
CRank: 5Score: 14670

I'll admit man, I'm not good with search engines and finding stuff online.Most of my knowledge comes from borders where I read my favorite magazines such as Future music and computer music. So, to resolve a debate I'll need your help. Since you got CD sells how about finding how much digital download sells are in comparison, if thats possible. I looked up itunes I saw they have sold 5 billion songs this year alone. I don't about how much the other guys sell or make.

5828d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

really??? Well when ever I go to Wal-mart, target, Best buy, I never see CD players but more an more MP3 players. IN the Cd section I see less Cd's and more Itune cards or Emusic cards. It's not a stupid comment. I have not seen someone, outside of my house, in america in 2 years with a cd player. Apple and numerous companys are putting every peny into downloads. Also, for the one music store I found at ala moana, They have a section where you go to download the music at the store instead of...

5828d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's weird when it comes to this debate because it is always about MS vs Sony, but the way I see it we are living in MAC's world today. Everybody I see have Iphones Ipods or MAC computers. When I go to look at all the MAC stuff, it is all about DD. There Apple TV, and anything with an I in it is about downloading something. Why would one company put some much time and money into something if they didn't think it was the future. So, Millions of people are begining to adopt this I-whatever thin...

5828d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to dissagree with you but I have a question. If people are willing to spend 10 to 15 dollars on a cd, why did tower records and media play and other CD stores go out of business? Why is it that out of 5 malls that I have been to in Hawaii only one has a cd store. (ala moana)Also I have not seen someone with a CD player at the GYM, on college campus, at the beach in like 2 years.

5828d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think downloads will be the best thing. Since gas prices are rising, most people don't want to leave there house to rent or buy if they can do it online. My parents live 20 mins away from any rental store or wal-mart, so why spend money to drive, deal with harsh Georgia weather, or any other thing when they can download them on there computer.

5828d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't know why so many people are trash talking doom 3. I played all 3 of them and loved them. Doom 3 also has a 87 on metacritic so I guess critics enjoyed it as well.

5833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They need to have are you experienced.

5838d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats pretty neat. I wonder what it would be like for a FPS using the wii mote to aim the gun and the board to move.

5846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know what to say Virus, really you don't know what you are talking about. Jimi hendrix, T-bone walker, bb king, john lee hooker, robert johnson, lead belly, johnny winter, stevie ray vaughan, albert king,Eric Clapton and Buddy Guy must all be egotistical pricks. Also nearly every great musician has a producer. Red hot chili peppers couldn't have made BSSM w/o Rick Rubin. Nirvana couldn't have made nevermind W/O Butch Vig. Oh yeah curt cobain and Tom petty are amazing guitarist. If you...

5854d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't agree with john's comment but trust me from someone who plays guitar everyday and listens to some of the most diverse music ever. John Mayer is amazing. Check out TRY- John Mayer Trio Disc. Listen to Out of my mind.


Really? So, you have friends that are own countless magazines being praised. You have friends who BB king even thinks is amazing. Or that are on rolling stone with derek trucks and john Fruiscante being called todays guitar gods.

5854d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have a 40 inch 720p tv. Is there any reason why I would want to upgrade to HDMI?

5972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been wanting a PS3 for a while but have been holding out for some great games, price drop, and newer SKU's and now I am glad that I Did. All the games on PS that I want come out this year so I know what I'll be getting for christmas.

5979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find it ironic you have a john lennon avatar and then you go and tell some one to throw themselves off of a building. Maybe you should listen to more beatles songs. I don't like this guy anymore than the rest of you but the more you guys post things that say "go kill your self" "I hope some one KIlls him" is the more evidence this man has in court to use against video games. How about commenting with something more logical and then people will begin to think"maybe g...

6105d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good job Mart,

I was going to point out the Mass effect thing as well. I find it funny we buy from an industry where every journalist complains that more games need to have game play over graphics and the one time a DEV does this they get criticized for it. This guy just wants attention and that is it. I personally don't believe in the whole "winning the console war" thing but as for any of the 3 systems dying off is bullsh!t. They will be here for awhile.

6105d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why do people say PGR stinks? PGR3 got a 88 on metacritic and GT4 got a 89. An 88 on metacritic means it's a great game. Stop being foolish fanboys.

6107d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was going to say something similar. We really don't know the words exchanged between the 2 boys when they were fighting. Something could have been said to the bother that was very emotional and cause him to do such a thing.

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have you ever heard of majority rules? I'm not a fan of halo but to call it a joke is ignorant. Obviously Bungie has tap into something that no other game DEV have before. So, give credit where credit is due.

6108d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you were one of the riches men in the world you wouldn't have to care about appearances either. lol.

6109d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


You said it blows but you gave it an 8.8. I don't know where you are from but thats a good score man.

6109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


You are the biggest idiot on this site. This is not a PS3 or 360 thing, it's just that you are an idiot. If you don't like a game why do you go an argue about how much you don't like it. Let it be man. You take this sh!t to seriously, it's just a game. Go play a game that you do like and shut up!

6109d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment