
CRank: 5Score: 43490

All ps3 fans are kids.

5845d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

More money will go on movies not games from PS3 owners. Worse software sales..

5846d ago 4 agree28 disagreeView comment

why there is only 3 games with PS3 covers? :) All multiplat goes with XBOX 360 covers.
PS3 will be owned this Cristmas in software sales in America because of Yahoo :)

5848d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

Mii was funny for me and all my older family. Avatars will be the same or even better because Mii's have not so many options to customise.

5858d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

There is no prof at all.
Insiders Who? Engeneres Who? Where are real names and facts?

I can tell you something very bad on allready bad topic. Will you beleive me what situation is worse then you think it is only because i said it is worse providing no proof. Yes, you will as most of us will do the same. Don't you thing that this can easily play to Sony if they post this type of story on unknown site. That is Sony who uses black PR methods and are winning information war...

5862d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Remember this:
Blue Ray can only improve gameplay time. Not GFX.

GFX depends ONLY from GPU and CPU. PS3 has last gen GPU. Cell to complex to help GPU in every game. we will see only 3 or 4 games on PS3 which will use full PS3 potential.

PS3 has less GPU RAM available and weaker GPU. And cost 5 times more money to develop.

Jump in - don't beleive in PR bullshit.

5865d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Does he have a patent to exclusivly tell us stories? :)

5865d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Once upon a time then there was only 1 good FPS game and 1 good racing game on PS2 and major part of PS2 fans was RPG/Adventure etc when PS3 came.

All core PS2 gamers bought PS3 and started wait for games. They got FPS game called Ressistance. BEcause there was no games at PS3 at all they liked that trash. The same thing was with Motorstorm. Now they forget about all their PRG and games ther liked on PS2 and do favor for FPS and Motorstrom. They changed their favor because there ...

5865d ago 1 agree22 disagreeView comment

there is a group of 5-10 bots on this site which constantly do damage control on MS news thinking that all other media will folow their tone.

5868d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

1. For price cut
2. Back from Holliday to have a play time
3. Jasper

PS3 sells more only because of BR. Summer is movie season. Bad software sales proves that.

5875d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

If so, then you are not a gamer at all...:)

5875d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Many people will buy this game because of hype and gfx and will be dissapoited after a few hours of gameplay(oh i am tired to run from left to right and i don't have time to create something in level editor ot it is too complex for me). This game delivers just no emotion to me. I have limited gameplay hours and i want to spend them only on quality gameplay. LIfe is short to spend it for non-emotional things. This game will worth their money at price $29,99.

COD4, Gears, Uncharted...

5878d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Not a system seller at all - to few people interested to this boring but beatifull looking game. This game delivers just no emotion to me. I have limited gameplay hours and i want to spend them only on quality gameplay. LIfe is short to spend it for non-emotional things.

COD4, Gears, Uncharted, MGS4, Halo3, GTA4 - this games sells because they delivers in emotional department. You fell like you involved in something big.

5878d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment
5889d ago
5889d ago
5889d ago
5889d ago
5889d ago

it is an old idea which was't realized because of its uneficient.

beleive me - i have a master degree(all A marks during 5 years) in computer science.

ps. don't be so nervious, be respectful

5894d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Cell can only do 30% of job you usally do on GPU. Only 30% of work. That's is how all 3d engines work.

You can do 100% of things on CPU but that make you go agains 3d-industry and take ages to create. Will Sony go that way or not it's a big question. 3d industry went from CPU to GPU in 1998. Now Sony is reinventing the weell which only Sony 1st party studios will follow. But that's is only 20% of all develoreps in the world.

PS3 are failing. But will never resign. St...

5894d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment