
CRank: 5Score: 15290

I hate to burst you guys' bubbles (actually I enjoy it and the irony that I have had my n4g bubbles burst too lol) but not only is this news old, but it is outdated because now the hackers are able to use both the dev psn and the regular psn. This is from PS3 hax, I'd post the link but it is considered spam so I'll just post a quote:
"A few days ago we told you about
how you can get online with
Rebug CFW and play on the “dev-
PSN” servers –...

4913d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Here's what the story goes patcher: little guy with limited money hacks big company with lots of money product. Big company with lots of money sues little guy with limited money and wins right? WRONG!! Big company cannot build strong enough case against little guy and at the same time is pelted by hackivist group and realises the eminent loss will set new precedent and decides to back down. Lets face it, if SONY thought they could win this then they would not have approached Geo for a set...

4913d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

Here's what the moral of the story is: little guy with limited money hacks big company with lots of money product.
Big company with lots of money sues little guy with limited money and wins right? WRONG!!
Big company cannot build strong enough case against little guy and at the same time is pelted by hackivist group and realises the eminent loss will set new precedent and decides to back down.
Lets face it, if SONY thought they could win this then they would not...

4913d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

So nobody's gonna say it? Lol @sony realising they couldn't beat him after all. So much for him getting raped in jail. That is all. Big win

4914d ago 5 agree46 disagreeView comment

Oh boy. Here comes the "we want people to get more jobs to afford it" talk.
Maybe sprinkle in "next generation portable doesn't start until we say so"
And of course the ever popular "it is a playstation, of course people will buy it"

4920d ago 9 agree15 disagreeView comment

@mrbeatdown Or maybe you'll stop being an arrogant prick and take your own advice and READ and COMPREHEND before you call people out for not comprehending. I mean I can't even say its the kettle calling the pot black because lo and behold CG actually comprehended before posting.

4920d ago 1 agree17 disagreeView comment

Its competition consists of more than just GT first off.
Secondly, the fact that GT has only 1 game this gen is irrelevant, even if forza had just one game this gen it would still be higher rated since 90 or 92 > 84 anyway.
Why do you think its unfair that GT has only 1 game this gen but you're more than ok mentioning GT's FIVE main games versus Forza's THREE? Why not just the most recent 3 of both??
Your arguement is just lame I have to say. But let ...

4920d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow. Do two lies make a truth?? You having a Girlfriend + you having an x360...maybe you should stick to just 1 major plot in your stories if you want them to be believable, but Cool Story Bro

4920d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Lol are you kidding me with that question? Most people here would like nothing more than to be able to make love to PS3 and bear its children. Most of em would go to war against anyone who dare crosses it. My first day on this site I was greeted by one such devotee, emil10 or something. He made sure I know what ps3 exclusives were releasing this year and how little 'Queers of War'(no offense intended to anyone) was all 360 had.
Gaylo and sh*ttybox were also thrown about.

4920d ago 12 agree36 disagreeView comment

Maybe its just me but I'd say another installment of the the ONLY AAA scoring racing game franchise this gen is pretty big. Forza 4 may not be a shooter but with more sales than Uncharted 2(oh yeah) I'd say it is definately up there with the most anticipated titles of this year

4920d ago 7 agree14 disagreeView comment

Didn't media claim it wouldn't sell because of killzone 3?
Yep, they did

4920d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Did you miss the part where he said THIS GEN?
Also GT5 is 84 not 85. So that makes it 91.4, toss in our dear friend GT PSP 75 and we have 88.6 oops.
We won't even go to the prologues and epilogues and what not because that will really spoil the broth.

4920d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

MrBeatDown: Idiot. He didn't say Sony wasn't having problems. He ONLY SAID HE WASN'T EXPERIENCING ANY. There's a big difference. Reading comprehension FTW
What Joni-Ice really said: NOBODY had problems logging in to PSN
. . .
Indeed, reading comprehension for the win, sadly that did not occur here today. This after calling someone else an idiot, the irony

4920d ago 6 agree17 disagreeView comment

Microsoft glad they took the T-shirt route and not the lawsuit route I'm sure...

4920d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

And you realise that MK vs DC was published by Midway not Warner Bros right

4920d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I genuinely feel sorry for those innocent gamers that this is affecting, nothing quite like having your online fun disrupted like that, but I don't feel sorry for you lot lol.
SONY worshipping gamers will not recieve any sympathy from me, you may just as well be part of SONY they way you act and speak about them. You made them sound like they care so much about you and they really don't.
I'm glad to be called a troll if that means I can say how I feel about SONY...

4920d ago 2 agree22 disagreeView comment

Are you serious?? Is this really a legitimate question? If you owned a shop and I kept people from coming to buy at your shop by throwing stones at them do you think you'll be making alot of money that day? Do you think your customers will be happy to wait it out or do you think those that can will go shop elsewhere?
Are you so desperately in love with SONY that you've convinced yourself they are unaffected by this?
That my friend is just SAD

4920d ago 7 agree20 disagreeView comment

Until it costs as much as a regular 250gb hard drive then in my eyes its still not worth it. Same applies for Live

4922d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sure you say? Pray tell, why are they hiring only 360 experts?

4922d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

So its a polished Confrontation huh?
Is that a compliment or an insult. Are we talking shiny turd or polished gem?

4922d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment