Some games? Try every game. And don't even get started on ther AWFUL Xbone UI. It's terrible. Learn to spell.

3325d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

No one slighted Ori you moron. It's a great game. What we do slight is the awful beyond belief design of the system compared to its predecessors. You can't get around that. And the controller is terrible. Battery plate creases right where your palms rest. No thanks. The DS4 is my go to PC and PS4 controller. I have NO NEED for the shite Xbox One and never will.

3325d ago 15 agree10 disagreeView comment

The system is a pile of garbage. You can only do so much with a system that is garbage. Optimize all you want. It's obvious they are basically stuck at 900p the entire gen.

3325d ago 20 agree12 disagreeView comment

No one in their right mind buys into Nintendo's infrastructure except people that need the newest Nintendo games. Nothing is ever supported with any kind of next-gen features or compatibility that matters. The virtual console being tied to a system is bonkers. Their online is terrible. Et Cetera....

I play on Dolphin and SNES9X where I have choice of all the Nintendo masterpieces. I supported them up to the Wii and then I was done.

Their virtual console i...

3325d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ahead of its time lol? No. It was an atrocious system not even close to on par with the Saturn. Dreamcast love always confounds me. It was a terrible system.

3325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This studio is known for their graphical mediocrity. I am sure they had some hotshot engineers come in to help out.

3348d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

The only people unaware of these issues are people that should not be commenting on these articles. You are unware, hence ignorant of serious issues that affect many people not used to such mediocre aspects of graphics engines. It's not okay to release a game with serious judder issues and 40 second load times.

Your idea that we should all just remain ignorant.... where do I even begin. NO.

3348d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

Looking economically at the company it is a given, near 100%, that we see a console in 2016. It coincides with 16nm in perfect fashion. Nintendo is being left behind. If you people think that this year is somehow going to benefit them you are dead wrong. There are going to be heavy hitters all around for 2015 and into summer 2016. Nintendo is going to be an afterthought. If you honestly think they are going to let two E3's pass with the WiiU as their main system I have a bridge I want to ...

3351d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why do all of you apologists constantly stand guard for a shittily coded game that runs like ass? Driveclub runs perfectly, is the best looking racing game out there PC or not, has super fast loading times, and runs great in MP too.

You cannot say any of those things for this game. You are literally an apologist asking for developers to release shittily coded games because.... hey because I am an apologist.

3368d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah we are not talking about being a great game are we?

3368d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL this game sets neither and it isn't even close in any category. LOL again.

3368d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

PC players have been playing these flawless on Dolphin for some time.

3368d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's called Dolphin emulator you noobs. Been using it for years now. Nice that people can dream though... of something that exists in a perfect state already. SMH.

3368d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed. What a wankstain. Console games are THE most expensive out there. LBP still has hardly any sale whatsoever on its expensive ass DLC. Ditto for tons of games.

3375d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fucking terrible article. Worthless.

3375d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Get a PC. People on console whining about GFX on an open-world game is literally the bottom of the barrel. You are playing on a 400 dollar machine with off the shelf parts.

3375d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Honestly, if you care at all about graphics get a damn PC. The console version of GTA5 is jaggy as hell with awful LODs. It is bad they made LODs even worse if that was even possible. OMG. They really should at LEAST fix that ftlog.

Start getting used to open world games looking like trash on a 400 dollar machine with off the shelf parts.

It's either that or they run like complete ass when they are last-gen games like this.

3375d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment