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funny cause when Mark Carney says things like this
Where is the he suppose to say that attitude then
What makes you sony sound so stupid is you are falling for the same thing you did back in 2005

3940d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hear you sony fans scream Last of Us to you blue in the face
When in all honesty it suppose to look good
One the game was slow as shit
Two wasn't never really that much stuff going on
And technically you had clipping and serious AI issues
If I remember didn't halo 4 win best graphics of the year last year

3940d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

Why do I have disagrees for telling facts
Anybody who disagrees with me tell me what part did I lie about
And if im not mistaken didnt halo 4 win best overall graphics last year
Infamous 2 had a open world but one thing it was slow as shit and you never had that much stuff going on at once

3940d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You do realize the 360 was a more powerful system but things like cross game chat and party chat and voice messaging during games takes up ram
They had more ram allocated toward system features thats why you have a graphical advantage for the ps3
If MS would have cut those features out like sony did and put it towards games,
The games would have not been close 360 would have looked far better

3940d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Sony fanboys are so pathetic
I didnt read not one comment but I know its not that many xbox fans on N4g
To take up 3pages of comments so I will guess that 75% of the comments are sony fanboys trolling again lol

3940d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why do the xbox games look and perform better

3942d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You know the thing that I find so funny is that
Not wheather its true or not or is there actually anything that MS is hiding
Its this without a doubt trust in sony
Sony says its has the most powerful console 90times a day no one says anything but also remember the ps3 suppose to hqve 6 usb ports dual screen gaming, the movies they showed in 2005 and I haven't seen the ps4 let alone the ps3 do the version of motorstorm I saw back in 2005
Not trying to bash s...

3942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually he is not the source
He is just referenced to have wrote about it in more detail
If you read the article he says his source is someone else and how mista has his own source

3942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You talking about sony or MS
Cause sony games aint saying much compared to MS

3942d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment

Cause I read the article and the mista acrticle to a week ago
First off let me say I dont believe it but if you read them and look at it objectively
They make better case for it to be true

3943d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

This rumor more than likely is false
But one thing is fact the guys at hotchips conference clearly said that MS was hiding something cause they only gave them half of the information in the specs
Now they part of them system thats inferior to the PS4 the ram MS has already confirmed so would not be they didnt show it caused they are embarrassed
And look how they kept the 8gb of flash a secret
Now I dont think its a whole other GPU but something is definitely be...

3943d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why ask why
Its an extra feature

3943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That impression didnt make sense
First they say it look bad then toward the end say its.a.very beautiful game
I think the combat is set in realism from the qay it looks
Maybe that is why its boring

3944d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Let start by saying I dont believe the X1 has dual GPUs but that leaked document last year remember the one that was 52 pages long they had an diagram of what was inside the.X1 and in that diagram it had dual GPUs

3947d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I love how everything thats a negative or something the ps4 won't do in this instance
Split screen now its last gen and it dont matter
Like last gen no one cares about party chat or voice messaging lol

3947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They all do that so no big deal but this close to launch

3947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What do you expect them to say lol
We see the games and we can judge for ourselves
I think he might be a little delusional
I you all putting screen shots anything looks good in screen shots put the games in motion and you can tell the difference
Besides this is just propaganda in relation to MS releasing some of their specs and people starting to see the X1 has a little more kick than we originally thought
Is it more powerful than the ps4 who knows who...

3947d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

This was a shot at sony in relation to this
I would call it petty but considering all the cheap shots MS has taken good for them to give one back

3948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like the analogy
Getting 10% of a country is more than getting 70% of a city

3948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You all do know the Wii U sold out preorders to
I think sony will probably win next gen but I dont think it will be in sells
I just think if MS gets a ptece of the bigger audience they are targeting that would be enough

3948d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment