
CRank: 5Score: 42880

Comes as no surprise as Ubisoft already said they aren't spending a lot of money on this port, so they aren't using the system's capabilities. However, it's an unfinished game and it will probably be 100% at launch. We can only judge when the game is already out with several reviews explaining every RROs and CONs of this version. If the game is not finished yet, there is nothing to worry or judge yet.


4417d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, youre using unfinished games to judge a console that is not even out yet. Seems to be smart, right? Also, games like Pikmin 3 were Wii games till last year, it's just launch games. X360 had Gotham Racing, but it also had this at launch:
Plus, Nintendo already confirmed they have more first party (both new IP AND traditional...

4417d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Eurogamer lost my respect long time ago. Unfortunately, that's how "journalism" work nowadays. I hope this stupid console war will end one day, but it's probably impossible.

4417d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

If x720 is as powerful as the leaked document says (4x~6x more powerful than x360) then WiiU will have no problems with graphics in the next gen even if the WiiU is just 2x more powerful than x360 (as people is saying) You guys are expecting way too much.

And no, it's not possible to have current gen specs on the WiiU because it has updated hardware, so it's not possible for it to be on par or worse either. Actually, it would be very expensive for N...

4417d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

true! He will never be here to say "I am sorry, I was wrong".

And people like you lose bubbles. That's how it works here in N4g.

4418d ago 15 agree10 disagreeView comment

This is how journalism works nowadays = Full of BS. Eurogamer lost my respect long time ago, so I took the time to search for the original source. The guy is actually saying the WiiU version of the game look as good as the other versions and maybe it will be better if they explore the system's capabilities.

Here is the original article with the interview:

Tell me why xboxlive is the king. I paid less for PSN Plus and I was able to play (and finish) several games for free like Infamous 2, Little Big Planet, Just Cause 2, Darksiders etc.

Please, don't throw useless features in my face, I want to use consoles to play games and PSN Plus is a better value for my money.

I want to see your reasons for why xbox live is better.

I agree with you but I want to see reasons for ...

4418d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's amazing how Sony Japan can create so many incredible games at the same time lol

4419d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Third party developers have been doing HD games for 7 years now"

Looks like you don't even know what you are talking about lol. Devs needs to get used to the WiiU's new architecture. Also, as I mentioned before, Ubisoft already confirmed they aren't using he WiiU's fullcapabilities because they aren't spending a lot of money with initial ports.

Most of the games are using old dev kits and are unfinished.

The con...

4419d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ubisoft already CONFIRMED they won't spend a lot of money in the initial WiiU lineup, so they won't use the WiiU's capabilities. Stop using this as an excuse to say the WiiU is weak lol. Let's wait for the launch the console is not even out yet.

Nintendo has more to announce in the WiiU conference, so let's wait.

4419d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wooow... it looks INCREDIBLE! Good work guys! :)

So it's already included for the Trine 2:Director's Cut WiIU version? Great! I was 100% sure I will buy it, now I am 1000% sure. lol

Can't wait for this game!

4420d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks promissing. This is just the start for the PSV.

4420d ago 24 agree2 disagreeView comment

If I have the money and if it looks like an improved version then yes, I will buy it just like some people buy GOTY/PREMIUM versions. I said "maybe".

4420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So x360/PS3 owners had the casual fun package?

Well... I am a Ninja Gaiden fun, so I bought this game for the PS3 and it's a shame what they did with the game.

I watched some WiiU footage and looks like they are really improving the game. Maybe I will try it.

4420d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

hmm looks like I will give Dead Island a try.

4420d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope so because it's a very important feature for me, and I hope it's similar to Trophies (level based).

4420d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Youre missing a lot of great games. I don't even feel the need of a second analog.

4420d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This trailer looks good but I am still worried about things like cover system, universal ammo etc etc. This is not what Dead Space fans want.

4422d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Everyone talking about TEEEHHH GRAAAFFIIIX.

but the game looks fun. I don't know yet if I will buy it, but looks fun so far.

4422d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now we know why you only has 2 bubbles, Mr grewpowder.

Looks like you are very misinformed and you probably never watched any WiiU footage.

Fifa 13, Madden 13, Rayman Legends and ZombiU is already showing the WiiU's Gamepad will be good for players, and Rayman Legends has an unique Multiplayer gameplay thanks to the tablet controller.

"Wii U is adding more complexity to their casual base with this awkward concept/design. "

4423d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment