
CRank: 5Score: 7330

Hell ZOE3 Comes Out I'll get my Copy For Sure I finished the 2nd not long ago I Still could use some more dosage

5975d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell its simple Fu** Gay People that's it !

5975d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I freaking knew it! The First time i saw those vehicules i knew they would change the game for the worst. Who cares about vehicules man i want the Old banjo gameplay. From what i saw in the trailer this will be a rental for me.

5976d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kill Zone 2 Graphics...... I Must Admit ,That Footage showed Sum Good Potential , I'll Have a Blast playing it . Gears Of war2 Graphics looks better with The HD Trailer , Im Still going to Buy both by the time KZ2 comes out I'll have my PS3 .


5977d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

See if the Ps3 version would have outsold the 360's you guys would be jumping everywhere but hey it aint no big deal rigt its 360! EFF u morons

5979d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This Is Going to Be a Banger Just like The First One! Who Can Talk Bad about this game? common Execpt For The Sony Fanboys i Cant't see people talk bad about this game foreal. Im going to buy 4 Sure!

5979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

isn’t being embraced as a game console, but rather a Blu ray player that happens to play games

thats wayyyy to harsh !

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Techradar talks BS , Common Man Numbers Show The Truth. Everybody Know the 360 Version Sold More .Amd For the People Sayin 360's version of GTA4 is Cheaper Y'all sayin that cause you heard of it online. I've played both and I Dont really noticed any difference . Only expert can tell those stuff and People trying to search for Defaults. Normal gamers wont Yap about those stuff and Sonyfanbooys Arent Normal Gamers Yep Theyre Demons Form Hell.

5982d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5989d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So who Ever Talks Crap about the 360's version havin Cartoony Graphics is a Dumbass cause this prove u wrong.

5991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should think about a new DS desing and This time with a freaking hardware in it. (hello wii)

moac: since 06 about 2yrs ago

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hate when they make games like that u know right before shippuden while we all know the show is up 2 shippuden. but i think they're trying to make us buy the first so we can say: hell when the shippuden arc game will be out its going to be amazing!!!!

bandai is doing the same thing with dbz

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

U Guys R Really Hopeless . How Much Does It Take For You To Get The Freakin Fact that DLC is Something good!?
Theres a Freakin POLL ABOUT IT RIGHT IN UR FREGGIN FACES!!! and u guys still manage to talk smack about the 360's version!Seriously u guys got issues. Go ahead and dissagree with me!Rip me away as many bubles you want.The Only Thing that ps3 fanboys always talk about his Im scared of RROD U Guys havnt even caught the Console for gods sake!!I Bought one and Never had any problems...

6005d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a Stupid Battle

thing is really simple u got a 360 and no ps3 get the 360version . u got the ps3 and no 360 get the ps3's version. U got Both? be smart and take the one on the console you play the most.

Just Shut the hell Up already ! Y'all acting like stupid fanboys trying to say this or that is better.
We all Know DLC is always a Plus so Please dont act like its not this only makes you guys look like 5years old saying there Power Ranger Actio...

6006d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

1-360 gamers live in the present.
2-Ps3 gamers live in dreams of the future games that never gets out
3-people who are smart care about dlc only hardocre fanboys deny this.
4-Ps3version might run smoother okay thats cool we'll have to wait 2 see
5-i have Spike TV ,CW ,G4 most ads for DM4 where on the 360 i swear
6-First time i played DM4 was on PS3 so i aint a hater
7-People Care about DLC ;proof even Wii owners Wants some (SMASH BRAWL,Mario Kart...)

6007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People Arnt Really Racist ,But Most of us have prejudist against other religions or cultures. thats because we dont know them or think that the way they do things arent as we would do them. but this is a Normal trait of the Human nature.Racist people are people who put things in their heads that make them some other people should all die and when they come in contact with those people they create a barrier that cant be pierced.

6008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah im Pretty Sure PS3 Got his share of problems but i know things arnt goin to be expended as the RROD even tho i never had no RROD

6010d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WTF i thought theyn where going on sixassis kind of controller not a total rip-off! damn this disapoint me in a bit

6010d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I Aint Mad At That But They Took Too Long To Prepare It I Aint Go Buy No New Controllers!!!

6011d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yo 4real This Article Is Freakin BS seriously ,,,,, I Mean Why Would EBGAMES or GAMESTOP Care About DLC on The 360Version and Advertise It??????? They Sellin The Game On Both Console So They Be Doing Ads for GTAIV thats It + Im pretty sure by Know people who will buy the 360version already know about the DLC so aint no use of Them retailers advertising it and stuff.From Where I Stand This Article is Totally A Playstation Fan Product.DLC or Not People With Ps3s will still get the PS version a...

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment