CRank: 5Score: 6750

84% Metacritic flop game don't bring it into this discussion not allowed.

Forza best racing game this whole generation took racing sims to new levels. Forza 4 going to deliver even higher. Forza 3 & 2 performed well respectively with 90% & 92% metacritic.

major flop for all prologue payed demos lol and psp version and hd concept version.

4927d ago 5 agree19 disagreeView comment

all premium cars in forza no shoddy normal cars here.

4927d ago 10 agree25 disagreeView comment

This should come on PS3 too. Great exclusive title. If it was multiplatform would of fared better in sales.

4927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

disgusting. what have they done to alyx?

4928d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

society at its worser. too many failures these days, rampant evil. These failures need to have a purpose in life.

we taking about them evil degenerates

porn industry
homosexuals? who knows this one causes much controversy.

4928d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol move is a major flop. I nearly forget it existed.

4928d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2 destroys PS3 version, Xbox 360 still has more to go. Multiplatforms are 99% better looking on Xbox 360.

Whereas only Exclusives look good on PS3.

4929d ago 13 agree21 disagreeView comment

king of racing games is coming back.

Too bad a certain 84% ( flop game and huge dissapointment and failure which had PS2 ported cars ) couldn't even beat Forza 3 92% Metacritic.

Perhaps its going to get even better.

4929d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

saints row? dare bring that shitty game to GTA? and humour was still in GTA4 .... " yellow carrrr! " falls over drunk lol

4929d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

damn Crysis 2 is owning Killzone 3.

Killzone 3 - 84% Metacritic
Crysis 2 - 87% Metacritic

oh just for the sake of it

Halo Reach - 91% Metacritic

4930d ago 13 agree29 disagreeView comment

clif b is freaking owning the entire PS3 fanbase loool

true point the triggers on the PS3 pad are awful beyond belief, That is why shooters don't even use then instead R1 & L1 is used.

awful attachments make it look so gay to lol that is only thing. But overall great pad.

4930d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

how come there is a absence of the map editor on consoles :( disappointing. Far Cry Instincts and 2 had full blown editors on consoles.

4930d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i actually like the PSP go design to NGP. NGP looks alright but abit bulky. It would be awesome to slide up and find two analog sticks.

4931d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The water was moving and interacting with the pier .... so wasn't static.

Videos was here 100 times haha but still amazing and potential for xbox with this engine and its games will be great.

4931d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2 = Colour
Killzone 3 = Brown/Grey

Both are supreb in graphics in there own way.

4932d ago 19 agree11 disagreeView comment

When the legend Master Chief returns holy it will be dark ages for certain people again (PS3). Halo Reach was ok but didnt feel like Halo without Master Chief.

GTA5 Holy this is going to be megaton!! damn going to be killer right there.

HL3 ? where the heck are you :P

But as for Halo 4 in think that should be for next gen though personally. For fresh and huge impact.

4933d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2 looks more vibrant and colourful rather then grey and brown.

4934d ago 10 agree21 disagreeView comment

wow that sure looks great!

4936d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

85% metacritic. Supreb.

4936d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

great score!

4936d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment