CRank: 5Score: 6750

HOLY! That looks great!!! Man the multiplayer took a serious update and rivaling Gears Of War. The wave was great! and the environmental set pieces.

Environmental set pieces were done aswell in Gears 2 from avalanche to deadly rain and train stuff.

4902d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yawn. Saints Row has always been terrible disgrace compared to GTA.

Bring on GTA5 this will be in the garbage can.

4902d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Of course who thought a Wii look alike will beat kinect from the start?

4903d ago 12 agree24 disagreeView comment

I am a Gears Of War fan playing both titles and anticipating the new release. Gears Of War 3 will be huge and exciting. It would be a delight to participate in the upcoming beta to get an eager taste of Gears Of War 3 early.

Having confusion over this beta, Thinking it would be available for all Gold Members on April 25th to download and play, this information was wrong, and now it seems only for those who have an code or purchased Bulletstorm and pre-order Gears Of War 3. <...

4903d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

PC are minority, even though they got amazing graphics. No one cares they have to spend $$$$ upgrading and upgrading and all the privacy problems and no PC exclusive games.

Consoles got much better games. Butthurt PC fanboys crying over sharper textures and sharp lines in walls in games, then making a comparison between the consoles versions, zooming in 100x into that wall no one will even notice and showing the jaggie lines and saying " LOOK AT OUR POWERFUL COMPUTERS &...

4904d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Erm whats wrong with a 7/10 that is a good score? Why do PS3 gamers always think their games should get 10/10 no game is perfect. That is the reviewers score so why do you even care?

Don't understand why PS3 gamers hype then after get 7/10s for their games and then cry and make conspiracies.

4904d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

oh my....not this again..False promises and always some utter turd comes out of the other end. All sonic games were utter garbage.

I find it hard people still have hope, time after time they ruin Sonic name with some awful Sonic game. Sonic 4 was a disgrace and this..who freaken knows.

Mario? Mario has been delivering for how many years? now? Stellar titles like Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 and all his core games. Even his spin-offs like Mario Kart or Mario Party a...

4904d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

That looks great :D Liking the open end nature, and traveling to places with your dune buggy! At least not some linear game with awesome graphics, This is open end game with awesome graphics!

4904d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The King Of Driving Simulators Is Back.

Death of Gran Turismo

Oh wait its already dead with 84% Metacritic flop. Couldn't even beat Forza 2 or 3.

Gran Tursimo needs a reboot. I think everyone agress Forza the king with PS3 fanboys admitted. Damn the graphics are beast. That trailer just made GT5 5 year development go down the drain i am sorry i guess.

4921d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

haha omds thats so funny. throwing shit around lol

4922d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How about a new Burnout on consoles? Damn what a fine racing game it was. Burnout revolutionised racing games. It stays king of arcade racing games, and king of fun racing games. Infact probably owns GT5 or anything as a game.

Burnout Paradise was great...what happen where is Burnout gone?

4922d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Neo Geo Pocket

4922d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

aprils fool joke?

4923d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what did he/she just miss out ZACK?!

4924d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

no they are good. Ghost of Sparta was great! more back story with his brother and that. Ending battle was great. I enjoyed Ghost of Sparta more then Chains of olympus. That one was abit boring. But Ghost Of Sparta was cool.

GOW III was a wicked game! One of my favourites.

4924d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

too much milking, GOW3 ended fine, But we saw PSP GOW and re-release too how many.

4924d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

that does look really cool. cockpit view is stunning. Sense of speed does look great too! The player does suck though why doesn't he follow the assist line haha which Forza invented.

4924d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

no it wasn't. I played all GTAs aswell whats your point? Your opinion no one cares about you. Alot of people enjoyed it and done great in reviews.

4925d ago 10 agree14 disagreeView comment

wooow one the best looking console games. Gears started the dark colour scheme and everyone copied it. Whole generation copied it. Gears also popularised the cover mechanics, Now you see one of the most overused gameplay aspects this whole gen.

Now look at it look still awesome and with colour. Unreal engine 4 looks so dangerous the power is immense if a game is made like that everything on PC and consoles blown away.

no one can deny that gears of war is one ...

4926d ago 28 agree32 disagreeView comment

yeah dunno what this retard of author is thinking.

4926d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment