
CRank: 5Score: 44710

Im surprised by zelda sales (Skyeard sword), only about 3, 3.5 million.
Ans people claim its bigger than anything in sony/ms camp.
Halo,geArs, gt, uncharted, gow,lbp...all sell more.

4419d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They should be fired.
Most popular gaming site/section in hands of incompetent brickheads.

Kz2, demons, mgs4, rdr.......

To be honest my list d end with 40 titlea lol such a great library with more to come

4419d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rofl dont think so.
First u re using vgc. Only sony knows real numbers. Second artic edge is same game u used twice.
Most of those titles were fan service who asked for ut like psp and ps2 games. Irrelevant.

Motorstorm complete is first game tweked for japan and later for eu. Again same first game.

3d rift is psn title with content from pacific rift. Literally same game lower price for psn. Irrelevant.

So as u can see those r...

4426d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

No it didnt.
2012 is first year that saw yoy decline, so stop posting garbage.

Consoles re in seventh year, of course slowdown must happen.

4427d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats my observation based on sony official reports, not from this garbage article.

This thing only says that cause of losses re lower sales, which is stupid. They can have lower revenue and income but not bigger losses.
Especially when u made in last 4 quarters 350 million profit. U dont nulify all that profit and plus some losses just because instead 14 million consoles u sold 13.5 or something.

Psp and ps3 hardware are not losing money for sure....

4429d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No they dont, that 45 million mighr be research for ps4 or something else. Didnt they recently bought gaikai?
Gaming division made 350 million profit FY 2011.

Report said lower hardware sales yoy, affected lower software sales.


4429d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

Rofl 75% off.
Like 5,10$ sale- valve margin, they d be happy about that?

4431d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Might get it when zelda hits without motion stuff.
Just dont find their other ips interesting since gamecube

4432d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Panasonic is having 5x bigger loses than sony.
Its not about quality anymore, its price.

Samsung is one of very few from east that is doing good thx to lower prices(more products in low-mid range)and successful copy cat of others.

U dont pull company out of deep sh*t overnight.

4438d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Your trolling level s -35.
Last kratos sold 5.2 million, and gears about 5.5 LIFETIME.

U do realise ps3 has highest software ratio of all consoles, 9.3????

Why do u even post garbage, selfownage or what

4438d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Mmmm pretty sure this show how consoles re strong in its 7th year, 2 to 1 compared to pc( and dont tell me that more platforms, there re hundreds of milion pcs out there, and 8600 30$ gpu can run me3)

They also have origin, more titles on pc, swtor, sims, micro trans.games, older games not on consoles sold in bundles etc. Mstter of fact show that their usual games sell more on console despite smaller margins, less total games...

But im glad all platforms re...

4439d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

its just frontloaded. HIghly doubt preorders in summer of 2010 were anthing special for ds2 and crysis 2 respectively

4439d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My curent pc is total war and fm machine.
Everything else on ps3, my friends re there, i get more enjoyment with gamepad and sofa. Also i prefer console exclusives overall more, vanquish,uncharted, gow,bayoneta, rdr,gran turismo, ....

Though im planning new custom pc for rome 2, about 800 euros , i5,8gb ram etc

4443d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

What ll happen?
There have been 199 xbox since 2008. It wont do anything big, short term bump, nothing in long way.

Ann ps3 is outselling 360 this year. From neogaf/official reports to vgc.

Also if u noticed from sales reports, they overshipped last holiday just to claim victory.
Last 2 quarters is worst demand for 360 since 2007/08.

4445d ago 21 agree17 disagreeView comment

Gtfo with your trolling.

Tools like u give this site a bad name

4446d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Then why did they show 720 version of batman at e3??

4448d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

it depends on your plans and needs of playing.

Sure as hell u cant get gaming pc for 200 euros.
Here in eu without 600,700 euros dont even watch for gaming pc that ll last u generations in advance.
500 e ll get u i5, 4gb ram, high quality psu, some mid range gpu gts450. In few years new gpu d be must.

i7, 8gb ram, gtx680.....goes well over 1000 euros

4452d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I dont see how s this strange.

There re like 0 zero things on it that sell good in japan.
Persona was first of them, and sales spiked.

It needs maybe smaller price and few big ips like ff, monster hunter, to sell hot.

No wonder its selling better in west , comparing taste libraries.

4453d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

WW2 please.

4457d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Apperently no1 can read.
Its just 4 may thanks to diablo, a game with 12 years of hype which surged pc sales up. Is that end of consoles?

Well make article in sept. October, november about sales when bunch of games hit fifa, madden, cod, re6,ac3, all stars,halo, lbp karting, hitman, moh, borderlands,..
Wiiu launch.....

People attack consoles, but sales re great for 7 yo platforms.

4460d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment