This is good... Isn't it?
CRank: 5Score: 56990

Oh shoot. Demon's Souls hooks another one.

The games are crack addictive.

4094d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Warhawk 2
Demon's Souls 2
Heavenly Sword 2

Oh my Goodness!!

4094d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

They sure did.

Sounds like MS could have some cool ideas. But with all the rumors and Orth's twitter horror show, everything they do now is being looked on with skepticism.

Always on is now looked at as forced connectivity. And now, it looks like the media part is the main focus instead of gaming.

Heck yes, they've lost control of their messaging, to core gamers though.

That Orth screw up even hit Time magazine'...

4094d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah, it wouldn't be delayed that late. But if it were, imagine the specs update.

I do agree that the new information and the good press coming out of the early ps4 reveal possibly coupled with this Adam Orth fiasco and other negative rumors have caught MS off guard and maybe has them rethinking their marketing strategy.

Stopping always-on could be as easy as a firmware update to remove. But if MS has major deals in place depending on this always-on, alw...

4097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


"I wonder what all the people here claiming it *must* be true since MS isn't responding and it later turns out to be false?!

I bet ya they are all going to scurry away to a different excuse and pretend like nothing ever happened."

I for one will be relieved. The longer that we can hold off on stuff like this, the better for all gamers.

We all have our preferences, but I hope most Xbox, Sony, Ninty, P...

4098d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"maybe its just a big charade to make MS seem like angels with Halos (pun intended) around their heads when They announce the xbox 720 is not always online"

You know, I've heard this theory also. But if this what MS is indeed doing, their thinking is flawed.

Every day MS'silence continues as more and more negative articles make the rounds, is another day for doubt and uncertainty to creep into the hearts of all but the most devout Xbox foll...

4098d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


His timing (and attitude) was atrocious

Now it seems he might have been fired

Read the last update:

4098d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Tell all of that to the games tournament communities.

Which console do you think will be used as the default tourny machine next gen for Madden, fighters, FPS, and such when one could lose internet connection and screw up outcomes between competitors sitting right next to each other under the same roof.

And it's not just multiplayer games that are potentially affected.

Heck, if I'm playing a single player game ...

4098d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Getting ugly guys.

From Gaf

If this happened... man, if this happened...

Man, I'd hulk the f out

Hogan, Incredible, Savage- doesn't matter

Somebody would be getting their ass kicked.

I don't know who. But somebody

You can d...

4099d ago 50 agree9 disagreeView comment

"you dun know that I'm colored, and *what world do you live in where nigga is a racist term?"

Uh... while we're at it, not too many black people refer to themselves as "colored" fyi.

4099d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF?! I'm not calling ANYONE "Sweet Billy"

From that reddit link...

"I worked with this guy when he was at Fox Interactive. He was easily the biggest douche I've ever worked with in any industry.

He demanded people call him by his nickname : "Sweet Billy". Literally would ignore you and be a total dick if you called him by his first name.

I was wondering why the PR for the new Xbox from both ...

4099d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All I know is, this better not be some April Fools joke

Been waiting for a new KI

4100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


+ Bubble :D

4100d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yeah, Royal is definitely easy mode.

Magic with a magic power regen ring right from the start.

And he/she starts at Soul Level 1, for greater control over builds usually. Less wasted stats.

4102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Demon's Souls for free?! Diving back in, y'all

DS is probably my most played game this generation.

For those new to it, or for those who rage quit after 15 mins, just keep your shield up, walk - don't run, and don't give up so quickly :D

On a side note, there's been rumblings of a Demon's Souls 2, ever since Hidetaka Miyazaki is only loosely connected to Dark Souls 2 and not really happ...

4102d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, this is crazy.

Never heard of some of the sites in the "highest" category, while Giantbomb is in the "lower" category

Metacritic was always like vgchartz to me. Sometimes entertaining, but never to be taken too seriously.

The problem is some developer bonuses and future job opportunities are actually tied to their metacritic score, and that's plain bogus.

Seeing this list is going to make some ...

4107d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know :)

But your wording...

4112d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


4112d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment



4113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you for this.

I absolutely hate clicking through ten pages to see the full list.

Bubbled up for helpful.

For my pick, I'd pick Thief as number one anticipated because I love stealth style gameplay.

Second would be FF, if those vs XIII to become XV and co-developed by Sony rumors are true. Even though I couldn't stand XIII, I'm still holding out hope.

And third would be Infamous: Second Son....

4114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment