CRank: 5Score: 47350

I can see Sony at E3 now... "We now have a slim model coming, we won't alienate you guys... play new upcoming games and the same classics you love... On the same great best selling hardware available today". It'll be a jab fest on MS/Xbox again... It'll be like the DRM stuff again... But that's ONLY if it isn't a upgraded console, and I'm NOT supporting it!

3040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have no hype what so ever for this franchise. Non stop delays for a game that has over promised and will inevitably under deliver. Just release the damn game already... Get the failed expectations out of the way!. Also there has been nothing shown in ages to even think this game is going to deliver. We've seen bones of screenshots and been told all these lofty promises... Get on with it already!

3040d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You mean how PS3 did? What's there to complain about with the move to PS4?... Seriously!

3040d ago 23 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony STILL dominates the GLOBE. Is console sales between these 2 ever a factor anymore? Also Xbox fans sure are banking on a lot hoping this sells, for Sonys sake I hope theirs does too. I think this is the stupidest crap ever. A upgraded console not even halfway into a gen? I'm not supporting this crap!

3040d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not mad. I bought the Witcher and simply couldn't get into it. Regardless of how vast the DLC is. Uncharted is a technical marvel of a console game and 4 games in the series that has built a long standing fanbase, passion for it. But B&W isn't a standalone game and is tied to a release from last year. So this is pointless anyways!

3040d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not supporting this franchise anymore because of Ubisoft. NOT letting them dupe me again. Money saved!

Division with vehicles? I'm good. Only reason Division felt "open world" and huge is only cause you're on foot the whole time. Also who honestly thinks if your other 3 mates are AI controlled that they'll actually be worth a damn? I still have yet to see a game do partner AI that still didn't make me feel that I had to kill EVERYTHING!

3040d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll take a TPS any day over an over saturated FPS market. Not to mention a killer campaign mode to also play through. I'll take having more content!

3040d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

With a more fleshed out story and more gameplay... Whatever they do could technically match Uncharted for sure. I'm excited to see what they've got cooking. I loved The Order regardless of the agenda that was put out against the game before release!

3040d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm personally calling Uncharted 4 GOTY. 4th game of a franchise that has so many laughs, moments my eyes swelled, and crazy action. A game that ends stuff for characters we fell in love with for years and it's the finale. I want to see it win for the fact it's my most beloved PS exclusive since last gen. Also Witcher with the bevy of content it has, this was a DLC add on for a game from last year. It automatically shouldn't be in the running, IMO. Also the technical features ...

3040d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

We don't need "new" consoles... We just need devs to put more time/effort into their games. Than release at the "just enough" level and pack half our content at a cash grab Season Pass or DLC. Wtf is happening with gaming and these horrible practices? I'm too OG to support this stuff anymore... Shame people in the world are programmed to want want want when it's not needed over half the time!

3040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they want the "hardcore" gamers to bite I think they should. Also casuals are going to buy up the cheaper OG consoles. I'm not supporting this crap... I'll be blown away if this stuff actually sells well. I'll be even more disappointed to see what sheep support this stupid move not even halfway into this gen!

3040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I personally find both consoles from both sides to be absolutely stupid. We're at about halfway into this gen, IF that and NOW trying to be told we need a slightly superior console? Wtf did you originally pitch me on then before this gen started? This is totally stupid. Also, they are really banking on the "die hards" to bite and support this BS. Only way (if it even works) that it'll happen is if there's a trade incentive on the OG consoles. I don't even want this &...

3040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ubisoft is done duping me with their overhyped average releases!

3054d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

Thank you man! Yeah I'm old school... Started with this franchise on Windows 95. So if it kinda captured that old school vibe, I'm in!

3054d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gaming has become quite political on picking sides. You also don't end up on this site if your never wanting to get political about your gaming views! Lmao

3054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Best game I've played this Gen, bar none. I'm on chapter 14 and this game oozes quality. Just think if more devs put the time/effort into their games like Naughty Dog, the kind of quality experiences we would have. But at the same time it would probably make ND's experiences less special...

3054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still debating if I should get my preorder or cancel?... Anyone playing this that can provide their own feedback? Been watching Twitch streams and campaign looks pretty decent!

3054d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thanks to Microsoft for ruining Fable and Tomb Raider... 2 really good franchises that bombed at MS's involvement!

3054d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

BETA or not.
Those graphics left a lot of people underwhelmed and now they know that, so we should see vast improvements!

3058d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

David stick to games and stfu... Why is this even news? This is all the world has to talk about anymore is their overly sensitive bubbles getting popped, my god!

3058d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment