
CRank: 5Score: 7330


The Desing Does Look Good IMO. Since I Already Own a PSP and a DS i dont see why I Should get the zunebox accept if its a cell phone also then i might consider it . But i've heard theres gonna be a PSP phone thing So i still got 2 wait 2 make a choice

EDIT: IPHONE 3G or Is it 5G looks cool but i Already own an Ipod Touch .

5936d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why Cant RE5 Be Game Of The Year? I Dont Get u Guys ,Last Time I Checked RE4 On GC was Named Greatest game of the year In 05.Final Fantasy x ,x-2 ,11 ,12 Never were near 2 be a Game of The Year In 05 and in 06. So Why Would the 13th be a Game of The year? Plus that Ishh due for 09.So When WE'll Cross The 09 Year I Shall Consider Talkin About FF13 maybe Being a Game Of The year But For Now EFF that game cause it aint out yet. On The Other Side Maybe Mgs4 May Be A Great Nominee for Game of th...

5936d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I saw The HQ trailer and The Graphics seemed Pretty Cool and i saw the Gameplay video also.Either Way Vesperia is a buy for me since im a Tales Of Guy

5937d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ ACLAYPS3 // Tru Dat . Coming From A 360 Kind Of Guy.

5937d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I Wont Judge The Game Without Playing It First Like I Did With Lair and Haze. But If Those guys says it needs improvement they might be right, Only Time SHALL TELL.

5937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Me Complaining? I Wanst Complaning about ishh. I was telling Helghast My way Of Thinking.

You Wrote:Your sitting up here complaining about blacks complaining when your doing it yourself.

Last time I checked i wasnt complaining about black people but telling that they've got the right to complain about Lotss of Stuff! But i Dont Expect U 2 Get That Since u Must be an Ignorant white guy . Thank God this doesnt apply to all the White People cause This world Would have B...

5937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All We Do Is Complain? Lol U Never Heard Other Races Complain About The White Man? Now , Im Not a Racist and Never Will be Cause That Would Mean im lying 2 my self . But What U Just Said Is The Ignorant White Man Phrase About black People we Hear All The Time. How Come Most Of The Mexicans , Puerto ricans ,Salvadorian , Cuban ,Dominican ,Black , Arabic Cant Stand the White man? See Everywhere The White Man as Put Their Feets War Have Started . Craziest Thing about That Statement i Just said W...

5937d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sum Of u Guys Just Dont Get It. The People Who Said The Game Was Racist Were People That Dont even play Videogames. The Thing is At The First Glimps Of Biohazard5 all they Saw Was Chris(White) Shooting at Black People Only. And Sum Of U Bring The Fact That RE4 Was In Spain ,Lolz,U Guys Blind Or Sumtin? Peeps From Spain Or Also White Unlike Latinos.So When U play the Game , Race Issues Dont Even Come in Mind + when U see a Preview of the game and Ur not playing it and only get to see action s...

5937d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


5938d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What The EFF is Wrong With Buying Timed Exclusive??? I've Read That Other Guys Comment and he Was winning like a Lil Punk Cause MS pays for Exlclusive lmao WELCOME 2 THE REAL WORLD DUMBASS THIS IS THE VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY !!!! Its All About Making More Money In the End Why Should I Give an EFF about U aint being able 2 play games on ur ps3? Aint my fault them Producers keep on delaying games and promising sum other stuff like PSHOME but Ishh never Seem 2 get 2 the Market. Fa**ot ,lolz u pissed...

5938d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Tecmo Employees could gear up with itagaki and MS for a Sumthing of their Own it would be Really great. We could use sum new Franchise from itagaki on the 360 . Watch the Disagrees From Sony People!

5940d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really Simple : If i were to Review a Game Franchize I've been playing since PSone GC PS2 PSP and was waiting for the Last Game of the Series The Fanboy in Me Would rise and give the game a 9 and Upper Even If It isnt that great.

5941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How could you guys only care bout FF13? At the time I was really hyped bout FF12 and when i finally got it it wasnt really what i was expecting it to be. The game isnt bad but its not the greatest of the series . Im a Big JPRG fan and my Ps2 mostly got only jprg on it at the moment
KH 1 & 2
Wild Arms 4
Tales of the Abyss/Legendia
FFX/X2 /12

And let me tell you that the greatest game in that list are the ones that got the less hype whitch...

5941d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jet set Grind radio , Shenmu ,House of the dead ,sonic , Power Stone ,Sky of arcadia All of those games could fit on the 360 Now if only SEGA could start working on them jems for a near future

5944d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im Starting To Think Yall Got a EFFED up Mind 4real! WTF is wrong with yall man look at the First comment

Mc187 - 2 hours ago
1 - I've said it before
If you don't like the game to begin with don't review it.

LMAO , You Fa**ot warent sayin that when that reviewer gave a 8 to Ninja gaiden Right? 8 aint a bad score Right! Fu**k all you Fanboys

5945d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All of a sudden All u guys dont care bout Star Ocean ? Comon man even tho I own both them cosoles sayin u guys dont care is a lie

5945d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

What kind of question is that ! Sure Theres asian and mexicans in africa Dumbass!!! Africa isnt only a Junkyard man theres People over There that could buy Ur Whooolleee Family man. And yeah There are Whites and Mexicans over There Probably People From The Red Cross and humanity Resources . Ignorant White kid.

5951d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They aint scared , Reviews always seem to BIAS players

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

True That i aint seen no ads on tv yet Sony better wake they asses up!

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's total bull I've played GTA4 on a 2nd hand Xbox360 Since The day it came out and never got any RROD and No Freezes . I play atleast 7-8 hours straight on my 360 and never get no probs . I've played on my Cousins 360 never had problems with their 360's either.

5954d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment