
CRank: 5Score: 6220

u r dreaming!! how can i help u to wake up fanboy?

every body know ps3 has more great hits exclusives!!


ow i forgot! and ps3 wont break down on u in the Christmas night thats for sure!!

6182d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

with this price things look good for ps3!! i will buy it next month!! 300 pound is the same price i bought my ps2!! looking forward to UT3,Haze,uncharted,ratchet,war hawk,Folklore,assassin creed,GT5,COD modern war fare!

6182d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

there is almost no game this year that will sell LARGE quantities of ps3 but there is some games that will help the ps3 to be in good position!
uncharted and ratchet will sell systems but not that much, because uncharted is a new IP and ratchet well it will sell systems to whose who love adventure games! but every body knows that from 2008 we will start to see ps2 happening again with ps3!! especially if they reduce the price ps3 40GB to 300$ and the 160GB(which it will come in 2008) t...

6182d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they live in another world! and they are fanatics about MS and x360 maybe because its USA company!! they forgot that they should be gamers before backing up multi billionaire company that they always produce bad quality software and hardware with the 360!!

if there is an Apple console i really might buy because am sure the hardware at least will last with me for long!! BUT MS??? NO WAY!!

6183d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

what is a division means here?
is it like a studio or just a big building that says sony gaming division?

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

finally ur dreams coming true after tacking the BS from 360 fans for almost a year now!:)! good news for u and me! 360 fans just cant take it that someone like them on the opposite side!


true! we need competition so sony keep making the good work and keep lowering their expansive console!! but now its not that expansive any more! if it wasnt for the 360 am sure now we wouldnt see a ps3 with 400$ or 300 pound or 400 euro!

6185d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

u should understand that ps3 fans angry for not getting exclusives because some companies stopped being sony exclusive!! so its normal that we want some exclusives other then first party!

6185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

he is free to do any thing he wishes! but that wont change the view of many people on him! that is a traitor!
and y do u bring SE in this topic? and y do u bring FF to this topic?
i was only talking about this guy and mentioning them is only a fact so dont try to make it an argument!!
any third company is free to choose the console that they make their games! but when they make millions of fans in one console then abandon them it will make many of these fans angry!! wheth...

6185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because he stopped making games for sony!
about final fantasy! we all know that final fantasy went high to the sky with the playstation brand not nintendo!!
as i remember square soft that time had very big financial problems and if it wasnt for FF7,8,9 then probably we wouldnt see square enix now!!

6185d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i hope all DEV keep making new IP's but just if one country dont make then its their fault!!
maybe it will cause a new country to arise with new IP's!

6185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we have no places for traitors!!
i dont want any 360 fans to attack me just because i called him traitor because imagine bungie goes exclusive for ps3? how will u feel about them?? thats exactly the same with him!!

6185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS are arrogant!! they want to own all the pc's in the world and they succeeded!!
people u have to understand something!! where u love the company or not!!
competition is the way to go for us costumers!! if it weren't for x360 and wii ps3 price wouldnt have dropped now!! and if it wasnt for the ps3 price drop x360 wouldnt cut the price again this year!!!!

just imagine u have a company that selling products that no one sells!! of course u will control the price of...

6185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

on consoles now!! console is the way for gaming these days and the future!

6185d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

and the graphics looks good!
but is this the earth shattering news they were talking about??
i dont know how good the old game but to me this isnt a earth quake news!!

can someone please tell me more about how good is this game and to what other game its similar??

6185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we r the winners and they are (kind of) the loosers!
good time to be a gamer!!
to buy a console now we make them pay us not the opposite!!

6186d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

better for us, bad for companies!!

6187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if they put the BC to the 400$ ps3 then there is no use to buy the ps2 for new costumers!
some people will buy the ps3 the low end version to mostly play ps2 games this holiday and maybe 1 or 2 new games!! so actually he wanted to play ps2 games but he didnt buy ps2 console because there is a cheap ps3 that can play ps2 games!!
right now sony making money on each ps2 sold! y should they kill it now??
they will in mid-2008 when ps3 sales is flying buy just adding firmwar...

6187d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

u r right to attack back to him!! but u have no right at all to mention his mother!! what the hell in the world did his mother got to do with u or what have she done that u say all these things to her??

he kept it personal between u and him so dont go off topic and mention his family members or something like that!!

360 is the most unreliable console i ever heard of thats a fact!!
whether it has the best games in the world or not thats another topic!!

6188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they lost last gen!
they are loosing this gen too?? from how i see things (they sold 2 millions console in 1 year) they are in deep trouble!!
but the problem that they had to open their mouth very loud about their 10 million install base lead!

6188d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

well didnt u hear they were saying that halo 3 is the final nail on the ps3 coffin??
so its normal to see now some guys use the same words us the other side did (nail in the coffin thing)!
and the 360 fans bashed ps3 and sony so much till we get fed up of these people!
so its natural that u see some people bash 360 with each exclusive!

6188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment