CRank: 5Score: 36200

So the future of movies also get away of discs whats the point of BR or HDDVD? Players for 4 or 5 years? And if the HD of the machines broke? We have to download and pay again the games we alredy have? or HD has limitless warranty and they give us a new one with all the stuf we have in the broken one? For me if games became so big that 1 dual-dvd isn´t enough i don´t mind it come in 3 or 4, at least i don´t gonna buy a tecnology alreay domed. Until i know all the stuf about the...

6589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

all the ps3 games will be killer aps...
I want to see how much of them will be better than x360 games and don´t came tell that´s ps3 1gen games against x360 2gen games because ps3 was targeted to sell in end 2005 so ps3 games are praticaly 2gen games , they have 1 year more to work in the games for the launch. And 3 months is much time to improve games guess about 1 year. If ps3 launch in 2005 all the games had been realy crap against xbox360 launch games.By the way except 1 ...

6589d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ps3 wasn´t predicted to release in end 2005?
So Ps2 is so much time because Sony can´t deliver is Ps3 in time. We know Sony is at top and strong but they had made so much mistakes and so much hype and lies about Ps2 and now about Ps3 that it realy start to stink. For once Sony tell all the truth and stop trying to gain time, and start to show real in-game shots instead of CGI. Sony is digging is own grave. The game market need all 3 companies strong for the good of us users, ...

6590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think MS made a smart move, when hd movies battle have a winner MS made a ad-on with the winner format BR or HDDVD so Xbox 360 always have the winning tecnology.About HDDVD ad-on it only plays movies but correct if i´m wrong if games need more storage capacity a HDDVD patch or upgrade software couldn´t enable the HDDVD ad-on to play games?. For me i will wait until a winner has emerged from the battle and then i will pick up the winner format.

6590d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

when you see the mediocre bd player on ps3,you don´t know who will win th hd movies battle, the same or worst graphics than 360, $600 for a besat like this? Who don´t want one?!!!! WELCOM3 CHANG3!!!! until you have one to work fine? hahaha, "this is dying" and fast". "Ps3 the fast sinking object ahead of Titanic, at least Titanic has left the shipyard."

6591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you want you buy if you don´t you don´t buy, at least people can choose, with ps3 if br fails people became with a white elefant in the living room and need to buy a hddvd.For me i don´t care about the price because next 2 or 3 years i don´t need hddvd nor br.If MS made it with game suport devs do games in hddvd and people had to buy the ad-on.And DJ choice is free, for you you have no choice if br fails.A console is for games no movies, for movies i buy a player with b...

6591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don´t need hddvd for 2 or 3 years more.

6591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I mean do you really believe what you say or you pretend to believe it. It' unbelievable how some of you can 't appreciate greatness. I'm a PS3fan, and i have played many 360 games i see Gears of War and say good for gaming, but you see this one just because you got a grudge against Sony and everyone is praising this game, so you can't really put it down , you must find something to make it look bad."

i have some respect for you but after your post u are just bulsh!t...

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i say to you that fight night for ps3 looks awesome, better than xbox360 game but i don´t like that type of game.

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just say wath i see, yes looks nice but looks plastic, and for everyone when ps3 price drop and i see 1 or 2 games that i like or i think is very good i don´t have any problem to buy one, but for now nops.

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it´s nice but looks sooooo plastic.........

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Gameplay
2. Graphics/AI
3. Online

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because Sony knows that ps3 is equal to xbox360 and they promise ps3 be 2x more powerfull than 360, so when graphics will be equal or better on 360 they can always say," you know we can made 2 times more better graphics than xbox360 but for us it isn´t importante, now it´s IA that mater."
damn liers.

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is a game that had made me buy a system. Xbox360 or Ps3 but hopfully i already have a Xbox 360. Fantastic.

6596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

don´t you sonyfans came here bash me because if it´s a MS or Nintendo machine with this aspect you all came here and say that it is huge, ugly, like a sh!t and others things. Its ugly and if it was xbox 360 it was ugly at same.When a thing is ugly its ugly.

6606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps3 is a well ugly.
One of the ugliest conso... sorry computers i ever see.

6606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to me ps3 is really ugly. I have prefered it more like a dvdplayer or something more cool.Lets be honest, xbox 360 it´s cool but could be better but ps3 it´s really ugly.

6607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this screens are fantastics.

For ps2...

6608d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

isn´t gears of war that only uses 1 core?
The game is freah!ing awewsome so wath who say is BS.

6609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment