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4048d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If PS4 manage to aply a airdrop with the sharp angle on XBoxOne, it´s gonna be a mess...

4068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have 100megas speed for my internet, next year upgrade to 360megas.
No problemo.

4069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please show me the link(s) from the GPU and CPU specs that Microsoft show and said, "this is the final specs for GPU and CPU of XBoxOne".
I´m not saying that it´s gonna be more powerfull or faster tham PS4, but until i see the final specs from Microsoft, for me the info you write is rumor.

4074d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

So whem Microsoft don´t comment on the specs and other things related to XboxOne, they are afraid and lying, in the case of Sony its a good thing and you like it. And now having more RAM reserved for OS is a good thing but on XBoxOne is a bad thing? If PS4 had more RAM reserved for OS how can it have more RAM for Games?

4074d ago 24 agree5 disagreeView comment

Some people are gonna stay hiden for a long time...
So Eurogamer show the specs from XboxOne GPU THEY THINK is the real deal and they are right and are the ones to trust, they say anything about PS4 that is under the spectations and they are no to trust, a bunch of liars and lets wait for official confirmation. The XboxOne needs no confirmation from official source for you guys.

4075d ago 26 agree6 disagreeView comment

I don´t like either, for me the best looking console of all time is the Megadrive 1, good looking and sexy, Ps4 and Xbox one look like "boxes".

4090d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Use Google translator, it makes wonders for you...

4092d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

E quando fores embora, leva os politicos contigo e deixa-os num sitio onde não exista ninguém. Não vá eles darem cabo daquilo também.

4093d ago 12 agree49 disagreeView comment

Fair to me.
This time ill pick first Ps4 and 1 year or so later pick a Xbone.
Maybe we meet in PS+.
Good Gaming.

4100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You shouldn't tell people who you are, some realy bad people in the net, molesters and so...
Let people have their choices and be happy.

4100d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Who are you to call names to Xbox gamers?
I have Xbox, will buy Xboxone and Ps4, i´m stupid because i want to play the games i like?
Lets say youre GAY, do people have the right to call you names because of your choice? When i see comments like yours, i lose a litle more faith in mankind.
I have Megadrive, saturn, dreamcast and xbox's, they all were beaten by Sonys Ps's, do i care? No because i have a blast playing the games i like in these system's.

4100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

in the middle of the night i sleep, but during the day...

4133d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft has not show the specs yet, but i don´t want to belive that there´s no GDDR5 for the GPU. Something is missing.
If the specs are in favor of PS4 by 50%, them i´m only for Sony this time.

4139d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment


4760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We yes, MasterChief? NO. He is a super war machine, the fights never ends for a Spartan.
On topic, i love Halo and i´m glad to play another one. This and Halo HD = many hours of fun.

4856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about that ninja dude from Ninja Blade?

5001d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im 33 and i watch all cartoons movies. i still see dragon ball after all this time...

5264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

when a game for Xbox360 hasn´t been leaked to torrent sites.

5272d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

my first thougt too.
this time no music in credits, just to be diferent... /joke.
When i finish the game i will see how it ends.

5273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment