
CRank: 5Score: 11390

Are you retarded?

4485d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have read though they have it in 1080p at 30fps with some kind of anti-aliasing. Look to force as much as possible if possible through nvidia or AMD controls.

4492d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These jap devs live in the late 90s. Their programming skills are for certain types of things only. Porting code is a hazard to your health and I doubt these guys thought about it much before the profit signs rolled in. **** this up though and no one will buy it. If there is nothing but a ****ing label to differentiate the games then why ****ing bother?!

4492d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm honestly proud to say I never hunt down trophies sand neither do I give a **** about them. Switched accounts and lost about 500 of them and guess what I love my new account it has been at 8 for like over a year. I simply don't care, don't have the time, and would never consider wasting my life away for mostly useless achievements. I respect this guy for his good plats and hard trophies but I would never condone something like this. This kind of lifestyle is VERY unhealthy for ...

4513d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, people need to look at spending 1k for a system that will only need a GPU update. Quality parts are very important in PCs. Don't make you purchase worthless in 4 years time. The only thing I will upgrade in 5 years time is my GPU and I am fine with that for spending 1200 and getting Windows and Office free along with 2 games. I have top of the line components and only my 560ti is the weak spot but I am waiting till next series from Nvidia after 680 to upgrade.

4537d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't kid yourself. At that high of a resolution lol. It is 1080p. Nothing special. You can see jaggies a mile away n 1080p because of the sharpness and resolution. AA is important at any resolution inside of 4K.

I can not even play my PC games without AA because they are so annoying to look at. Up the resolution and you just see the flaws all the better.

4537d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

The disc size is indeed pathetic. One has to wonder if this game was even developed for next gen and why so much compression was used. I mean, ffs, even if we cannot tell the difference you can at least use the space for a lesser compressed game.

4552d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree but there is something to be said for how things work. Don't kill the industry. Don't forget who the people are that created this industry by going and investing in some fickle base of idiots or you WILL kill your own company. Look at Sony and some of their big franchises as they have switched to COD style gameplay and lost all their hardcore fanbase as well the sales were very disappointing taking into account install base.

I am sure this new movement is stro...

4554d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They should tell us we are too lazy to do a full 720p game much less 1080p guys and mickey mouse shit is simple kittens it will upscale nicely we think.

4555d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They won't.

4555d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Very Very true. Unlike the job they did with Shadow and such where they added and optimized things.

It is up for debate how deserving these games are of 1080p. Sometimes it just makes them look too sharp and awful. But I guess I would take native over 720p any day. It makes me pissed they cannot ever get 1080p for any of these games. Might as well wait for the PS4 whole series remasters lol. I do wish they would have gotten Shadow running 1080p but I don't think the textu...

4558d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

AFAIK it is still there just scaled back. IDK it could be gone in certain places but it did not look good either way. Textures are too clean from what I here and there are effects missing in certain places but there usually are. This game simply was probably hard to port. It doesn't look bad but it don't look good. I heard the grain filter was gone or toned back too. Not cool.

4558d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is far from a disaster. I like how you marketing execs seem to know everything about the market. We are in the largest financial crisis in history it's just the TV box you look to for information doesn't like to tell you this. Meanwhile, the PS3 needed to shoehorn its bluray technology in and really that was NOT a mistake. The only mistake was releasing the cell without proper tools and yes that was a big mistake but only on certain terms. Nobody came close to the Wii and I sa...

4583d ago 11 agree11 disagreeView comment

No crap they deserve to be paid for this. Beth seriously needs to get some environment testers or something it's crazy this game ever gets by QA if they even have that for this game. This is why I buy these games on PC AFTER the GOTY comes out because it simply is not worth it in the beginning imo.

4595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh please the Move is more accurate than the Nintendo by far in many games. Tiger Woods coming out this year is going to make it ridiculously awesome as well you have Sport Champions and all the AAA titles plus all kinds of smaller ones like Tumble, Swords and Soldiers, Dead Space ext., and others.

Give it a rest. House of the Dead on PS3 has no equal with the gun.

4598d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude, they are not going to enhance another edition. Get a PC for christ. Nobody wants this great team stuck on Witcher 2 for the next 10 years.

4602d ago 32 agree8 disagreeView comment


4604d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Dude, porting games is NOT incredibly simple. Have you ever done any programming? LOL.

4604d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Apparently, many Japanese devs just don't want to code anymore in the GFX department and I for one am getting pretty sick of it.

Sorry, but we have entered the HD market dude. We are moving on. PC has been moving on for quite some time now. If you cannot catch up then you fall back.

GFX are pretty much more important than a lot of things when it comes to immersion and one reason I now have a nice PC and xpadder/DS3 tool as I can just play with my pad. Sor...

4612d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

560 ti's command much better framerates on many games than the equivalent 6870 even taking into account the price. I just flat out get better performance and that 50 dollars is worth it to me.

4629d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment