
CRank: 5Score: 7510

HAHA And Xbots use to make fun of PS3 fanboys for motion control. It's sad when a company constantly copies others on every aspect just to keep up. Xbox 1 original controller = Dreamcast controller. Control type S = Ignorant version of the PS2 controller. 360 controller = complete copy of PS2 controller with a slightly different form.

But let us remember everyone copies Nintendo!!!

6113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling Nintendo doesn't want to me the demand anytime soon because they know that once there product isn't scare and hard to find, part of it's appeal will wear off. Nintendo knows that they system won't be around much longer and are prepping for possibly a Wii 2.5. Same attitude that has been working with their handhelds. And sadly I will probably buy the next version of the Wii when it comes out so it can sit right next to the Wii I own right now.

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a dumb argument. People should realize that a lot of those things like trophies should never be released now because no one would really be enticed to try Home. Who wants to try Home if everything that is the backbone of Home is already out? Home is expanding on the big attchment of social networks, but adding the video game aspect.

Another thing is comparing Second Life and Home is a horrible comparison. Home has a lot more involved in the core design where as Second ...

6117d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a Sony fan and even on this one you can't make any real differences out. But I do remember 1up doing a comparison and explaining how they favored the PS3's visuals and controls. Anyone who is saying either console has the better version is just too much of a die-hard fanboy and should just be happy that the game is looking amazing.

6119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony's Stepping Up. They've only made great progress since launch last year. And the demos are getting better too. A bigger catalog of things to download but they should make a separate section for the themes. Luckily I have my amazing Superman theme that I made.

6120d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PC games that require such technical power usually don't sell well. I'm buying UT3 soon but Crysis requires too much. I have the technical power to play it, but without DX10 which is only on Vista, I hardly see a point.

6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully this is good. I'm downloading the Orange Box off of Steam soon and was thinking about getting Gears although I've heard it has it's share of problems. As long as I get more out of my 8800 GTS I'm happy.

6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If that isn't an All-Star lineup I don't know what is. That is the best lineup we have seen in a long time. Hit after hit, and variety throughout. Home coming, DS3 all coming.

As Sony would say......
Play Beyond

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These won't be the same without Nintendo. Killer Instinct was cool when I was little. Now that I think about it, there is nothing good about it. I grew up playing Street Fighter and Samurai Showdown back than and KI appealed to me because it just had that edge about it. And knocking people off the roof was fun. But now that I'm a more in-depth fighting gamer, this could no longer hold any interest to me like Tekken does. Especially with that 360 controller.

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just like searching for the PSP's with the right firmware. But yeah honestly this just pushes me further away from the system. Not to add flame-bait but at least with my PS3 and Wii I know I won't have problems. The 360 is like dealing with a poorly built PC and i bet just sending it to them to get issue resolved is a pain.

And OOG Funk, if you spend the money you are spending on that system or any system within it's first two years where you are spending a lot of money it shou...

6121d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is anyone surprised by how bad Vista is. And Blade Vista on a strong PC is still garbage. Only reason I almost bought Vista when I bought my 8800 GTS was because DX10 and that was only for Crysis. XP is garbage too but there is a lot of 3rd party apps that you can download to at least make the experience better. As an OS Windows is horrible, but if you're into PC gaming you really have no option, and it's a damn shame.

6123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Woot that PS3 line up is so nice. Right now I'm enjoying R&C, and Uncharted, along with Warhawk. Been playing Fire Pro Returns and Shadow of Colossus is being delivered this week. Superbad on Blu-Ray and still playing Tekken 5 DR:Online. Next year is just amazing. And my Wii will finally play other games besides Smash Bros, Galaxy, and Metroid Prime 3 when Brawl is out. Wow and everyone thought this year was the year of the Gamers.

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly the sales that PS3 pushes is pretty good considering the price of the platform and the lack of any real titles. Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank should sell better and thats a shame that they haven't. But in reality throughout Playstation's existence a lot of solid titles don't sell well.

Another thing people need to look at is how well PS3 is doing outside NA. And the BIG titles for next year are on the PS3 and they will also sell well outside NA. And they should se...

6124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

He bashed Uncharted and Ratchet for being being too simple and trying to lean on their visuals but Shadowrun is as simplistic of a multiplayer game as that came out this year. It's a mediocre game that relied on whatever little gimmick of playing with PC counterparts to sell it. A few interesting weapons but nothing that dazzles you and the entire structure of the game is nothing to brag about.

We are all entitled to our own opinions but this guy just wants hits on his article ...

6127d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought people said Viva Pinata was good and a solid reason to own a 360. Game that should have been on the list regardless of console is Madden. No reason to choose it over NFL 2k5 that still remains on top. Another title should have been Smackdown vs. Raw 08 for the Wii. Just a disgrace.

6128d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or play it on the PC like it's suppose to. Been playing HL2 and CS source on PC for a while now and it's truly an amazing experience that can only be felt with mouse and keyboard.

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate listening to people like Zhuk on this board constantly reiterate nonsense just to watch himself type.

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how people on here will say don't bash Xbots and so on but if this was sided in MS' favor it would be a very different story. uncharted, R&C, GT5, UT 3(although I'm getting for the PC), HS, LBG, MGS4, FF, NGS, and it's continuing.

I'm not trying to be a fanboy as I support the Wii and enjoy some aspects of the 360 improving upon the original Xbox, but anyone trying to bash the PS3 now is being very ignorant. Everything that people want to complain about the system i...

6129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah they already closed down one of their stores here by me and a Staples is taking it's place.

6132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just by the last award with dew you could tell the show was going to kiss up to Halo and MS. Otherwise decently good. For a casual gamer award show I was surprised that some of the choices weren't completely awful. I didn't think Bioshock earned it and I've played it on the PC. It was good but still nowhere near the experience COD4 gave me. Also Mass Effect didn't deserve that award. It really is that great of a game. It's fun but people seem to just build it up because it didn't truly live u...

6132d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment