CRank: 5Score: 31860

To be perfectly fair, he knows because it is what he does. It has been said time and time and time AND time again.... No source code is ever 100% secure.. The only reason why Sony was hacked was because they had a target on their back.. The hacker used the Anon DDoS attacks as cover to carry out the attack..

The Pentagon, Microsoft, IBM, banks and on and on have ALL been hacked... Sony and EVERY OTHER company will never be 100% safe from hackers.... PERIOD...

4729d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment


Your statement is one big hypocrisy.

You're not saying GOW3 is better looking than The Witcher 2 BUT you are saying that The Witcher 2 does not look as good as GOW3.. LMFAO!!

Maybe YOU should play The Witcher 2.... Because truth be told, both TW2 and GOW3 are amazing games in their own right and both look beautiful on the platforms they were built for...

4729d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Sure, The Witcher 2 is beautiful but it is a PC game... It is CLEARLY going to be. You can't compare a 64 game to a PS2 game.... Why would you compare console exclusives to PC exclusives???

4730d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nice review overall. I do disagree with some things... Voice acting suspect? All God of War games have virtually the same voice acting and they are far from amazing, but suspect? Really?

Linear- It is a story driven game, that involves epic set pieces... Of course it's linear.

9.5 for graphics? You said, "they are some of the best in gaming today". Where is the 10?

Gameplay is 8.7 yet it is very fun and addicting... Sounds lik...

4730d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

by charging customers ANY amount of money to track stats is just ridiculous. Black ops has a richer than usual stat system for CoD titles.. Personally, Activision will never get any of my cash. I don't care how many or what games I miss out on. They are worse than the old EA and I never thought that possible....

4730d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

While as a gamer, I would love to say that CoD is battling BF3, it is just not the case.. BF3 will sell 5+ million copies while MW3 will sell 15+.. It is just how it goes right now..
With regards to the DICE game last year, I totally agree.. A few days ago, I made a comment how EA is doing the same thing with DICE and BF as what Activision is doing with CoD and it's 3 primary devs.. But as noted, DICE typically releases are far superior product in terms of overal...

4735d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am convinced Dart spends more time reading about games then he does actually playing them....

How can you be the first commenter on 80% of N4G articles and still have time to play video games???

Answer: You can't.

4736d ago 28 agree4 disagreeView comment

As much as I would LOVE to agree with you on this, I am getting the feeling from the MW3 camp that this game will be the best release yet... Activision and it's developers have a TON to prove with this game. After the mess with Infinity Ward, plenty of gamers are paying close attention as to whether or not their favorite CoD dev can still come out on top without the creators of the series as well as the programmers that brought it to fruition...

Having said all of that, ...

4736d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Clearly it will not look as good.. Anyone thinking it will look as good, has no idea about how video games work..

But BF was built around destruction, where CoD was not.. At the end of the day, it would be like comparing the PC version of BF3 to the console version.. DICE wins in the destruction environment 100% of the time.. Besides.. Do you think the footage you saw of CoD was from a 360? NO.. It was probably all PRE-RENDERED from the engine.. This is the same sorta thing ...

4736d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

4GB Slims are 149 here in Canada...... That is pretty cheap to me.

4743d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

CoD carries the crown for sales.. Not quality IMHO.. To be honest though, BF is quickly becoming like CoD in terms of milking... However, DICE have always just made a deeper and more polished game. CoD for some reason can't get matchmaking right, weapon balancing, connection issues etc don't pat.. That and the $ for DLC makes CoD a game of the past for me.

I just want Uncharted 3 in my system.... Beta can't come soon enough

EDIT: I also did not m...

4744d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dunno why, but I have a feeling this game will become the highest rated game of this gen and/or of all-time. I can't wait till tomorrow to find out my own opinion!

4745d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I saw this earlier on a different site.. It was labeled as SCARY on there.. Personally it was NOT scary.. Kinda cool, but ArmA is not really my thing.. And the playing field is just to vast to really make this scary of even 'fun'.. Cool mod though I guess.

4746d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Patrick Seybold said it is included in and it will light up like the U.S, there are just no names on the map for Canada but it is going live... WOOT

4747d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can we approve this? I just wanna get my third submission ;) Please?

4748d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was a good read.

MY opinion is that, Sony will be just fine.. You don't get to be one of the largest electronics manufactures and not make a few enemies...

The reality is, because we are human, we will forget this even happened in about 4 months.. Something else in the world will happen and we will be none the wiser. Just like the BP oil spill, U.S torture, Japan earthquake, Haiti earthquake, Blackwater and hell, even part #680 of your favorite video...

4748d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

DITTO to the above! Tuesday can't come soon enough.

4748d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow. Welcome to the party.. Everyone is already drunk. Maybe you can still find a spot?

EDIT: Oh man.. This 'kid' must of been doin some serious fapping in 35 seconds... Poor guy

4748d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are right, however, it is the same game.. I don't care who makes it.. This just means it won't be AS broken as Black Ops.. It will play the same, look the same, feel the same and well, will BE the same as every CoD since 2007. But don't forget the most important aspect of your statement.. The top talent that was Infinity Ward are no longer there. Sure they still have some talented people, but I guarantee you that the people they lost, put a very large hole in the company both...

4748d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

Could not agree more!!! This holiday will easily be one of the best 3 in gaming history IMO.. Skyrim is going to HOPEFULLY destroy everything in it's path and well Uncharted 3 is a no-brainer.. BF3 and R3 will be great but I am just sick of FPS...

4748d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment