
CRank: 5Score: 42880

I can't remember the last time I bought a japanese game, but it seems I will have to do it this time. I am glad PSV is region free.

Add me on PSN guys :)

4337d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They always do that with new hardware

4337d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Another unannounced title? Well... it seems Nintendo will only announce all the launch/launch window titles in the next conference (probably September). Looks like this conference will be what we expected from E3 2012.

Actually, I am more interested in the online/social features/support (will they have a good online system? Will they have achievements on Nintendo Network? Will they have more digital support?) Miiverse looks promising, but I want to see more.


4337d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Hardware wise mobile has overtook portable console"

So what? Can you name a game which is better looking than Uncharted Golden Abyss?

Also, when we talk about hardware, we are also talking about physical buttons. And gamepad support is only for some games (and it's a crap support because the games are made to be played on the touch screen only).

Both Vita and 3DS has MUCH better core software than smartphones, it's even st...

4337d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to die before it happens.

4337d ago 14 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why do we have articles like this? Who approves this kind of crap?

4337d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

The only thing I am a little skeptical is online, but Miiverse looks promissing. I hope they will talk about all the online features next month (just like they did in the Wii's fall conference when it was about to be launched). They also announced new IPs for the Wii in the fall conference, maybe they will do the same this year for the WiiU? I hope so.

I am actually excited for the system (just like I am excited for the other next gen consoles). It's always exciting t...

4338d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you lose your device/have to format how will you recover the game if it's no longer available?

4338d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment

Ni no Kuni should stay on the PS3 (I know people will give me disagrees for this) because I think it's a good platform for it and I don't see how the WiiU would benefit this game (maybe with magic spells on the touch screen? I don't know). I am not saying a port would be bad, don't get me wrong, it's probably an amazing game and more people should enjoy it.

However, games like Little King’s Story, Okami HD, Epic Mickey 2 and some others would be great for ...

4338d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

I wonder if they will put a trophy/achievement for this mode LOL

It will be hard, but very fun and challenging.

4338d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it should launch for PS4, x720 and WiiU.

4338d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Lior and corpsemaker
All you need to know:

EA is always doing it every generation. It's not a problem with the WIiU.

4338d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Is this a good thing?

4338d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The mere fact that you seem to put down everyone who has some criticism on some aspects of the WiiU as 'trolls'"

Not true at all. I said the only reason to bash the WiiU right now is:
1-The awful E3 (lacked info, games, etc).
Even Nintendo Direct was better than E3, I don't think Nintendo is taking E3 too seriously now and we should wait for the next conference before we judge.

2-Lack of next gen graphics
Same as...

4339d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So youre going to ignore my entire post? May I assume you don't have a valid argument against what I said (and you probably gave me a disagree) or youre just giving arguments for posts which suits to your agenda and intentions?

"That's not my opinion. That's just a judgement of most of the responses the WiiU has gotten so far."
Also, public opinion? Most people complaining about the WiiU are fanboys/trolls/PS3 or x360 players who...

4339d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

"and it's line-up of 3rd party is mostly ports of older games that are already out on 360/PS3."

I don't know why people keep complaining about it when PS3 and x360 also had tons of PS2/xbox1/GC ports (like Call of Duty, Tony Hawk, Need for Speed and some other very old games). Basically, the WiiU is doing exactly what the x360/PS3 did at launch, but better, ports are actually some of the best games in this generation (Arkham City is by far a...

4339d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looks like I will buy the PS3 version (I have friends on PSN) and WiiU version.

4340d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Ahhh the troll card after someone has just busted some real knowledge on your ass :)"

The troll card after you just busted TONS of negativity in every Nintendo article.

"Well you've just contradicted yourself"
I said NINTENDO OF AMERICA and not Nintendo of Japan.

"If they are full of bullcrap them they obviously don't care about their new franchises and don't care enough to support them "

4340d ago 1 agree21 disagreeView comment

"ooooooo someone is getting mad."

Hehe, try harder, troll.

"Kid Icarus might be a brand new game"
That's what I wanted to hear.

"As I said if they were really supported them why did you hardly see anything on them and why did Nintendo not bother to release them over in the US. It's not like Sony refused to sell Little Big Planet over in America."

Because Nintendo of America is ful...

4340d ago 5 agree27 disagreeView comment

Xenoblade? Last Story? Kid Icarus Uprising? Disaster? Excite Truck? Pandora's Tower? Fluidity? Endless Ocean? etc etc etc

Nintendo actually tried with some games but the problem is the audience on the Wii (Obviously, Kid Icarus Uprising is a 3DS game, I know that), people forgot about those new IPs and only bought Mario. What are you (as a company) going ot do? Give more mario.

They also tried on the Gamecube with Pikmin and some other titles. Actually, N...

4340d ago 2 agree40 disagreeView comment