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cause the ONLY game thats worth playing features stereotypical italian plumbers who chase after the aryan princess....

OH and not to mention a CD key for each friend and each game ... thats some great online there douche.

4639d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The prices aren't bad. Considering when the PSP launched it cost $30.00 for 256Mb. When put into perspective I don't get what all the hoopla is about... and not knowing the true transfer speeds yet, I cant exactly say they are "crappy" either.

4647d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

if I use it on a constant basis, it must be practical..... it's ' matter of perspective... as for backlights being bad... tell that to Samsung or any LCD/laptop/tablet company...

as for screen orientation.... turn the flipping thing sideways like the PSV LBP minigame they show on the Vita...

4649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I read books on my iPhone all the time. No matter the screen size if it loads up to five sentences fast, You are good to read for days....IF it has a good loading speed. I even read comics on it from time to time.

4651d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Indeed. I for one love that I can play games through SD cables on the PSP2000. IRshell on the PSP1001 is still an amazing piece of homebrew that really showcases what the PSP was truly capable of.

I know piracy is the biggest reason for most to unlock their systems. I just love being able to see what people can do when they think outside the box.

4654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

geohot? really.... so you blame the one guy who was raped over it already... not companies like ACTION REPLAY, or R4 card makers? GeoHot is but a small fry in the world of piracy all that idiot did was make it openly available and for free..... Not to mention piracy is openly supported in parts of the world.

That's like wanting to hang Jay and Silent Bob for making the word fuck.

4654d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

right.... completely not the point I was trying to get at... yes they do a job... and their job is to make games... THATS THEIR JOB! and we supply them with the success.....

4659d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kind of the point of the blog. I would genuinely like to know if MS does give some sort of thanks. also got a cheap holiday card from Sony.

4659d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Thats AWESOME!! I love hearing things like that.

4659d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

THESONYPS3 pretty much summed it up...
As an American (not the lazy basement dwelling Muslim hating, self righteous idiot) and I can tell you first hand that even my 6 year old daughter knows about the Vita... She is mad at Sony right now for making her dad wait two months for his Christmas gift.lol.

4660d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

okay... 20.00 for a 4 gig on the PSP...that's pretty good... gamestop buys 2gigs for 10-12 a piece. I see the Vita ones online for about 10.00 more. I am just trying to point out that we should count ourselves lucky that they aren't charging us more.

4661d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

how much is a 4 gig for the PSP? upwards to 40.00 if you dont buy online.....

4661d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can somewhat understand... but in the same hand I think people are bitching to bitch... I didnt hear this much crying when the 360 drives were so high (and still are) in cost.. I dont think the whole "New format" is a bad thing... did you even read the article? especially since the PSP was raped over and over until Sony was forced to go to drastic measures... we all know that with a card we can load code onto... we can eventually make Sony hemorage more money...

4661d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

do you remember when PSP was released and a 256 card cost 30.00? or how it was a screaming deal to get an 8 gig on newegg for 80.00? I MUST be the only one....

4662d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hassi... when the PSP was released a 256 MB cost nearly 30.00... SO QUIT YOUR BITCHING!

one account )OMG let me blow Bill Gates or Reggie like I get paid for it... step away fron the crack pipe... life is beautiful from beneath that bridge.

most of these flaws are easily fixed.... its not like they are overheating...

4662d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wait.... So PSN PS3 games are playble?? Oh Damn! If thats the case I am about to pick up on a digital library.

4663d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

....... I love you.....
That has to be one of the best comments I read in a while.. I have been trying to say the same for years now... coming from a gamer who started at PONG it truly is a beautiful thing

4664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love online gaming to a degree. I used to be hardcore about SOCOM on the PS2. Now it's more so DC Universe Online, But I find myself running around alone. I am more antisocial on a console online. than I would be on forums and such. I dont like having to filter through dumbasses to have a good time.

Overall, I like any progression that allows me to shoot my buddy in NY (me in CA) in the face and laugh about it.. with no repercussions or ER visits.

4665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You seem to misunderstand.... not even 5 years ago the 16 gig stick was over 200.00.
So 120.00 for 32Gigs... is really not worth bitching about... plain and simple... and my job pays less now than it did then ... and guess what ... I am still not anywhere near upset at the memory card pricing RUMOR. but if it is cheaper than that... more power to them.

4673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry.. Is being a realist too much for you fanboys? Combat bitching with logic and they still hate you... "AND THEY FUCK YOU IN THE DRIVE-THRU!"

4673d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment