
CRank: 4Score: 27510

FeralPhoenix - 1 Hour ago

26 - hmmm....
This is even more strange indeed. I watched the trailer from yesterday and of course it looked great, but I don't remember seeing the one from TGS....so I never said it look better or worse....although many PS3 fans thought so, NOW Konami says its the same trailer with no touchups...and some said there are comparison vids that "show" the differences. = Strange. What still bugs me somew...

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is even more strange indeed. I watched the trailer from yesterday and of course it looked great, but I don't remember seeing the one from TGS....so I never said it look better or worse....although many PS3 fans thought so, NOW Konami says its the same trailer with no touchups...and some said there are comparison vids that "show" the differences. = Strange. What still bugs me somewhat is that with all the rumors circulating about "exclusitivity" Konami didn't even touc...

6222d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

wrong spot

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I think that this parallel teaches us one important thing. Regardless of technical specifications or looks, the simple truth is that you are still eating ice-cream."

....and yet "fanboys" will continue to do what is in their nature to do= flame and discredit the other console, what's even more ironic some of them either don't know or are acting as if they don't know that they are the actual people this article is referring to, or maybe we're all just fanboys. ...

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bro, I'm playing this game now...just got it 2 days ago and its freakin nice, I don't know about anybody else but its a hard game with the wireless wheel....its more realistic than any other racer I've ever played. Aside from that you can spend hours and hours just trying to come up with kick@ss artwork for your car....its a whole game all by itself. -Trust me, this game will be a fan favorite for a long time.

6222d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hmmmmmmmmm maybe (a lot of fun) like gears

Hmmmmmmmmm maybe (win alot of awards) like gears

Hmmmmmmmmm maybe (sell more copies total, than PS3 hardware sold) like gears

-ha, ha -Funny stuff huh? -Its so easy to crack a few jokes,....so which one was I joking about? "Hmmmmmmmmm"
_____________________________ __________________________

Wow, those are some great details about the game...25 hrs sounds like a very sati...

6222d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well this is a videogame news "info" site....where members are allowed to comment on the news. -You might say this isn't newsworthy, yet you are here and making comments I might add. Also you mistakenly blame 360 fans for "beating the story to death"....its submitted by someone who's a "bigger" fan of the PS3 by his own admission, which isn't bad, he's just posting news, nothing wrong with that.

Charlie2688^^^^ your comments seem a bit silly, sin...

6223d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No PS3 logo..hmmm, why go through the trouble of fixing up a previous trailer and actually "removing" the PS3 brand? -Oh I see Kojima is just playing with us to build up hype. -lol, unfortunately at the same time the more "hype" he "intentionally" creates, the more DOUBT for Sony. -I guess you can say, "Yeah but it will pay off in the end for Sony since its going to remain "exclusive". -True, if that indeed turns out to be the case, but what ab...

6223d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Listen I don't want to get into politics, but yes I would agree their is a somewhat "anti-American" sentiment, not nearly as great an some would like us to believe, I travel all the time(job related). Everywhere I go(mostly Asia) people are very nice and in conversations it seems people that usually have any negative feelings about the US are related to Iraq, obviously they have objections to the War (which is understandable, no sane person likes war)....but I do get the feeling al...

6223d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ha, ha NO sh!t more often than not multiplatform games always sell more than exclusives, listen I won't go into the many factors of why Capcom went with the 360 but it wasn't some big conspiracy(PS3 wasn't even going to be out when it originally was suppose to be released).....and to call it a "non-failure" just shows your bias since both sold over a million which is alot better than alot of games in any market. -lmfao, again just give credit, where credit is due.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would you say?:

"Nice, management is going while artist and programmers are being hired."

-It's not a good or "nice" when anyone who hasn't done anything wrong, loses their job. -Unfortunately it does happen and it doesn't mean any company enjoys doing it but depending on the situation it may be neccessary. Also according to Dave Karraker this was for "restructuring efforts" and "streamling of operations", etc. so tha...

6224d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

"reason being feral is that making resident exclusive to gamecube cost them."

[[Well they made RE:5 multi, so they won't have that problem this gen.]]

"not making a true successor to street fighter cost them."

[[Fighters are not big sellers for anybody right now....that genre has fallen waaaaay off for everybody, yes some are still making good one's but that genre has become pretty stale by todays standards. When was the last re...

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well see that's kind of what I'm getting at when I say the Japanese will buy original established franchises and of course they tend to love the games from homegrown companies that many westerners would consider wierd. The big franchises like FF, MGS, DMC and RE are popular with both audiences but there are tons of Japanese games that are ONLY popular in Japan since they really don't appeal much in the west.

Like I've said before its just a different mindset that they have in ...

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"they risk alienating their own country with western games."

-No its just that those titles were "new" IP's that appealed to western audiences, which is why they enjoyed great sales outside of Japan. Japanese will continue to buy Capcom titles that offer the same franchises they have always loved, just like the other companies you mentioned, all of them have a few games that the Japanese want. In fact in this Famitsu Most Wanted Chart ending on May 10th, Bioha...

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but maybe its only been announced for the PC & 360 so far, which doesn't mean that at some point it might also be announced for PS3.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now that is some blatant bias right there....Deep, I won't pretend that it doesn't happen on both sides, but saying, "Maybe though, they learnt from their mistake." -just doesn't sound creditable IMO. I mean everyone has a preference, and while I don't condone "hating" comments on either console, I do think that reporting positive news or approving negative news of the console for biased reasons is f-kd up.

Also it doesn't state "!" as being a rul...

6224d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I'm just glad they said "enough" to kill any speculation, which doesn't surprise me one bit since I've ALWAYS said that I thought FF would stay on the PS3. I thought SE themeselves have announced some spin-off type games but never the actual FF game for 360 and honestly I don't ever think there was and creditable news of this version of FF ever coming to the 360. Admittedly FF series has never been my cup of tea, but maybe I just never gave it a chance. I never really played ...

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah if I remember correctly this came from some GamerTag radio podcast who claimed Aaron Greenberg told them M$ was going to make a "major" announcement. I remember this is the same guy who thought Texas Hold'em coming to XBLA free for the first to days or something was a major accomplishment -lol.

So if you know anything about this guy at all you would know he's just a PR hat who thinks any news is big news(they all do) but its not like this was some official annou...

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All companies "think" anything they announce is "major", I don't expect much, but I don't know why those who clearly don't like the 360 care so much? -lol, Well then again, yeah I do know why.

6225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

#70.2 "Why o why", so I'm "anti-PS3" according to you?....uhm, I challenge you to quote any of my posts where I "bash", "hate", or say anything negative about the PS3 itself. I own both a PS3 and a 360, but I don't hesitate to say that I favor my 360 much more....and its as simple as personal preference in the type of games I enjoy. -That doesn't mean "I hate the PS3" and I don't go out of my way to spew negativity towards PS3, however I do ...

6225d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment