
CRank: 5Score: 44710

and this guy went through 15 360s

no wonder there are only cc 15 million gold live users(aka online)

4896d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

15 360s????

There are xbox sales. lmao

Anyway if true not good 4 legit users, and what MS is thinking, dear God.

4901d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

- there s no chance wii2 ll come this year, especially when N is hoping for good 3ds holiday
- there is no chance ps4/xbox ll come next year
- and 1 game ll not change that

4904d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

no, eu ll get it also.

4906d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

U already have 360 under 200$.

4908d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

add to this cpu, hdd, maybe 1gb ram, MB what not,dvd or BR u re looking at 400/450$ wii2 price at least. This may be rough, but N always makes 50-100$ profit on consoles.

Not a price for mass market and ey ll be in a bigger problems if ey aim for pure core market against strong xbox and ps.

It realy bugs me where s N heading. E3 cant come soon.

4909d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

what company brought to us most new quality ips this gen?

thats right

4912d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol rockstar stop doing this, people hoped for rdr on pc, but year later still nothing. Team bondi never did pc game so i dont get why ll ey do now. Rockstar here is just help hand, ey re not developing it internally.

4914d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

not reviewers, only jim sterling. Most of scores are about 7,8 except that d*ckhead, obviously ey need few hits.

4915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i ll rather play 85,80 meta games than play poker over xbox live.

But hey wait for gears in september. I wonder ll u play it if it ends in 80s on meta??

4915d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

When will u understand pc fanboys??? Not every1 cares 90% about graphics of what not. And some people prefer consoles and sofa.

- price of games are nothing to brag about. U can get much new releases less than 40 pounds/ 60$ if u look carefully. Also if u can wait few months there are always sales. There is much other ways where u can save money than few bux on game.
- games. Sorry but i cant get on pc vanquish, bayonetta,rdr, jrpgs, uncharted, gears, mario, gt, for...

4918d ago 21 agree1 disagreeView comment

both mgs and crysis are almost true 720p on ps3, 1024/1124 x 720.

4918d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

that is running on sli 580 if am not mistaken

4919d ago 28 agree8 disagreeView comment

and 70% of third party devs ll die.

Just compare gaming industry( revenue, sales) in 90 s when pc was at top and today. Night and day. Ey managed to hold on at begining of 2000 but with this gen everything shifted.
gta4 sold 20 milions ps3/360, hardly a milllion on pc(and there is 95% chance that u ll see on forums pc guys braging about buying gta for 5$ on steam sale). Complete gta edition is selling 20,30k a week on ps3 at 15,20 pounds+360 version.
3 years a...

4922d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

u should be more concerned about next xbox future than ps business.
- bungie gone, halo left to unproven 343
- gears owned by epic, who knows how many bags of money ms ll need to shell out for possible exclusive
- lionhead for downhill fable
- turn 10( probably only ms strenght)
- rare doing usuall avatar stuff
- valve gone, no more l4d

But hey u can still expect xbox3 lineup
- year 1 halo, fable
- year 2 forza,(...

4927d ago 29 agree11 disagreeView comment

even with japan there is NO chance that there are 15 million ps3 on shelfs, its madness to even think that


So these numbers cant be considered

4927d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

these numbers are way off for both ps3 and 360

ps3 by this have sold 30 million in usa and eu

without last 2010 quarter, we have 47 million, and with last quarter its over 50 million, so unless sony somehow sold 20 million in asia and africa these numbers are fishy

4927d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

dont forget rockstar north

4927d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

impossible to put only 5 ps3 exclusives.
heck even ten i d have problems putting great games in.

4927d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

let alone the fact forza is most bundled game this gen, without it sold 2.5 million at best

- forza 3, wake bundle
- forza 3, odst bundle
- forza3, kinect bundle
- forza 3, lego bundle
- forza 3, bayoneta bundle
- standalone bundle

4928d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment