CRank: 5Score: 19150

Yeah if we go off sales and preorders half of the exclusives for the ps3 were terrible

4009d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

After the lebron dunk it clearly states
"Actual next gen gameplay taken from variable camera angles"
Yes that was ps4 footage before yall start cause I know how n4g can get it was already said both versions will be the same and they as of right now are getting the same performance from both systems right now

4009d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One thing that sesm funny to me all of this battlefield xbox one and ps4 back and fourth is only being covered by one website
Just funny to me

4010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually black did not state any facts
Do you all even read the articles he said it was never at 1080p at E3 it was 900p with a native 1080p frame buffer
That is how when digital foundry with their test and every one else thought it was 1080p
It just goes on to make my point why is everybody even arguing about 1080p cause its clear with the techniques you don't know it when yawl see it
They could have never came out and said it was running at 900 and every...

4010d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

None of you actually read the articles do yall lol
If you all click and go to it he clearly tweets that the.part about the ps4 having an higher resolution was false lol

4011d ago 16 agree39 disagreeView comment

When its all said and done the screenshots actually look better
More realistic
But people stop comparing deep down and infamous
Please comparing them with a launch title is stupid
Compare them to quantum break which looks better than all of them but no one believed remedy when they said that it was running gqmeplay and not CG

4011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You sony dummies comparing deep down and infamous ss are so stupid cause for one neither title has that much going on even infamous its never that much going on
Ryse has been comfirmed to have 100 man battles you will have to play through all with individual AI
Its like the 2 infamous games were slow as hell and that is why I liked prototype more chaotic and fast paced
But back on topic the article wasn't really to compare poly count more so to show that even wit...

4011d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

How do a company let an rumor pop up?
I could start a rumor right now and MS or sony could not do anything about it

4013d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It is still double the poly count of KZ
People forget.they have confirmed to have parts were you play out 100 men battles all with individual AI and realtime damage
Tell what game is during all that and look just as good
Besides if you all read the article instead of juat the headline
He clearly says it looks better with less triangles and shader support than more triangles per character and no LOD

4013d ago 3 agree23 disagreeView comment

Killer instinct and lococycle also

4014d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You sony fans are.the most defensive people I have ever seen

He wasnt even implying that there was something wrong just saying if it was you really think they would tell you
Its official sony fanboys really follow with blind faith

4016d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

It looks the same to me and I saw it in person
The power of suggestion
Cause if a rumor had not came out said it had been downgraded
You all wouldn't be saying stuff like it dont look as good did at first
I call it a rumor cause out of everybody there only one site reporting it
You sony fans are so sad
Complaining about a rewind a feature thst has been there for years and saying thst is not sim
A little bit of fact the last two...

4016d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have read atleast a dozen articles with penello, and other execs apologizing since the reveal
Hell its even one up now about him apologizing for not being able to show the UI publicly yet
See this is my problem with you sony fanboys
Its one thing to prefer a certain console thats cool
Im getting both my self
But when you go out you way to bash or criticize another console and then dont even tell facts doing it
Just lies and rhetoric

4016d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Its not about hearing good stuff about MS
Its about exposing the bias and hypocrisy that has flooded this site by sony fanboys
This is only a general gaming site but the sony fanboys has made this site with a couple others the joke of the internet
But you fanboys are entertaining lol
I will give you that

4016d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

How did you get so many disagrees
What did you say wrong
These sony fanboys are like a cult

4016d ago 8 agree20 disagreeView comment

Let this hqve been MS and the world would have ended on this site lol
But I forgot sony never lies about anything
Even though the editior from ign just a few weeks ago tweeted that sony has yet to show an actual functioning ps4
I know im going to get disagrees but before I do
What would you disagree with
Everything I said is fact

Look it up only the third party games where running on pc dev kits
All of the...

4016d ago 14 agree20 disagreeView comment

Funny ps4 cant do YouTube at all yet they are criticizing MS for not having it at launch lol
Sony fanboys are are the most hypocrites I have ever seen

4016d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Damn you dumb
Ryse has 100 hundred man battles you play
KZ is a FPS which everybody knows is the easiest genre to do graphically
DR3 is actually higher than 720p with everything going on and no load times totally open world infamous dont have half of the stuff going on as dr3 do
Forza suppose downgrade lol
Its funny only one site is reporting this
But I know MS paid everyone else not to report it
Also look it up The Order is native 80...

4017d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Toy story graphics
So many more teraflops than the 360 almost double in power
We saw how that turned out
50% more faster(note not one developer every say more powerful just faster when developing there is a difference)
The magazine(edge) actually lied in their article which was proven in this
Digital foundry basically said they were lying when talking about the memory bandwidth
And you say MS is doing it ...

4017d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Them same people you say that are out of touch invented and do DirectX
The main programming language for games

4017d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment