
CRank: 21Score: 220100

I'm with DaveX360. Tropico 4 is going to poop all over MW3 sales-wise. It's all anyone's talking about.

4775d ago 21 agree1 disagreeView comment

You know what I think?

Achievements were good, but with 80,000 Gamerscore, I just don't care anymore.

They should use points as an aggregated system to give each gamer a rating. Better still, nobble MW2's system and employ a meta-achievement system that unlocks insignias and such, not for specific games, but for overall amounts of tough-to-get chieves.

MS need to find some way of making them feel valuable points of gaming pride once ...

4776d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nothing to play except the 700-odd games on the format?

4777d ago 16 agree11 disagreeView comment

Great. Another 6 years to wait for another horifically average game. I should care why?

4777d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

And Carmack reckons he'll struggle to fit Doom 4 on a Blu-ray, but yeah. DVD is screwed.

4778d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you? Do you really?

Or, it could be the most honest score out there. Why not play it and find out.

4778d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree. They have that option on Xbox 360, so why not on PS3?

4782d ago 24 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh my god. That's awful.

4782d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes. I agree with everything.

4782d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

And how are you going to co-op Sheperd's conversations then, Mr Smartypants?

4782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your mum = -2y = 2 => y = -1 .................( 2 )
x^2 + y^2 - 2x = 1 x^2 + 1 - 2x = 1 x^2 - 2x = 0 x ( x - 2 ) = 0 => x = 0 or x - 2 = 0 => x = 0 or x = 2 z = -i or z = 2 - i.

4782d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment


Save your money and get an iPad. Cheaper games, more of them and you can use it for practically anything. Production included. These game-only devices are obselete. Just look at 3DS; practically no one bought one. Why would they? To play game on the train? they can do that on their iPhones and contrary to what the firebrands who don't own iOS devices on this forum think, the games are often very, very good. If you want you dose of nathan Drake, you have a PS3 for...

4782d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All handhelds that aren't smartphones or tablets are redundent. That's the point of the article, not all this PS3/Xbox schoolboy shit you ascribe to.

4783d ago 2 agree32 disagreeView comment

It'll be like Kinect Joyride. just stay still and you'll still win.

4783d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

That's not the point he's making – that there's only been PS3/PC – the point he's making is that no one in the world has seen it running on Xbox, which this late in the day is HIGHLY suspicious.

4783d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

These arms weren't made for gaming; this game pad on the other hand...

Nuff said.

4784d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, but no one's going to say 'Hey, let's not go to E3 and wait to announce our game at Gamescom'... well, some might, but they are all but guaranteed to be German, obscure, and working on a PC-only RPG of some kind.

4784d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cliffy B told me personally that there would never be a Jazz Jack Rabbit 2 and never, ever to ask about it. I hadn't asked, though, which left me wondering why he brought it up.

4784d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is poppycock. 60fps is insanely important for responsiveness and immersion.

How is it that developers who manage it (Carmack, id, Infinity Ward, Turn 10) say it's both a point of pride and vital to the gameplay experience, but developers who give in and cut to 30 rabidly defend it like it's okay.

It's the same slide in enjoyability you'd get from lowering the resolution, but then, DICE has probably done that too.

4803d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

Aye. But the games have got better and many have far higher budgets since 2006. Back then it was all MAME ROMS of Rootbeer Tapper and Frogger, now it's the likes of ComicJumper and Limbo and so on.

I personally would expect these to cost more.

4807d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment