CRank: 5Score: 30440

I remember I was in 5th grade whenever I first rented this game, and it forever changed my gaming experiences.

Whenever we look at it in retrospect the game is cliche and controls are pretty bad. But at the time it was revolutionary. I remember turning the game on and almost peeing my pants whenever I saw the first zombie, the first dog jumped through the window, or saw the hunter cinematic.

When all is said and done, this game itself helped turn me into a 'hardcor...

5332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They didn't 'release' the patent after the fact, see my first post in the first thread string for the explanation.

5333d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony's patent isn't for a process of hacking, it's a system for preventing hacking.

Even so, one could patent a process of hacking if they so desired (a method of performing something is patentable subject matter), it would just be near impossible to prosecute anyone for using their patented process because it would be hard to prove people used the patented process.

5333d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's probably right, that or it's the patent security system on the current ps3 that just happened to be published recently (since patent applications aren't immediately published upon filing unless desired by the company).

My reasoning is explained in my above post.

5333d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Although this patent was just published, that doesn't mean it wasn't filed 18 months prior (US Patent office doesn't publish patent applications for public viewing until 18 months after filing or unless the company files a petition to publish immediately).

Also, the patent would not and cannot be used to punish the hacker in criminal or civil court. A patent is simply a claim to the invention of whatever is described therein. So basically all Sony could do with this patent is p...

5333d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think FFVI holds up better graphically than FFVII, so it doesn't really need a remake.

Games that use the hand drawn 2D sprite graphics hold up better than the original 3D games because of the drastic advancement of 3D and the relative non change of 2D.

5334d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Another 'news' headline that should read, "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, MY SITE NEEDS HITS SO I CAN GET MORE ADVERTISING MONEY!!!!"

Sorry, but I'm just getting sick of every news story here being opinionated fanboy flamebait. I love whenever I actually get to read news.

5334d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Couldn't agree more, I know me and a couple of other of my friends that might be considered hardcore gamers respect Zelda.

Heck, the original Zelda for NES is one of my favorite (and I think most revolutionary games) of all time.

5336d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are missing out. I wasn't that excited for MAG and didn't even think I was gonna pick it up. But I had finished all the games I own and looking for something to play so I decided to pick it up.

And let me tell you, it is freaking awesome. I love the game and have sat down and played for like 4-6 hours straight before realizing it's 3 in the morning and I have work the next day.

To simply dismiss a game because it's not on your console and it has a bunch of p...

5338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although it has nothing to do with the balance issue, I would really like to see a weapon wheel (hold in L2 or R2 and press a direction to bring up that weapon) or the ability to map weapons/items so that they can be brought up directly instead of having to scroll through them.

It's frustrating when you accidentally throw a grenade and wind up killing yourself and another player in the heat of battle when you meant to pull out a med kit and heal someone. Or when you have to cycl...

5340d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess you're right about increasing the splash damage of the rocket. However, they should still change the direct hit damage against infantry IMO. A direct hit from a rocket, regardless of what armor you are wearing should kill you.

This doesn't affect the game either since it's not really plausible for someone to walk around with a rocket launcher to kill infantry because it takes so long to reload and you are a sitting duck whenever you pull it out.

5340d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you crazy? The combat in DA was awesome.

And if you could just walk into a fight and walk away and let the cpu finish your fight then you weren't playing it on a hard enough difficulty.

DA battle system is light years better than Mass Effects 'battle system', if you can even call it that.

5340d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you didn't like ME or ME2 because you thought it was more shooter than RPG, then you are a PS3 fanboy?

Get the frack outta here. Couldn't disagree with you more, especially considering most of the people I know who share this opinion with me are PC gamers and hate all things console.

5340d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't have a problem with SVER's weapons, I don't believe they are overpowered.

But any neutral observer will tell you SVER's bunker layout when defending on domination is much better than the bunker layout of Valor or Raven, especially in regards to parking/hiding APC's out of range of turrets.

5340d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But the bunker layout on SVER's domination is way harder to penetrate in comparison to the Valor and Raven.

The bunkers provide crossfire and cover for each other and there are few places to park APC's without them being targetable by the turrets.

Meanwhile there are loads of places to hide APC's when attacking Raven and Valor where turrets can't do any damage and it leads to quick destruction of the bunkers based on the enemy's spawn point.

I also a...

5340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I agree that powering the RPG up might lead to use for things other than vehicle busting and turret destroying, it is even too underpowered for that. It takes well over 4-5 rockets to destroy a turret (not to mention 90% of the time if an engineer is repairing the turret they feel no effect from a direct rocket hit to the turrent, which is completely wrong) and 3 rockets to destroy vehicle.

First off, I think it should take a different amount of rockets to destroy a humvee...

5340d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with most of what you said although you're gonna get bombarded with disagrees.

I mean, people look at ME and ME2 and use the fact that you level up and allocate skill points to specific areas to say that it is an RPG.

Using those standards you can say so many games classify as RPG's, heck in MAG I level up and get skill points which I allocate to make my character better...does that make it an RPG? No, not in my opinion.

I'm not saying ME and ME...

5340d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think Dragon Age is light years better that ME and ME2.

But hey, it's my opinion.

I agree with the list pretty much. But I understand people that disagree with it, I'm just saying I agree with number 1.

5340d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Everyone has their opinion, just like you

And I'll take a real rpg (DA:O) over a 3rd person shooter with 'rpg elements' (ME2) masquerading as an RPG any day.

And that's just my opinion.

5340d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Any list of PSone games without final fantasy tactics sucks.

Not to mention no twisted metal 2.

To sum it up, this list b-lows.

5341d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment