
CRank: 5Score: 48410

I understand how that would suck for you but this is a chance they had to take for quality control. They cant have people ruining the experience for everyone now that there is a profit to be made.

But I do agree that a totally offline version should be sold that has no online in it at all. So people who just want a single player experience can enjoy that and the people who want to enjoy online without hackers can do so.

4506d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bungie back on the PC?? They never were on PC. They started as Mac devs and then bought by MS and worked as Xbox devs. Each of the PC releases were ported by separate teams. Not Bungie themselves.

EDIT: blah hate when things go wrong on N4G.

4506d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

"hmmm... something went wrong"

thanks..n4g. Great feedback

4506d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

A game shouldnt have to keep you playing 9 years to warrant a score of a great game.

It's a great game and I havent experienced any problems. Some slight lag when I was playing coop but that happens from time to time.

Sure the choices are questionable and people arent going to like all of them but I understand why they made those decisions and I cant hold that against them completely.

The reviewers aren't reviewing it based off other...

4506d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you were too lazy to go out and buy these great games in stores... now you can from your couch!

4506d ago 36 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm not a game journalist but I'm a gamer and I give the game a 9/10 as well. Game has just been amazing and I put so many hours into it last week.

Havent been this addicted to a game in a LONG time.

4506d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

This has been known ever since Bungie left Microsoft. They said that microsoft had first dibs on their games, that they weren't going to completely abandon their fanbase.

Also, they probably need more time with the PS3 version just because they have a separate smaller team working on it. Whereas, most of the Bungie crew is VERY familiar with the xbox architecture.

Don't go blaming a great dev just because your precious hardware is going to be a tad la...

4506d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Reviewers got to play Max Payne 3 before release. Reviewers started playing Diablo 3 the same time everyone else did.

The server problem is for 1 day. Yes.. it sucked and is unacceptable but it doesnt take away from the experience of anyone who plays now. And the people who should be looking at reviews are people thinking of picking up the game. They should not be deterred from picking up this great game just because of the 1st day hiccups.

4510d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It should deter people who may want to buy the game in the future when the problem was only for the first day.

4510d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

There have been "tanks" in all diablo games...

4510d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


Because if they didn't, the Sony fanboys would be all up in arms wondering why there were no Xbox Exclusives included.

4510d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

and yet my comment bothered you two.. it works both ways.

4510d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Is it really necessary for you to put that last part in? You're like a child who has to keep telling everyone that his toy is better than theirs just so he feels good.

On Topic: Cant wait for the game. I will probably be getting the 4-pack on steam. Cuts down on the price and I should easily be able to get 3 friends to go in on it.

4511d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

I do believe that all those games can be purchased on a PS3

4511d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Looks like you're gonna have to keep your day job a few days longer

4511d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's in-engine just like all ND games and many other games do like Halo.

Now of course cut scenes will look MUCH better because they can touch them up which makes a huge difference. I was still hoping to see gameplay but oh well.. E3 is right around the corner.

Does anyone have 1000 bucks to loan me for a plane flight to LA? I have the E3 ticket just need a little cash :p

4512d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment


Well you're suppose to finish a game before scoring it... correct? I mean people get on reviewers for not taking the time to review a game correctly and then they go out and give it a 0 when there are server problems that were foreseeable.

I knew this was going to happen so I didnt buy the game until around 9 last night and I played it for about 3 hours and enjoyed the hell out of it.

4512d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

So only microsoft needs to grow some balls? Even though they had Xbox and then Xbox 360. Where as the Playstation has just gone PCount++ (PS,PS2,PS3).

What happened to the days NES and SNES. Come on.. I know we want a Super Xbox and Super Playstation.

4514d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think that the biggest problem for PS3 and Minecraft is that it doesnt have shared RAM for CPU and GPU. Minecraft is a RAM intensive game for the CPU and looked how much they had to limit it in the 360 version.

4519d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Are you 12? At least they are putting ideas out there saying what they would like.

Same thing the Sony fans were doing.

And why should it matter to yoi what the roster looks like. Based on your comment, you wouldn't be able to play it anyhow.

4528d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment