
CRank: 5Score: 44710

"So what that Halo and Gears have sold millions more than all of Sony's exclusives combined;"

not in this universe mmgn.

4475d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

ROFL she s so right.

- gamespot boards- bunch of no life virgins trolling 24/7.
- gaf- bunch of smartasses who believes ey know everything about anything with few exceptions who actuylly do. Escpecially when some groups starts writing half page paragraphs why mgs4 is worst game ever. And why gaming 20 years ago was so much better than today. Lets not forget jrpg emos in whose eyes everything else is dude bro shooter that only people with 25 iq play.
U get bann...

4488d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

u re wrong, its q4 of fiscal 2012.
Its release window is jan-march of 2013. Probably february like heavy rain. So we have to wait about 7,8 months for it.

4492d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Forza is irrelevant and nothing to worry about. Horizon ll be lucky if it cross 150k mark first week.
Most people who play halo, bought 360 by now, might push some hardware, nothing too much.
These ar enot new ips.
This is end of gen, so effect of game releases are small.

Price cut d help more sony than 1 big title.
Advertising ac3, fifa with ps3 might help just as much. All stars, sly, lbp karting is not big but not ba...

4495d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

so 17.3-0.5= 16.7 million between uncharted 1,2,3.
About 5.5 million average while it can only grow especially uncharted 3. Sony should put them on psn for future sales.

Its huge franchise, no more doubt about it.

4498d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They ll be lucky if i get even 1 copy.

4499d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


As long as ey re irrelevant in Asia and Nintendo and Sony are around ey ll never dominate. Ey did some smart moves(bringing some ips on xbox) this gen but mostly thanks to sony arrogance and stupid moves ey did exceptionally well compared to last gen. ps3 sold 7,8 million more units in same time frame. Ey had 10 million console advantage so ey can thx to that.
If wiiu is priced around 300-350 with third party on board, better online, and sony brings good ma...

4505d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Im more of sony guy, but u cant deny nintendo influence. Overall i believe answer is N, although i dont care about them that much anymore. Their only ip that interest me is zelda. When i was young, i was N fan, but later on sony took my attention and i never looked back, ey give me what i want from games.

4507d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

lmao bunch of ps3 haters.
Such a envy is normal for platform with most diverse and most quality staple of exclusives that industry care about+ 98% of multiplats.
- dust 514, sly 4, tales of xilia, lbp karting, all stars, last of us, gow a, last guardian, agent, ff versus, quantic dream new game, new santa monica fps, new sucker punch game, yakuza 5, forsaken souls, new guerilla game, new uk studio game........
soon richer for witcher

4508d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

some1 got a check.
Any other dev/publishers game d get slaughtered for technical problems, diablo has.

But whatever

4509d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

just lol at hardware numbers. Software is even worse. Looks like ey use uk numbers to cover whole europe

4517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ey brought it to themself.
Market is saturated, hundreds of games each year, all with $60 tag. Even with better economy same thing ll happen.
Why not release it at $40 but keep the price for longer time?
Instead ey want 60 and bunch od dlc for 20,30. Those publishers wont get my cash including R*. I buy about 2 full price games a year and bunch of games 15,20 pounds(35$).
When ey realise it, it ll be too late most likely.

4521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no, its not harder than demons souls, and thats coming from guy with both platinums.

4529d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment


game of decade= underrated?

4536d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whats the point exactly of this?
just go and buy 200 console and with huge library UNLESS u need pc atm and u dont have much cash.
This pc ll strugle with games in 2 years( if cheap as* parts are going to last u that much, in 20 years god knows how much parts i went through from gpu to motherboard.)

If u re going full speed with pc buy 600 or so machine that ll be worth it and last enough.

4539d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even guys at sony were pissed by me3 ending. No wonder ey wont let them do promotion

4550d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

better be free dlc on console, or namco wont see my money in future. Still i dont want to put them on list with capcom, activision. Dont dissapoint namco

4554d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

2x gpus, 6 core cpu, 4GB ram, blu ray, kinect out of box??

600$ without doubt+ live.
Maybe 500 depending how big loses ll ey take.

4560d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

If we can trust vgc to some extent vita is doing fine in west compared to 3ds and its 250 vs 160 3ds. It needs strong suport in first 2 years, sales ll be good later. New bioshock, resistance , cod, gow, ac, ....sony just needs to make good moves. Push those titles(+ give them something unique), make funny ads, make vita friendly to small studios who puts 5,10$ games out. Put those DD prices DOWN. Work with valve, take some examples from steam.

4 japan, im intrigued that it...

4566d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Metacritic s highly flawed, especially with multiplats, and this with putting everything in mix lol.
Also arcade game have different standards.

MGS hd collection is 90 on 360(AAA) but 89 on ps3( AA), for some reason lol. GTA episodes same thing aaa on 360, but 88 on ps3....etc

4566d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment