
CRank: 5Score: 7510

Now although I like the series and everything if this was to happen on the PS3 we wouldn't stop hearing it. So just to emphasize it..........HA to all you 360 fanboys.

Anyways I really never saw anything about this game when it was first announced with screen shots that made it look like it was going to be amazing and refreshing. It's that feel you get with the follow ups to a previous big title. Felt this with Super Mario Sunshine, DMC3, Burnout, and MGS 3 when it first released...

5961d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nice to hear I guess but seriously this doesn't deserve this much attention to be one of the main topics on the home page.

5961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stupid to put Final Fantasy and Mario Kart there. Mario Kart DS was amazing and by far the best in the franchise except for the first one of SNES and Mario Kart 64. And some of the Final Fantasy's are alright but when the put out good titles like FFX and FFXII the series still has life. The Tactics form of the series is just as solid as well and gives more of a Deseiga/Fire Emblem approach. And although FFXI isn't that good they at least ventured into something new and different. Just know Fi...

5963d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People need to make money it's hard times now a days. And although Sony has said they won't pay for exclusives they would never let titles like Final Fantasy and MGS go. Every title they have let go except for GTA has gone down hill by a lot or slightly in quality.

5966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good to hear but after tuning Firefox 2.0 and using Fasterfox along with other add ons I still prefer it to Safari, but Safari is still really good to use. Can't wait for this and SP3 for XP.

5966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's IGN. And although I'm a Sony supporter, when it comes to FPS I'm a PC man so I won't be jumping on the Haze bandwagon but if Famitsu gives the game a good rating especially from a region that is not as crazy about that genre than you know something has to be nice. And from the demo and other previews none of the visual problems seems to be problems as IGN claims. I just feel bad that they decided to release the game now when MGS is coming out. Will really hurt sales especially considerin...

5967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes in a way because Rare has gone down hill and a beloved Nintendo franchise on another console like the 360 kind of hurts for those who have played and enjoyed the previous two. On top of that this game will be marketed wrong because MS is not the most knowledgeable with selling platformers and games that are not necessarily edgy or excessively violent. And they couldn't even help sell Conker. And by looking at Conker and Perfect Dark and even Viva Pinata which isn't as good as people try t...

5969d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very impressive. Looks like Killzone 2 will finally fulfill the expectations that the first one was unable to accomplish.

5971d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because it is more of a last gen system with motion controls. Besides Brawl I don't play anything on that system and only my little brother who's a big Mario fan plays Galaxy and Paper Mario 3. Although I love Nintendo and understand that they didn't want to put out an expensive system and fail like the Gamecube did. The Gamecube was the second best in graphics last gen and it still didn't matter, and the same goes for the N64 which was better than the PS1 graphically, so Nintendo decided tha...

5972d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

When you name things like being "green" and other nonsense this is a pretty bad list. Only thing that was legitimate was the remote and the one with the situation with the cables. Besides that it was really nitpicking and regardless of you should purchase the PS3 as a Blu-ray player because you get so much more for your buck. You get to play games, watch movies, save music and other videos, Internet, chat, etc. that you couldn't get with a normal Blu-Ray player.

5974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would be good if it came over to the PS3 but I still wouldn't buy it, or I might try it later when the price goes down from $60.

5974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone who sits here and tries to say this lineup is better than the PS3's is the definition of a blind fanboy. Anyways I guess its not horrible but I think Gears 2 should have been postponed a little for more fine tuning. Hate when a game comes out close after it's last title. Banjo should be interesting since it will bring back memories from when I was a kid playing the first two. Too Human doesn't interest me and Viva Pinata is a joke.

And they're 3rd party lineup would need ...

5975d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Looks solid as expected and since I didn't get MGS3 Subsistence so I didn't really get to enjoy the FPS elements and I had a lot of fun with the MGO Beta so I knew it was going to be solid. Also factor into to the length that he may have played on normal and didn't do things like no kills, tags, frogs, or whatever new easter eggs they have for you to obtain. Either way this game is going to be amazing.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also why do you people add Zelda to the rpg genre when it really isn't. If you do that please count God of War, Devil May Cry, Metroid Prime, the newer Super Mario games, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Kazooie, etc. because all these games use the "becoming stronger" technique that has it's similarities to rpg games but really isn't the same.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In all seriousness the praise that Final Fantasy VII gets is so undeserved. I own the title and support the Final Fantasy series and will willingly admit this. If this is your first rpg good for you but games like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG were more impressive and deserve to be mentioned, (although you could argue that FFVII was better than SMRPG). I personally think Chrono Cross and FFX were better than this.

People act like this game did for the RPG series what Ocarin...

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forget this damn game. It's not gonna be the same on a 360. The golden days for Banjo and even Rare are behind us.

5977d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

He really is a fool. Especially that thing about how Sony has been promising this stuff but it hasn't come out yet. Please explain to me how that is bad if they build new solid IP's and make sure the games come out perfect without issues especially considering down the road you have nothing else. And the fact that Gears 1 and 2 are coming out so soon is a sign that they've pretty much maxed out the 360 and making games for it now are just about the concept of the game rather than raising the...

5979d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You know whats funny is all the 360 fanboys were all trying to knock Sony for copying Nintendo with venturing into motion control but now the company they support is doing the same thing. Can't wait to see how stupid this will be.

5979d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It really is their last shot. Nothing big besides Gears and Sony hasn't brought out all of their previous titles like God of War so MS is in for a pretty bad fight. MS has done enough to become relevant in the gaming community but they really are focused on being number 1 this generation even and probably are the only company who has the most to gain and lose if they don't obtain it.

5981d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did this very quietly. It's funny how MS made a lot of noise about their sales accomplishments but as Sony has started to gain more and more ground and it's obvious it's going to take over they have shut their mouth and Sony is being humble about this entire thing.

5982d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment