This is good... Isn't it?
CRank: 5Score: 56990

I see From Software in the top right corner, and just hope "Demon's Souls II"

I don't know about Dark Souls II's direction without Miyazaki at the helm. But if he still has that itch for another Souls game made his way, awwww man :)

4234d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know I'm in the minority, but I want Mario to play like Mario games, Demon/Dark Souls games to play like Souls games, and I want Gears to play like Gears.

That's why I'm getting those games in the first place. I like and want the feel and controls of that particular series just in a new story / scenario.

If I want a different play style, I'll just play a different game.

Again, that may just be me though.

4234d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

My friends and I gathered around to play "D" on PSone

We loved that creepy game. We had the lights off to add to the atmosphere.

It was short, but we didn't care. The build up to the final reveal in the game was intense back then.

Thank you for the fun times :(

You will be missed. Rest in peace.

4235d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment



Jeez man. And my dumb arse was saying I could hold out on ps4 because I have a large backlog of games.

Don't think that's possible now

4236d ago 21 agree1 disagreeView comment


4238d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't disagree, but it seems to be working for them short term.

Like MS only catered to the hardcore gamers short term for two straight generations.

I bought a 360 for Mistwalker games, Dead Rising, Crackdown, GeOW, and Mass Effect. And except for Gears, those titles either dried up (MW), went south (CD2), or went multiplat.

Now 360 gamers are left wondering if they'll be supported short-term to be pushed aside for Kinect and enter...

4241d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Agreed. More and more I find myself waiting on games to drop in price to offset the dlc costs, or just wait for the goty editions.

I have a large backlog of titles to keep me busy anyways, so I really don't need to purchase most titles day one.

4241d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone else think FFVII when they saw dude's name?

Just me huh?

4248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Ninja Theory themselves are the reason people don't like the game.

I liked it. Loved Heavenly Sword. But I'm one of those gamers that wish NT reps weren't such arses.

Makes you almost feel bad supporting them. Heck, I know there are gamers that will only buy NT games used or borrow because NT leaves such a bad taste in their mouths.

4248d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it looks great so far. Over the top fun.

I love the part when Raiden slices up the on-coming missile.

As long as you don't go in expecting a metal gear stealth game, just a mg-flavored action game, you should be all right.

And yes Raiden is a ninja, but we all saw the feats he was pulling in MGS4. I don't think he'd be stealthing around much; he'd be whupping arse.

4248d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Just enjoy the best game of all time."

You damn right I enjoy Demon's Souls! :D

On topic though, I'm one of the GTA fans that thought IV took a step back from Vice City or San Andreas.

I like the looser fun style of the older games, which IV's BOGT dlc captured. I hope GTA V remembers the fun as well as the gritty story.

4251d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know.

Everyone says Sony needs to advertise their games more. But when they try to build up excitement, it's somehow still seen as a negative. Hmmm...

4257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um, someone so needs to release Xbox 8-bit

Not even kidding. Making it downloadable is a good idea.

4262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And Demon's Souls was successful as well.

and Warhawk was great

Really what defines failure in your book?

4262d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Tor's list was good; I think MikeMyers nailed it.

I would add...

- crappy ports and
- Japanese devs "westernizing" their games
- good devs closing & losing their jobs
- devs afraid to take chances because of above, so clone popular games / game mechanics (i.e. COD clones)

4262d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


I thought you were done. Yeah Hipstor, I'll be mad while you QQ all over your PS3 for wronging you.

Don't get shocked, mang. Tears and electronics don't mix :D

Enough teasing though. That's what you put out there, so don't be mad at any "misconceptions".

4263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did I know you got rid of your ps3 and couldn't get into the E3 if I wasn't a fan? How did I know about you talking about video games in the old days (which I appreciate because I'm an Atari 2600 / C64 gamer that grew up in arcades myself)?

Just because I don't agree with your full 3-4hr podcasts I'm not a listener?

All right, man.

You choose one podcast episode out of many that you finally have some kind of short cri...

4263d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bah, I'll get HHG to slap the diet juice/slim fast out of your hand if you don't stop lying to the masses.

You can't fool us. You should listen to your own podcasts.

You know you usually find no fault in Xbox and only trounce on PS. And I'm not talking mocking a few fanboys on both sides. I'm saying, start calling out MS like you do Sony every other episode. I bet you haven't badmouthed MS since Warzone was in single digits.

4263d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a start calling you Hipstor.

Hey Hipstor! How come your crew minus Weapon can't enjoy all the systems you own?

Oops, used to own... Didn't you say you got rid of your PS3?

Hmmm... Suspect!

When are u true gamers on your show gonna rant that MS should stop spending so much money on advertising and timed crap, and secure more exclusives like they used to?

Man, what about spending some of that S...

4264d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course it doesn't matter who's second or third now, as long as each system was supported.

But the Warzone always had the vibe that the PS3 was an utter failure, just because they have solid competition from Xbox.

Sony certainly isn't perfect, but c'mon. It was even on a recent Warzone that I first heard one of the crew suggest Sony cut down on developing exclusives and instead place more money into marketing fewer exclusive to get sales num...

4265d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment