CRank: 5Score: 19180

"David Cage and Quantic Dream have become synonymous with video game storytelling."

As soon as I read this what little credibility this list already had was thrown violently out the window.

3851d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone hopes.

And just like the last hundred times or so, everyone's ended up disappointed.

3854d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still don't know quite what to think about Titanfall. While I certainly like the idea and the presentation, it still looks a bit too much like CoD with mech suits to me. Maybe I'll change my opinion of it if I actually give it a whirl, maybe not, guess I'll have to wait to try it at a friend's.

Otherwise, Dying Light (provided they smooth out the melee combat, which, let's face it, didn't work all that well in Dead Island), Destiny, Wolfenstein and D...

3858d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How easy does Sony's PS4 team have it at the moment? All they need to do is take a peek at what MS is doing with the Xbone and say 'Yeah, let's do the exact opposite of what they're doing.'

3871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well you know what they say; IGNorance is bliss.

3876d ago 25 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dunno about that fossilfern, Revelations was pretty good.

3878d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not seeing Vanquish on that list.

3886d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'll probably be the untitled project they showed in that one video, the one with that chick with the funky blue hair.

3893d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I gotta say, I'm an absolute zombie freak and I agree with this. Particularly as what's been shown doesn't look or sound the least bit promising

3911d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

God, previews are the very fucking devil, especially where bad games are concerned (the one that sticks out most to me is the very first IGN preview of War Z) as - if I recall correctly - journalists aren't actually allowed to be too negative when writing up the article. It's even worse when they actually do express concern for the overall quality of a game but then get all vague about it, such as writing 'it feels clunky/awkward'.

3914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pretty much what you said. Imo scores are past their due and seem kind of arbitrary, especially when some sites appear to hand out 10s willy-nilly when perfection is a mere concept in the best of cases. It's one of the reasons why I watch Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation so often (that and for the comic relief) and why I'm now finding myself browsing YouTube more and more for commentaries instead of peeking at websites and magazine articles.

3914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Perhaps he may. Personally I don't think SP should bring him back. Man died a hero, and I think bringing him back would cheapen his sacrifice immeasurably.

I'd very much like to see Zeke in inFamous 2, perhaps helping out innocent Conduits or something. Hell I'd even take a five second cameo appearance.

3915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um, they followed the Good ending. It says right on the preview paragraph that far more people chose to be good rather than evil and finished the game as such. The RFI didn't kill every conduit, just the closest ones. It's a pretty BS handwave imo but provided they deliver (and it's looking pretty likely that they will) I think I'll get over it.

3915d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are people disagreeing? He's completely correct:

Personally I'd love to see another game in the same universe but from the perspective of a different protagonist. Perhaps it could chronicle the life of a Hunter, from the early days of the infection to whenever, and all the terrible decisions he has to ...

3924d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A 2/5, a 7.5, and a 6?

That's... disappointing.

3956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks a fairly sweet brawler but I'd still be uncomfortable playing it in front of people I know... or anyone really.

3956d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

My choice will still be the PS4 primarily because everything MS has done with their new console practically reeks of damage control. Don't get me wrong, I approve of the changes they're making (and damned be anyone who thinks they didn't need to be made) but therein lies the big, glaring issue I have with MS and the Xbox One: the fact that these changes even had to be implemented for the Xbox One to appear more appealing to me as a gamer in the first place.

3967d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pretty much what Somebody and shadowmist13 said. A lot of it does depend on personality. I've got a friend who is pretty much the definition of a 'hardcore gamer'. Guy didn't interact much with other people when we were both at school either and was pretty antisocial even before he really got into gaming first with the PS3, and then PC gaming.

Then I've got my friends at uni who, every time I saw them in our hall dining area, were almost always on one iter...

3977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This news is more horrifying than anything you'll see in the games

3984d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well written article imo. Up until the end I rather liked David too and it killed me when I realised that he was going to make his exit shortly after his abduction of Elli. The showdown with him in the restaurant was excellently done too, and easily one of the most chilling scenarios I've ever experienced in a video game.

3987d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment