
CRank: 4Score: 54950

For reference, All games do similar, and memory is flushed and allocated for new tasks constantly.
What you might think of as "free" memory is never really free. It is cached, and used for picking up where other processes fail or are slow to refresh.

3630d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

EVERY game maxes out the console its made on. The problem is optimization to make the load less, making it easier to squeeze every bit of extra frames, pixels, particles, polygons, texture res, for turning a lifeless game into a masterpiece.

You can look at the first and last Uncharted games on PS3 to see just how much of a jump can be achieved, only if you take the time to cut back on memory usage, or find new ways of managing the data.

All the games made t...

3630d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

Necrophiliacs would beg to differ, I am sure.

3631d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

It has a pretty distinct Halo feel, but doesn't feel very much like borderlands, even though it has some of that.
The platforming in Destiny feels much more satisfying, and the upgrades to your character, and gear are leagues beyond what Borderlands was able to convey.

The loot hunter instinct kicks in, treasure box hunting, best gear loadout setup, it all feels fresh for some reason, even though every game before it has done at least something like it.

3647d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Could be worse, they could have just said screw it, and made the game just up rezzed of this.

3648d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Holy... I couldn't do that track.
I am alright at this game at best, that map is ridiculous in a good way.

3648d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This title is spellided funnE.

3649d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I haven't been able to turn on my PS4 without trying to login to the alpha.
I feel really bad that I havent even started watchdogs and I dont even want to.

3651d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Lets-Plays do it no justice.
Watching others play this game is far from the actual meat of the game.

Once you get to play it, you will understand just how different watching it vs playing it is.

No offence by the way, its just really hard to judge this games value by video alone.

3651d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The problem for the Xbox only guys, is that they can't start the Beta till the 20th vs the 17th for PS3 and PS4 users.

Once they get a taste, the hate "should" subside, but no one can tell until its here.
The 17th can't come fast enough, I need to hibernate or something.

3651d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Before playing the Alpha, I didn't have my eyes set on this game.
After the alpha, I can't play anything without feeling like I need to go back to Destiny.
The game is just that good.

3651d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

Played the Alpha, was glorious.
Tea bagging is also very satisfying, as it should be.

3652d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope they took a lot of notes from Halo 4 of what not to do with multiplayer.
PC fans wont even look twice if its anything like that.

3653d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

The tech PSnow is using has its own issues with ping.
Humans can notice lag in controls vs whats on screen after it reaches 180ms, PSnow is right at that point, or just under 80-90% of the time, the rest its more like 300ms(pretty horrible).
PSnow recommends 5Mb/s download speeds, but they suffer similar issues with upload not getting proper priority in alot of ISPs servers.

The difference in what PSnow is doing to what MS is trying to do, is that PSnow is ut...

3657d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The demo shown by microsoft was running on a Gigabit network, wired.
Latency was a non-issue with the server(s) just feet away from the computer using the "cloud".

Price isn't an issue(Yet...). Microsoft isn't sending textures, or frame works, which could come in at Megabits or Gigabits in size. The data that microsoft would be sending back and forth would be in the order of Bits and Kilobytes.

Latency is the one true issue, as ISP&#...

3658d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

^ This.

If anyone says otherwise, they have blinders on.
All 3 companies showed a wide verity of genres for gamer's of every creed to squeal with joy over.

And ubisoft, they have arguably the best list of games I have ever seen them show at once.

EA was EA.
Gamer's are done with CG trailers EA, get over it. If you don't have anything to show, just shorten your time on stage.

My only other complain...

3659d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamer's only win if they announce Heists before the PS4 and Xbox one versions are out.

I'm pretty salty about them not releasing it months ago.

3659d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was an extremely well, thought provoking, interesting take on the console wars.
If you were anywhere else,
other than N4G, you would be lauded over as a hero of the people.
But alas, you are here...

So as the rules of N4G goes, you shall be ridiculed, and slandered, and debubbled until you have but one bubble.

I for one welcome my new overlord, so here is my + bubble for you.

3664d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The media feeds off of the people that feel strongly one way or another in any medium.
Look at Fox News vs ABC News, totally different outlooks for the same stories run.
If you want people to notice your site, use controversy to bring them in.

I don't like it, but its whats been happening since the dawn of language.

3664d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Show up.
Then show the games!

3692d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment