CRank: 5Score: 47350

Make a game killing a libtard and it'd be blasted all over the media wanting immediate action against the game and it's creators... Media bias!

3067d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

The media and opposing fanboys had it out to trash this game as soon as they could. Funny thing is The Order offers better graphics and more controllable physical gameplay than telltale games, until dawn, etc.. But they praise those titles and bash The Order? Total visible biasedness towards the game. It wasn't perfect but it offered more than similar QTE games that get more praise than they deserve.

3067d ago 10 agree14 disagreeView comment

Uncharted is pulling a breaking bad. It's going to be emotional, go out on a high note that makes you want more, but it's going to end at its height... And it'll be done extremely tasteful I'm sure

3074d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Too ambitious of a flop. It'll severely under deliver on its original promise and people will STILL justify it. I seriously don't get it. Devs need to figure out the compromises BEFORE their vision is relayed to gamers. I want what you originally told me, not what's now coming out and I have to accept it. Selling me on false promises like politicians do!

3076d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

People justifying the graphics downgrade for this game which I'm predicting to under deliver severely. People saying "why you care so much about the graphics?"... Geez I didn't invest in a. PS4 for it to still look comparable to a PS3 or PS2 my bad? Gtfoh

3076d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

WTF do these people expect? Smdh but they went ape s#!t for the RE GameCube Remake HD Re Remake or whatever the hell this cash grab crap is!

3076d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Way too ambitious and not enough progress updates with gameplay/screenshots. I will not be hyped till I get feedback from people with the finished product in their hands. The scale promised for this game is too lofty... I'm cautious

3076d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not expecting this game to be any good. Seems too convenient that the positive vibes truck over this game just randomly starts dumping off right before release. But we couldn't get info for months upon months before hand? I'm also betting this game will suffer parity for PS4 owners anyways. You can just see MS don't want this to fail them. They pushed Evolve and Tomb Raider for what?

3076d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Still haven't seen enough to warrant if this game lives up to its full promised premise. The gameplay don't look anymore unique than the next guy. Also there is no way this game will look this good on consoles. For all the other programming allocations for this to run on consoles, I cannot see it looking this good. Watch Dogs bait and switch inbound.

3082d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

To me this is the sickest commercial since the old gears ones. So damn amazing

3104d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kojima is a pretty dedicated Sony fan. Sony has also treated his franchises with the most respect. I personally wonder if he really wanted any of his games to go to Xbox. More money don't make a lot of people happy. I bet Kojima favors Sony do to the respect and assitance given to his product from Sony!

3108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's all the up roar? $60 for a game anymore than another $50 for the season pass to get a full game? What a rip but people are already damn near paying these prices anyways... So who really can be mad?

3111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I outgrew those children's bed time stories years ago... don't understand how adults are still into those myths

3116d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Who DONATES to anything and gets a refund? People these days blow my mind. When has a donation been refundable?... I donated to $160 to the Friday the 13th game knowing it could go through or fall through. I knew what I was doin was a risk but I felt it was worth it. Money could've went to far worse things

3116d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Getting a 3rd party game like COD isn't the problem for Nintendo... It's their lack of 3rd party support in general that they need to worry about!

3116d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I NEVER will understand how The Order gets brutally trashed for its "lack" of gameplay when it offered more than Until Dawn but yet Until Dawn gets massively praised? Makes no damn sense to me. Only thing that gives Until Dawn a edge is the butterfly effect stuff... THAT IS IT. Other than that it IS a walking simulator... At least The Order gave us more control over PHYSICAL gameplay than anything Until Dawn did. People love stories in these "games" if you want to call a w...

3116d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Uncharted was needed to make the Tomb Raider franchise grow up. TR borrows more now from Uncharted than the other way around. I did watch one of my fav streamers play TR last night and it does look amazing. I don't care if it comes late to PS4, it's a buy for me.

3145d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who buys a Bethesda game and don't expect the game to be trash? They duped me with Skyrim... How did so many people fail to wake up along with me?... People still manage to baffle me!

3145d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I had pledged $130 to this game last night and couldn't be more stoked about it. I'm a diehard 80's B-Movie Horror fan as Im an 80's kid. I'm really hoping this game gets funded/supported and it comes to fruition. If you didn't fund/support this game, I hope my enthusiasm or your research of what they plan to do with the game... gets you to pledge! I'm betting it'll be pretty damn awesome.

3150d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not that I I don't want the DLC so I shouldn't complain if it has to be purchased. It's the fact I want ALL games to ship truly finished and with the vast majority of content... I'm not a sheep that's willing to buy a season pass as if it gives a false sense of getting a deal? No it's just another false image to get you to buy. The DLC generation and stuff is a plague overall...

3152d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment