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CRank: 7Score: 23150

Damn man if the world blows up then I'll have to keep playing thank you for your wise words.

3203d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played it with friends and always jumped into multiplayer and had a laugh but even that wasn't enough to keep me entertained. Now this stuff just makes it worse.

3203d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Faith in Bungie that with TTK maybe Destiny would become the game it was meant to. But now its just getting far worse than I imagined.

3203d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this were indeed a 1TB Xbox One with an Elite Controller I'd been inclined to buy it just for the large HDD and that controller.

But since I own an Xbox One I might just buy the controller on it's own. 500GB whilst not enough for me so far is perfect. Having a PS4 and playing most multi-plat games on that leaves my X1 for exclusives and the odd multi-plat game.

3381d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I walk in, I sit down and I get told no questions apart from what is his name or who he is. I watch the demo, I get up then I leave.

The footage we saw was available in official pictures days before E3 and now it seems that you can easily watch what we saw online.

So why as media did we have to spend time trying to book an appointment to see this d when every one can now see it? And we don't even get to ask questions about anything.


3384d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Doom looked good but you have to remember this was a pre-scripted demo for their press conference. Graphically amazing but it was NOT real time. So remember how much work went into it to touch it up.

Also it was not running in 60fps clearly you could see that.

Colour palette was all brown. Gameplay wise though it looked way scripted which in then made it look generic.

Yes why fix something that isn't broken but this demo was just too muc...

3387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are so many more I want to see but Hitman Mass Effect and a Rareware would be high up on my list like I've written. The possibilities are endless.

But they need to be more fan service than just milking the franchise for money.

3389d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this a satirical video? Cbf to waste time and watch it bit to those that have any source of his in for for everything apart from titan fall

3482d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Haha the same site posts this quote from a press release over a Week ago and they have this same quote in an article. Reported the article as a duplicate.

no new information and it's from an old press release many sites already reported on.

3483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@JoGam: The reviews did nothing but polarize a problem within the industry. People hating on a game for the sake of hating on it cause others are and large websites giving it good scores when the game clearly has problems for hits or websites giving the game too low of a score to again score hits.

My site doesn't have a review of the game because 1) We didn't receive a review copy and 2) from the writers that bought and have played the game they didn't want to ev...

3491d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're kidding right? Friendly Fire is always on. Literally anything can kill you from a Stratagem drop, your own teammates hell even you're own turret when killing enemies can hurt you. Cross play, save and buy. Also the mash up of what @Clogmaster stated makes it a unique blend of other genres, games, movies all in one.

3491d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^ Ozmoses:

With the way that developers and PR hype up their product it's hard NOT to build up an expectation for these only to be disappointed with the end product. I watched 2 trailers for Helldivers and KNEW this game appealed to me in a way that most games didn't.

- 4 player co-op
- top down twin stick shooter
- always on friendly fire
- Starship Troopers inspired (A guilt pleasure movie)

The idea around ...

3491d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't follow the press around The Order: 1886 and when I did it was honestly a game that didn't interest me. I'm not a big fan of the steam punk setting so right there the game wasn't holding my interest. Cover based shooter? I've played dozens in my life and this wouldn't have been anything different. With the average to bad press the game was getting from critics and consumers, I wasn't the least bit slightest interest for the game. With money being tight goin...

3491d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No idea but it was running on a 55" 4K TV so I'm assuming that this PC would have had to have been ridiculously powerful to run it. The game was still choppy but again that's because it wasn't finished.

3491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Me too but then again there are still people who don't have a PS4 or 360. Just hope that it doesn't detract from the overall experience on the new consoles.

3491d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not surprised about the 360 version. Running on DVD's and not bluray format, I would assume you'd need a hard disk space to be able to load the vast amount of textures the game would have.

I hope people don't opt for the 360 version of this game as they'd be missing out big time.

3491d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've seen this game run on a 4K PC in Ultra settings as a 4 hour hands on two months ago, let me tell you for a game that wasn't polished it looks AWESOME> The draw distance was wicked and the environment orgasmic.

3491d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's a following for that but after what, 3 months maybe even less than that I got over it. Me and my roommate loved it having comps every night but then we just stopped. That pull wasn't there anymore.

3493d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But $100+ for re-skins and such? That's absurd I'd rather spend that money on a new game or food. It's a bit too much to ask for.

3493d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha yeah I've seen people go ballistic over the cost of all the pieces of DLC available already.

3493d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment