
CRank: 5Score: 6220

in some pictures 360 is better and in the last one ps3 is better and there is some that are identical!!
its like they are using different TV's!!

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

these people who works in the ad department need to be fired!!

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

u cant help them!!i am happy with the ps3 but i dont hate 360!! i jusy dont like it!

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if u like shooter games then u got killzone2 and UT3 and HAZE,if u like RPG then u got FF13 and its sequels if u like racing then u got GT, if u like action/adventure u got for now heavenly sword and uncharted and metal gear solid 4 and if u like action then u will get god of war 3 sometime in the future if u like casual then u have singstar and littlebigplanet and eye of judgment and echocromo i dont know how to write this name but u will find it if u buy ps3, if u like platformer game then ...

6163d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

its ok u dont need to feel bad about this word we got familiar with these kinds!!

how the hell the ps3 have no value?? if u like shooter games then u got killzone2 and UT3 and HAZE,if u like RPG then u got FF13 and its sequels if u like racing then u got GT, if u like action/adventure u got for now heavenly sword and uncharted and metal gear solid 4 and if u like action then u will get god of war 3 sometime in the future if u like casual then u have singstar and littlebigplan...

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

about ps3 for this holiday season!!
it some months for good news of a console reach parents and to stick in people mind!! ratchet and the price drop happened just few days ago!! but with more games things will change and from now on ps3 will have more great games!!

but 26% increase still shows something and i predict for ps3 sale just to increase from now on and 360 will maintain the sales until the end of the year!! i wouldnt be surprised if i see ps3 sale somewhere in...

6163d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

i guess not!! xbots will say xRROD have better games!!

6163d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

ur 2 friends are the unluckiest people on earth to have that 0.2% failure on them!!

6163d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbots will come here and say their ps3 is broken down on them just to make the rumors spread!! but fortunately nothing is backing their claims!!

6163d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

who ever did this is looking for flaming war between the fans of both sides!!

good for x360! but i dont care!! if they like to spend more money on the system with the extra hardware then M$ strategy worked but it wont on me!!

6164d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

when u have more bubbles than me then speak to me xbot fanboy!!

beside i never heard such a thing that ps3 fan said ps3 multiplatform will be far better than the 360!! only in ur mind u created such thing to justify ur attacks on ps3 for no reason!! if u dont like it then dont buy it!!

bubble for u!! thats a normal gamers post!! u dont find these kind of statements among the xbots thats for sure!!

6164d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

okeey!!!! ur box is better than the ps3!! so wat? leave us alone!! or u have that much free time to waist posting here and in gamespot? i guess this means only one thing!! ur box have died on u and its in the service now!!
damn it!! just go to ur news!! or r u all jealous that u have no good news like us these days? if not then go away!! (shoosh)

this is gaming not mine is better than urs!!
this apply to u too "Evil0Angel"

6164d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

on the sea i saw 1 more wave on the ps3 version!
but i think the smoke is slightly better on the ps3 or maybe my imagination!

but they are the same!! maybe if u play the game on each console then u might feel a 1 bit different!! so there is no point on saying which is better!!

we all can enjoy the game now with out complains!! and i hope they keep this way from now on!! it just sucks when 1 console get the crapy version!!

6164d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

thats a hit on the face for u! what will u say now that the ps3 versions is better then x360?

yes more or less u r right but that was not the fault of the ps3 but DEVS fault!! and some games it took longer time but yes it became better!!
thats the beginning of ps3 multi platforms games will be better!

6164d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

yup!! am sure soon u will hear x360 sold over a million in NA! and they will say ps3 selling less then 100K!! then they will say ps3 dead and have no games!!
but we can still shut them up with the media!! now u cant really find negative news on ps3!! and sales of ps3 started to pick up!!

6164d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

ur post makes more sense than POG 360 fanboy!!!
and i doubt that 360 have only used 2 out of 6 threads after more than 3 years of making games on the console!!

6164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what the hell u talking about? from where u brought up 6 threads? and what u mean from threads? u mean cpu's or what? please explain ur thread theory!!

beside they Devs always say it easy to program on 360? so it shouldnt take them that long to figure out the power of the 360!! and easy means they can use almost all resources in the system and make great games!!
and i think we already saw that on the 360!!

6165d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

u all see the big difference!!
and stop the chitchat!

6165d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

it wont change the fact that blue ray is kicking HD DVD @$$!!

imagine ps3 an blue ray players goes to 299$! do u really think HD DVD has a change against it? plus from now on ps3 sales are much higher then last year, so i expect blue ray disks will sell 3:1 against HD DVD disks!!

6165d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

choose the x360 over the ps3 now are the x360 fanboys or shooter fans!!
now the prices is in the same range plus the ps3 have much more and they have some great games now too! come 2008!! thats the year when the ps3 will shine high with the biggest hits in gaming history!!!

6165d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment