CRank: 5Score: 23010

What's up with all you trolls coming out all of a sudden , Why do I have to back up anything to you. See the problem with trolls is that a troll ( that's you ) is blind and deaf , so no matter what I say or what I show you , it makes no difference in your troll world. See a fanboy will actually see and listen . A troll ( that's you again ) won't ! Are you mad cause I , like millions of other gamers will be buying both xbox one and ps4 too. Why you mad mrsmagoo, I'll be buy...

4094d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

@ Mac420 If your comments are for me then here it goes , but if it wasn't my bad . If its for me then listen up , who gives a shit why I pic up an xbox one day one. I'll pick up all systems day one like I did my nintendo nes ,sega saturn,dreamcast,n64,xbox,ps2, ps3,psvita,3ds,wii,wii u,psp,psp go and so on - who cares , why should you. I don't have to justify shit. I pick them up because I can and cause I feel like it. All companies promise shit and don't deliver , it's bu...

4094d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

@ Savage Beast - your comments are total bullshit ! you're a troll and thats it period ! I like reading the articles at n4g and the comments on here also ,but the trolling from you kids has to stop . If you were an xbox troll I would tell you the same damn thing , I'm not loyal to any brand , I'm A real gamer and I have and will get all systems cause I love gaming and can easily afford it. If I couldn't afford all systems then I would get the one that suits me at that time . F...

4095d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

@ Savage Beast and your other troll friends Orangepowers, Killrate Omega, fatty uk, iGamer viii and Maria Hel Futura - Seriously can't you guys just shut the hell up with your troll comments !!!!! It's cool to talk about the ps4 , xbox 1 or Wii u , but your trolling gets old. Yes it's a comments place, not a trolling every article and talk trash place !!! There's like 80% psfanboys here at n4g and thats fine , but atleast they are confident about the ps4 and they don't ta...

4095d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

@ Orangepowerz,Savage beast,Killrate Omega,iGamer vIII,Maria Hel Futura - why doesn't it surprise me to see you psfangirls or boys trolling like every article at n4g ,specially Orangepowerz , you're 10 times worse than Greenpowerz !! So what if the article says what it says , if you guys are so sure and confident about your ps3 than just look at it and walk away . Why do you guys care why people buy xbox , why does it matter , it's there money so what . I'm getting the ps4 an...

4097d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can't decide between the ps3 60g fat or the halo4 xbox slim edition !!!! I say both for me !! I see them everyday when I wake up for work .

4114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still gonna buy both systems day one even if they block used games or whatever minimal thing they do ,I buy my games new and always connected online so no big deal. Could careless what any cheap fanboy thinks. I will also gladly pay for psnplus and xboxlive . At least I will be enjoying ALL exclusives !!!!! Too bad for people that only borrow games, only rent games or pirate games !!! Time for them to buy a new game once in a while to support devs .

4123d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

at omi25p very well said ! all this bitching,complaining and fanboy crap at N4G is getting old now !!! It's cool that people have opinions but if people don't like a certain system then they shouldn't buy it and stop telling people what to buy and don't buy , it's that easy !!!!!!!! I'm a gamer like you and I'm gonna buy both systems nomatter what these idiots at n4g say. Atleast we'll enjoy the killzones,halos,Imfamous,drive clubs,quantum breaks and forzas ect...

4142d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Both systems will be good !

4145d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said brotha

4145d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you that stupid , just cause it's in the middle I'm an xbox fanboy. Will it make you feel better if i put the Wii-u or the ps4 in the middle that way it's on the center spot as you put it (lmfao) !!! I'm pretty sure you're a sony fanboy cause a nintendo fanboy won't be that shallow and only a sony fanboy would get bothered by something so idiotic like that but who am I kidding this site is 90% sony fanboys, including you !. A real gamer wouldn't care what order...

4156d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who cares what they do , I'm still getting a PS4 and New XBOX no matter what happens !!!!!!!!!! All I know is that this year and so on I'll be playing my killzones,halos,cods,battlefie lds,destinys,watchdogs,infomous ,witcher3,project gotham racing,thief, ect. ect. ect. Nothing is gonna stop me from getting my two systems !!!!! Even if ps4 charged for online , I would still get it , even if xbox charges for xboxlive it's very well worth it . ALL I know is that I'll have the ps...

4157d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with you %100 percent , but I also own a 3ds,ps vita, Wii and Wii-U. Starting to play less on the computer though, most my friends and cousins have the x360 cause of party chat,Halo,gears and call of duty. I wish more of my peeps played Battlefield 3 ,Killzone and Resistance multiplayer cause I like those games alot. Hopefully next gen they pick up the ps4 also cause the new Killzone looks badass ! Glad to see you're picking up both systems instead of being a fanboy !

4178d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree %100 agree with you, I love my Uncharted games , but somethings about this Tombraider game made me enjoy it more. The bad thing is you can't say it here at N4G cause of those sony fanboys will eat you up .For them nothing in this world is better than Sony this and Sony that. As for me I don't care I say it like I see it !! Afterall it's just a damn opinion !! I do expect Uncharted 4 to be in a different level that's for sure , but let's see.

4210d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

I agree with both Max-zorin and Typical-guy %100, just don't forget Nintendo though ! I heard there's some cool stuff coming at E-3 for the Wii-U this year !!!!

4212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's the best response I've read today ! Tired of all these fanboys , Sony fanboys are the worst ! What's so wrong with people getting an Xbox or wiiu instead of your precious ps4 . Real gamers get to enjoy all types of games whether it's on their favorite system or not. We get to enjoy the Uncharteds,Halos,Killzones,For zas,Mario bros,Witchers,Crysis,Zeldas,Sp linter cells,Call of dutys,Battlefields,World of warcraft,Diablos, ECT. So many Badass games all around !!!

4216d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Tombraider > Uncharted 2 > Uncharted 1 > Uncharted 3 . I love my uncharted games ,but damn this Tombraider game is good !!!! Can't wait for Uncharted 4 and Tombraider 2 now.

4217d ago 12 agree15 disagreeView comment

I hate the ps3 controller , but this one looks pretty nice, it's more like a ps/360 controller now ! Can't wait to finally play me some shooters on the ps4 without that crappy dualshock3 set up !! This is gonna be a good christmas with my Wii-U , PS4 and XBOX720 on my new 64 inch 3-d Samsung !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4231d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

100% agree with you Wizziokid !!!!!!!!!!

4335d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cool deal cause I just bought Dishonered (360) , Borderlands 2 (360)and got medal of honor warfighter ( 360 ) free today ! I hope i can get the same deal next week when I buy assassin's creed 3 (ps3) , forza horizon and assassins creed liberation ( psvita)on Tuesday ! wish they had deals like these at gamestop asap on NEW games not only used !!!!!

4352d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment