CRank: 5Score: 23010

kevin butler = get rid of his stupid ass

killzone 3 sales = epic fail for aaa title expected atleast 3 to 4 mill 1st month atleast with all the psfanboy hype ! unless the hype is only on n4g .

killzone 3 = pretty good game, launch pick up.

can't wait for resistance 3 , uncharted 3 , gears of war 3 and forza 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

4921d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why all the hate for Activision, as far as I know they are still the best company in the gaming business. I will buy any shooter that will come out from them from EA from anybody that brings out a good shooter. I'm currently playing Bulletstorm (very good),Dead space 2(very good), vanquish (very good)and online Bad company 2 (very good) ,killzone 3(good),COD black ops (good),Halo reach (very good). Can't wait for homefront and crysis 2 in march ! I will be getting Resistance 3,Gears o...

4959d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as its a good game = A MUST BUY 4 ME

4983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop all this bullshit about call of duty,halo,killzone,gears,uncha rted,bad company killers. There is no such thing cause these games are super good and gonna be here for a loooooooong time.Only fanboys would dissagree with me !!!!

5008d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ DualConsoleOwner
So basically what you are saying is that your are a ps3 troll , knowing that ps3 surprises early of what's coming in the future and xbox surprises later of whats coming in the future. Just shut the fuck up and quit your whinning and play games !!
All systems ( including kinect & move )are selling like pancakes regardless of what all you fanboys say !!!!

5010d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

You claim to be a real gamer , and that real gamers don't care for kinect titles. You boy are no real gamer,you're just a pathetic little ps3 fanboy. A real gamer cares for all systems including the move and kinect titles. The only ones that care of what you say are the 65 ps3 fanboys here and the 20 xbox360 fanboys too. Xbox360 and ps3 have great titles coming in 2011. Ps3 likes to show whats coming in the future and xbox likes to surprise whats coming in the future....

5010d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Who gives a shit if ps3 is behind 5 million consoles and is not the best system out there anymore, just ps3 fanboys. Who gives a shit if grand turismo is not the best racing sim nomore , ps3 fanboys. Who gives a shit if ps3 online service is not the best , ps3 fanboys. My point is - who fucken cares. I don't worry about useless idiotic things like this cause I'm a real gamer and play everything. I play my online shooters on xboxlive , I play my adventures and rpgs on my ps3,I play rac...

5015d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ JustGamer - very well said , couldn't agree with you more !!!!!!!

5015d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate articles like this because it makes people think twice about playing and buying games. Stupid ass fanboys are mostly to blame for overhyping games like hell. Anyone that agrees with these types of aticles are either fanboys or just not real gamers. Real gamers enjoy the beauty of the games. Everything from a.i. to graffix to sceneries to storylines to gameplay ect. Me as a real gamer enjoy all types of games, could care less on what system. I enjoyed playing metro 2033 , singularity , ...

5015d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't understand why all this FANBOY SHIT is still around. Why can't you guys be real gamers instead of putting down games or systems. I laugh at all you MOFOS because I get to play - HALO,UNCHARTED,GEARS OF WAR,MARIO BROTHERS,DONKEY KONG,ZELDA,WORLD OF WARCRAFT,FABLE,KILLZONE,FORZA, GOD OF WAR,RATCHET AND CLANK,ALAN WAKE ect. while you idiots just stick to one console. And don't give me the " I can't afford another console or I have a computer to play those games ( bu...

5023d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

My biggest dissapointments are Crackdown 2 ( should be alot better by now ) and Grand Turismo 5 ( was suppose to be the best racing game ever and turned out to be SHIT compared to forza 3 and Need for Speed hot pursuit !!! I was just dissapointed like hell with these 2 games thats all !!!! both should be rentals no doubt . ( just my opinion stupid xbox and ps3 fanboys , before you guys start getting all butt hurt and shit . )

5027d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Damn madpuppy where are you from cause I desperately need 2 kinect controllers for my niece (las vegas nevada ) and cousin ( austin texas ). I work at gamestopstop and we are backed up till dec23 and toys r us is backed up till jan 3. I went to best buy and they are completely out of all kinect,kinect bundles and xbox360 systems and MIGHT have 7 kinect bundles on friday. All our south region at gamestop are out of kinect and kinect bundles and most not all are out of xbox360 modles. Even walm...

5032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is no such thing as a halo ,call of duty, gears of war,uncharted,resistance,killz one ect. killers . Only us as consumers can kill a franchise. If we don't buy, then they will die. A perfect example of a franchise dying fast was a little game called HAZE a couple of years ago. remember. What counts in any business is sales , thats why its called a business. So anyone that says sales don't matter or isn't everything is full of SHIT !!!!!!!!!! In a business, sales are everythi...

5032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds about right,move is selling good but not what people think it is. Shipped doesn't equal sold.Here at gamestop we have more than enough move bundles and no kinect(completely out in my region).Either way both are succesful already! Just saying it like it is as a REAL GAMER not a stupid ass fanboy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5044d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

This is excellent if it was sold ,but I don't think it is cause at my store and my region we always have move stock of move . It's selling ,but not that good. 4.1 million almost seems impossible , MAYBE a big MAYBE after the holidays it's possible , but still don't think so. Kinect is hitting those types of numbers cause we're always running out of stock specially now since black friday came around. We're completely out.Anyone that says move flopped is crazy it's d...

5046d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

sorry to hear thats happening to you ,but I've been playing it on xboxlive since the day after launch and haven't had any such issues on it. And I play atleast 3 to 6 hours every day! Same with bad company 2 , medal of honor and halo reach , no complaints here at all. So really I could care less for dedicated servers !! And if these other games have dedicated servers I can't tell the difference,they work the same to me. ( NICE AND SMOOTH )I heard gran turismo 5 has lots of online ...

5049d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

Hell yes CRACKDOWN 2 and GRAND TURISMO 5 are easily my biggest dissapointments this year for sure no doubt. sorry , just saying it like it is ! a FANBOY won't agree with me , but a REAL GAMER will !!!!!

5050d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's exactly what I was thinking. Anytime there is a good article about the 360 it's either fake or a lie on n4g, but when it's anything sony it's the truth. I wonder why ? I do like coming here to waste some time once in a while and MOST of my comments are for ps3 fanboys . This site is mostly 80% ps3 fanboys 10% 360 fanboys and 10% real gamers like me. To burst people's bubbles is that ps3 is at 41.6 million sold and 360 is passed the 45 million sounds very legit becau...

5074d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why is he a loser ? just because he clarified nelsons stupid mistake or because you actually thought the ps3 finally caught up to the 360 and he let you down. I met him 2 years ago and he's a down to earth dude. I'm sick and tired of all you ps3 and 360 fanboys . The only loser I know is that dude that works at valve that talked shit about the ps3 . Anyway to clarify all fanboys shit here is the closest ps3 got to 360 was 3 million units sold , now should be 4 million cause 360 has be...

5074d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know you got your panties all wet when nelson fucked up the numbers he told,but i work at gamestop and there is no way in hell ps3 is only a couple of thousand away from 360.the closest ps3 got to 360 was around 3 million and now since 360 slim launch it should be around 4 million. 360 has been outsellind ps3 since 360 slim launch till last week. We sold alot of ps3slims at launch , but we've sold alot more 360slims and kinect bundles these past few months also. So to say ps3 is a coupl...

5074d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment