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Yes i know there were mutants in the first game but they did not play that much of a big role in it...

With the teaser trailer for Crackdown 2 it seems that the mutants have evolved and now going to play a bigger role in the game...

I really do not want the mutants to be a big part of it because it will be another Prototype and such with mutants and so forth..

I really want this game to be unique still and have he mutants play the same role as they did i...

5591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew once i saw the debut trailer for it that it was gogint be something special i mean..

1. It's Rockstar.
2. R* San Diego are using the RAGE Engine and an updated Euphoria Engine..
3. It's awesomely huge and so realistically advanced in AI and such.

5597d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im asking Santa right now to bring this out this year in which i reckon it will :D

5603d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

but just goes to show that Mundine has done all the right things to get where he has now even though many hate him..

Guess i need to start being the bad guy in somethign and get to the top :D

5605d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reason you can see him on the main page and the rest is because you have the Filter turned OFF which means you can see his articles and other flamebait ones..

Turn it on and poof no more...

5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In my eyes to keep a franchise running offer gamers what they want cater to the audience you knwo to cater for the best lol..

Don't stray to far and do somethign not in your ball park lol

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like Super has said twitter is a viable source for gaming news except as stated in the article more effort has to be added into reporting the news..

Rather than 4 sentences just pretty much stating what the Twitter update states...

It's just the lazy way out in my opinion...

5625d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol i still can't believe that a Wii game has gotten in the Gusiness Book of Records for most swearing in a video game who would of thought :P

5628d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game is still a good 2 months away..

Regardless of Exclusive DLC or not this story is just hopeless the whole article is the blurb and that is it...

I clicked the link expecting a nice small input from the article writer to get nothing but a huge Batman 89 logo and that's it...

This is the kind of stories that the filter when ever it goes into place how ever it does that it must stop getting through.. This is a typical fanbait article to get the pot stir...

5628d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would LOVE some DLC for ShadowRun i hold as the yes THE BEST!!! Multiplayer game on the 360..

It was a great blend of teamwork, magical powers and weapons...
16 Players and still has an Australian Dedicated Community playing it..

When i had held the Xbox Forum Game Night for it had a great turn out everyone enjoyed it and wanted to play it again the next night and then Sunday night..

Such a pity FASA closed down afterwards.. would of been grea...

5628d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

haha i am anything but slow.. i would be running for my life if i ever saw zombies that is until i get a boomstick then that's a different story and where in business!

5632d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

d some sections were way to painful for me to play through just got to repetitive for my liking.. and was way to easy

5634d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Most Xbox Live Subscriptions down here in Australia cost around $80 in the shops and $69 on Ebay..

It seems that you completely missed the whole point of the article. in Gears of War 1 you were able to host your own Ranked match and that allowed other Australians to search for a specific Ranked match then join it at their own free will...

They would know the match is Aussie hosted because of the 4 or 5 can't remember silver bars that were displayed on the right of ...

5636d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lately i have been seriously only playing Single Player side of gaming left4Dead Campaign witht he exception of co-op campaign *note still get red bars*..

As well as The Godfather II single player.. i gave multi a go and matchmaking again as well as red bars and lag.. unleahsed a wholw clip[ of my tommy gun on a guy only to not kill him as well as some random..

American who kept on killing his own teammates.. i sent him a message saying now why on earth would you do...

5636d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even with left4Dead for Australians is weird.. During our OXCGN Community playdate i hosted a room full of 7 other Aussies and we all had red bars. which is completely strange..

and as you said to achieve full green bars and no lag you need to glitch the system by Pressing A every few seconds until you apparently see a countdown timer which means you have host.

Battlefield: Bad Company is another exception where the matchmaking system for it worked for a while thoug...

5636d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could have expanded upon how with most games you have to wait and hmm good point should of actually Godem..

Nothing worse than being forced to wait while it searches for matches and that sometimes takes up to 10 minutes even 15-20 in some cases.

Especially when a game does not have enough Australians players to have a full room you have to wait so long to get thrown into a match and when you do the lag is horrible and you quit straight away..

having to...

5636d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I for one am very interested to see this engine in the works..

Getting tired of the Unreal 3 Engine and how half the games these days on the 360 uses them and can't use it right.. texture pop ins, frame rate issues and so forth..

The destructibility sounds impressive along the lines of the Geo-Mod for Red Faction..

Hopefully the engine does well as begins to be licensed to other games so that they start using it instead of the U3E.. As that has little...

5640d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am still to witness this nudity lol and i never want to :D then again hmmm

Female nudity of course lol!

5641d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly like you explained it Immortal..

5646d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Regardless of whether it garners negative/reviews or not this is one game that i shall be buying based on because it is so fun and having played Red Faction 1 + 2 of course im gonna play the 3rd in the series..

The BETA was surprisingly fun and enjoyable especially when you had a group of friends it was awesome fun..

I say the game will not dissapoint

5651d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment