
CRank: 5Score: 14670

I don't know why he lets it get to him. I think it's funny hearing both sides B!tch and complain. It's the only reason why I come on here. You can tell when someone is a real gamer because they enjoy games and not worship a piece of plastic. He does seem to single out the PS3 crowd. It is very clear that all fanboys/girls are very amusing and sad on both sides. Well I'm going to beat portal again. Later

5620d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love guitar and play everyday and while I'm not a fan of guitar hero I do appreciate that it gets kids into more music than they are use to listening to. My wife got rock band for when we hang out with our friends and I was shocked at how many awesome songs that were in the game. So, while it may not make them better guitar players, listening to hendrix or Zep or Stevie may light a fire under there ass to go get a guitar and play. I know it was them that did it for me and not oasis lol.

5623d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vernon reid almost broke the damn thing during the solo. Living color was the best.

5688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't believe this is real. If you are that desperate why not wear depends adult diapers.

5693d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have a PS3 but if the pad is the same as the PS2 then yes I like the d-pad better. However I don't like the placement of there analog sticks though. It never bothered me on the PS2 since most the games I played were RPG's but when I played red fraction I couldn't get the feel for a FPS. I love xbox's analog sticks but hate there D-pad. lol. Maybe sony and Micro could work something out for me.

5704d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have trouble using the d-pad as well. I stopped using it and change weapons with my pip boy. It doesn't really bother me since I'm so reliant on VATS and I play the combat at a slow pace. If I were someone who play's the game more like a FPS then I would imagine it would become irritating since FPS's are faster paced. I don't know if this makes since but it sounds right to me.

5704d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I didn't think fable 2 was all that hot. It was to easy and to short.Also I'm a little bias because I love dialogue trees and fable 2 didn't have them. After I had beat it I was like "was that it"? The story was weak and I was surprised that it was lacking something that every other RPG has at the end, boss fight. I thought it was fun but nothing like what I am experiencing with Fallout 3. I mean it has been a long time I have sat for 6 hours straight playing a game and it's because...

5707d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the best game I have played this year. I would give it a 9.5 because there are a few issues with bugs and VATS isn't all that great. I have played Fallout 3 now for about 60 hours and have 4 characters that each have done completely different things. If you haven't got it yet I would suggest anyone who likes western RPG's to pick it up. Bioware and Bethesda FTW

5707d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't really think fable 2 was all that great. It was to easy and to short to be a great RPG. The story was weak as well. This is just my opinion. It was fun though. I would give it an 8.0.

5712d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

My game froze during a save in brightwood. Now every time I load my game it goes to a black screen. I would have used a previous save game like most RPGs have but the geniuses at lionhead thought it best to have one saved game per character. 6 hours gone.

5718d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm trying to get a hold of planescape torment. I played it once at a friends house 10 years ago and I can't believe I passed it up. I never played any of those games but might give them a try. A lot of good games get passed up because there are games that are better or get more hype around same time.

5778d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ET Atari

5785d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think graphics have a lot to do with artistic style as well as looking photo realistic. KZ2 looks amazing but just because it looks so real doesn't necessarily mean that more people will like the art style. Doom and Far cry for the XBOX amazed me but I still like games liked shadow of the colossus and wind waker in terms of art style more. I thought flower looked amazing.

5795d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't want to bust your fanboy bubble because I get kicks out of reading silly comments on here but the wii is in fact wining. I think it has already sold 25 million world wide.

5796d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The concept looks neat but I think this game would be really boring for me. The levels look kind of like my apartment. I think I would probably have more fun listening to NIN and slowly walking around my apartment.

5801d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"San Francisco, CA - May 29, 2008 - Sid Meier, creator of the Sid Meier’s Civilization® franchise and Director of Creative Development at 2K’s world-renowned Firaxis Games development studio, has officially won more game awards than any other video game creator according to the Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition 2008."

I don't know if I would say he is the biggest geinus but that ought to put him high on the list.

5804d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@deeznuts, you got a point. So, we will look at this by reviews. Zelda 64 is the highest reviewed game of all time. It is a 99 on meta critic. So, I guess it's the best game ever. the only way to judge something being the best is with facts. So I see it as either by sells or reviews.

5809d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

would'nt let me edit lol. Here is the list for the top ten games.

5810d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isn't the number one game in the world Mario? I think the mario franchise has sold more than any of the other franchises.

Edit, No it's Mario. I looked it up. Mario has sold 195 million units world wide beating every other game franchise. It's funny, out of the ten top selling game franchises, nintendo has 4 of them. Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pokemon

5810d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

when It comes to games I agree with you on the sony front but MS got me with the netflix stuff and all the live stuff. I really enjoyed where they are going with live and I like how they trying to expand their audience. I didn't care much for the first XBox because it was limited to certain genres. Also FF13 was huge for someone like me that didn't see any JRPG's on the first XBOX. I enjoyed both MS and Sony equally. I know I might get disagrees but I think Jack Tretton was the best speaker. ...

5818d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment